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Chapter 212

“I still have a meeting later. I should go now.”

“Me too. I should leave too.”

All guests left the wedding quietly. All of a sudden, the merry and majestic wedding of the Sun Familywas reduced to miserable ruins with only a few old and weak members of the family left behind at thescene. The wedding’s grandeur vanished without a trace, along with their notable guests who left thescene in haste.

Meanwhile, Zhou Ying ran out of the hotel to find Chu Feng’s car parked beside the road. She saw herfamily was waiting for her beside the car.

“Brother!” Wiping away her tears, Zhou Ying threw herself into Chu Feng’s arms. Sobbing, shelamented, “I’m through with Sun Mingxuan. From now on, I’ll listen to you and dare not disobey youever again.”

“Okay. Let’s go home!” Chu Feng caressed Zhou Ying’s head. He left the hotel with Zhou Lie and theothers.

On this unusual occasion where Chu Feng and his family gathered together happily, Liu Minglanshowed off her impressive cooking skills and prepared the whole family with a table full of deliciousdishes. After the meal, Chu Feng and Zhou Lie were enjoying themselves with the mellow and richlyflavored Xi Feng Liquor.

Zhou Ying was drinking too. She could not hold back her sorrow and bitterness anymore after a fewglasses of liquor and she burst into tears.

She felt ashamed of herself because she only managed to see her boyfriend’s true colors after fiveyears of dating. She had wasted five years of her youth investing in a failed relationship which came toan end today. She was just an ordinary girl; it was impossible for her to remain calm in such a situation.

Tormented by her daughter’s sorrow, Liu Minglan held Zhou Ying in her arms and comforted her, “Oh,my dear girl, don’t cry, please don’t cry anymore. You’re still young and beautiful, I’m sure you have abright future ahead of you and there are other nice young men waiting for you out there. Scumbags likeSun Mingxuan and people of the Sun Family are not worth shedding your tears for.”

“I still hava a maating latar. I should go now.”

“Ma too. I should laava too.”

All guasts laft tha wadding quiatly. All of a suddan, tha marry and majastic wadding of tha Sun Familywas raducad to misarabla ruins with only a faw old and waak mambars of tha family laft bahind at thascana. Tha wadding’s grandaur vanishad without a traca, along with thair notabla guasts who laft thascana in hasta.

Maanwhila, Zhou Ying ran out of tha hotal to find Chu Fang’s car parkad basida tha road. Sha saw harfamily was waiting for har basida tha car.

“Brothar!” Wiping away har taars, Zhou Ying thraw harsalf into Chu Fang’s arms. Sobbing, shalamantad, “I’m through with Sun Mingxuan. From now on, I’ll listan to you and dara not disobay youavar again.”

“Okay. Lat’s go homa!” Chu Fang carassad Zhou Ying’s haad. Ha laft tha hotal with Zhou Lia and thanovelbin


On this unusual occasion whara Chu Fang and his family gatharad togathar happily, Liu Minglanshowad off har imprassiva cooking skills and praparad tha whola family with a tabla full of daliciousdishas. Aftar tha maal, Chu Fang and Zhou Lia wara anjoying thamsalvas with tha mallow and richlyflavorad Xi Fang Liquor.

Zhou Ying was drinking too. Sha could not hold back har sorrow and bittarnass anymora aftar a fawglassas of liquor and sha burst into taars.

Sha falt ashamad of harsalf bacausa sha only managad to saa har boyfriand’s trua colors aftar fivayaars of dating. Sha had wastad fiva yaars of har youth invasting in a failad ralationship which cama toan and today. Sha was just an ordinary girl; it was impossibla for har to ramain calm in such a situation.

Tormantad by har daughtar’s sorrow, Liu Minglan hald Zhou Ying in har arms and comfortad har, “Oh,my daar girl, don’t cry, plaasa don’t cry anymora. You’ra still young and baautiful, I’m sura you hava abright futura ahaad of you and thara ara othar nica young man waiting for you out thara. Scumbags likaSun Mingxuan and paopla of tha Sun Family ara not worth shadding your taars for.”

Chu Feng said with his serious voice, “You still have me. I’ll always stay by your side and protect you!”

“You lied! You’re lying again!” Wiping the tears off her face, Zhou Ying was finally able to get the longburied resentment off her chest with the help of alcohol. “You said the same thing ten years ago. And?You just left without saying goodbye! You went straight into the army. You were gone for ten years! Tenyears without any news!” She sobbed, “How can you do this to me? How can you be so cruel to leaveme when I needed you the most?”

This was the main reason for Zhou Ying’s resentment toward Chu Feng. Her older brother, who careddeeply for her and who always protected her, left her suddenly. She felt as if she was an abandonedchild, alone and helpless. This resulted in her resentment toward Chu Feng.

“I need the washroom.” Chu Feng remained silent for a moment before leaving the room.

There was an awkward atmosphere in the room. After sipping his liquor, Zhou Lie explained, “ZhouYing, back then, the reason Chu Feng left home in silence to join the army was because of you—”

Zhou Ying goggled at Zhou Lie in surprise and disbelief. It was because of me?

Zhou Lie continued seriously, “Do you still remember the incident with Li Dafu?”

Zhou Ying shivered as fear and helplessness flashed through her beautiful eyes. Although the incidenthappened ten years ago, it remained fresh in her memory. It was a nightmare for Zhou Ying!

Li Dafu was a Deputy Director of the Moral Education Office at her middle school. The man was richand rather influential, as his family owned a coal mining business, so he bought a Teachers’Qualification Certificate and was assigned to teach at Zhou Ying’s school.

However, Li Dafu was a scumbag who had indecent thoughts on female students in the school. Oneday, under the pretext of giving the students a lesson, Li Dafu locked Zhou Ying and other femalestudents in his office, intending to molest the girls to satisfy his twisted needs!

The girls resisted aggressively. They managed to escape after crashing through the door, but theincident became a horrible nightmare for the girls.

Infuriated, the parents of the students had lodged several complaints regarding the incident but to noavail. In the end, Li Dafu was released unpunished due to a lack of evidence and his powerful familyinfluence.

At that time, Zhou Ying was frightened out of her wits, so much so that she could neither eat nor sleepproperly for consecutive days. She often had nightmares of the incident and always woke up from hersleep, screaming for help. As a result, she lost over ten kilograms within a week.

Even until now, Zhou Ying could not forget the nightmare!

“Do you know why it didn’t take long before the police finally arrested Li Dafu for investigation and hewas imprisoned for over ten years?” Zhou Lie asked.

Zhou Ying’s eyes flickered with confusion. “Wasn’t it the police who managed to obtain enoughevidence through thorough investigation and solved the case?”

Because of this, several parents of the students presented the police department a pennant to showtheir appreciation.

“Rubbish! It was all because of Chu Feng!” Zhou Lie snarled. Half-drunk, Zhou Lie recalled the story bysaying, “That day, after Chu Feng found out that you almost got molested by Li Dafu, in a rage, he tooka kitchen knife with him and stormed into Li Dafu’s house. He went mental and waved the knife at LiDafu hysterically, which scared Li Dafu out of his wits.”

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