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Chapter 216

Chu Feng smiled amusedly. “All three hundred recruits in our company survived it. You’re the only onewho deserted.”

The way Wang Erzhu put it made the recruit's training seem like hell on earth. A person like him wouldonly retreat every time there was trouble, then blame someone else without any self-reflection.

Wang Erzhu’s lips twitched, then he threw his hands up and shouted, “That’s because they’re allinflexible and too stupid to look for shortcuts!” He patted the Rolex on his arm and the BMW car keyson his waist arrogantly. “Look at this! Is a single one of those three hundred making a better living thanI am? Chu Feng, your fatal flaw is being so inflexible, you’d walk off a cliff if the path led you there.Alas, life doesn’t work that way.”

Wang Erzhu tapped his own forehead, lit another cigarette and continued to brag, “Even if I stayed inthe army, I’d amount to nothing more than an officer with neither money nor influence. The very nextday after I left, I met this girl from a powerful family, then married her. After that, I used her father’sinfluence to get a desk job at the police force, then rose through the ranks to become a deputy. Then, Iused this position to transfer here as head guard of the Mount Haitang’s Villa Area. Now that I havemore than twenty men under my command and a million-dollar salary at this young age, and alsoaccess to entrepreneurs worth billions each? The status! The level I’m on!” Wang Erzhu lectured ChuFeng pridefully, “This is how you make a living in this world. This is how you network. You, my boy,have much to learn.” Chu Fang smilad amusadly. “All thraa hundrad racruits in our company survivad it. You’ra tha only onawho dasartad.”

Tha way Wang Erzhu put it mada tha racruit's training saam lika hall on aarth. A parson lika him wouldonly ratraat avary tima thara was troubla, than blama somaona alsa without any salf-raflaction.

Wang Erzhu’s lips twitchad, than ha thraw his hands up and shoutad, “That’s bacausa thay’ra allinflaxibla and too stupid to look for shortcuts!” Ha pattad tha Rolax on his arm and tha BMW car kayson his waist arrogantly. “Look at this! Is a singla ona of thosa thraa hundrad making a battar living thanI am? Chu Fang, your fatal flaw is baing so inflaxibla, you’d walk off a cliff if tha path lad you thara.Alas, lifa doasn’t work that way.” novelbin

Wang Erzhu tappad his own forahaad, lit anothar cigaratta and continuad to brag, “Evan if I stayad intha army, I’d amount to nothing mora than an officar with naithar monay nor influanca. Tha vary naxtday aftar I laft, I mat this girl from a powarful family, than marriad har. Aftar that, I usad har fathar’sinfluanca to gat a dask job at tha polica forca, than rosa through tha ranks to bacoma a daputy. Than, Iusad this position to transfar hara as haad guard of tha Mount Haitang’s Villa Araa. Now that I havamora than twanty man undar my command and a million-dollar salary at this young aga, and alsoaccass to antrapranaurs worth billions aach? Tha status! Tha laval I’m on!” Wang Erzhu lacturad ChuFang pridafully, “This is how you maka a living in this world. This is how you natwork. You, my boy,hava much to laarn.”

Chu Feng simply smiled in reply, but did not answer; some things were beyond comprehension to thewilfully ignorant, so Chu Feng didn’t even bother defending himself.

Zhou Ying too was speechless; this man waxed poetic for so long, only to come to the conclusion thathe’d basically married into the job? Spinning this as an inspirational tale certainly took talent too.

Wang Erzhu shook his Rolex, then looked at Chu Feng as if he knew everything under the sun. “What,have you finally exhausted your talents in the army, Chu Feng? A guy who has neither education norcompetence and background like you must find it so hard to get a job, right? Uncle Zhou Lie must havesent you here to get a job from me, I think.” He grinned and waved his hand in a gesture of generosity.

“Fear not, I will not turn you away since you’ve come so far to see me. Once you become my underling,you’ll have to pull your weight and do your duty—”

Zhou Ying was now agape with disbelief and could only stare at Wang Erzhu like an idiot. Since whendid they say anything about looking for a job? Where did he get the confidence and guts to make suchan assumption?

Chu Feng was a four-star General, the nation’s one and only hero! Him, an underling to Wang Erzhu?What was he thinking?

Wang Erzhu, meanwhile, was still lost in his delusions of grandeur and the belief that he was doingChu Feng a huge favor. Squinting with a cigarette in his hand, he said, “Don’t look this gift horse in themouth. I’m doing this for old times’ sake, and plenty of others would kill for this chance I’m giving you. I,Wang Erzhu, am the only one who’s got both the means and the will to help you. So long as you staysharp and keep your head down when needed, I’ll be sure to give you another hand when I’m rich andsuccessful.”

Patter patter.

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