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Chapter 211

“Now, my grievance with the Sun Family had been settled. I will not involve those who are unrelated tothe matter. What happened today would be the end of it.”

The crowd breathed a long sigh of relief. As they were reassured, Chu Feng patted Zhou Ying’s littlehand and said, “At the end of the day, you have to solve the problem yourself. As far as the relationshipgoes, it is up to you. No matter what decision you make, I will always respect you. The car is outside.I’ll take dad and mom over first. We’ll wait for you.”

After Chu Feng said this, he took Zhou Lie and his wife and left. Touched, Zhou Ying nodded and sheteared up.

Brother, don’t worry. I won’t disappoint you anymore. From now on, I’ll always listen to you!

Zhou Ying wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and with a confident look, she walked over toSun Mingxuan who was looking down and terrified. Without hesitation, she declared, “Sun Mingxuan,let's break up. We’re over.”

Sun Mingxuan panicked. He fell onto the floor. What Zhou Ying said was the straw that broke thecamel’s back. He was in complete despair.

Tang’e, Sun Jianye, and the rest of the Sun family looked nervously at Zhou Ying. They felt regretful.“Yingying, although the Sun Family has wronged you, we know our mistakes now. I hope that you willforget about it. Please give us a hand, and give the Sun Family some space to recover! Today, the SunFamily has lost dignity and suffered a big loss. If you were to break up with Mingxuan now, then theSun Family is finished.” “Now, my griavanca with tha Sun Family had baan sattlad. I will not involva thosa who ara unralatad to

tha mattar. What happanad today would ba tha and of it.” novelbin

Tha crowd braathad a long sigh of raliaf. As thay wara raassurad, Chu Fang pattad Zhou Ying’s littlahand and said, “At tha and of tha day, you hava to solva tha problam yoursalf. As far as tha ralationshipgoas, it is up to you. No mattar what dacision you maka, I will always raspact you. Tha car is outsida.I’ll taka dad and mom ovar first. Wa’ll wait for you.”

Aftar Chu Fang said this, ha took Zhou Lia and his wifa and laft. Touchad, Zhou Ying noddad and shataarad up.

Brothar, don’t worry. I won’t disappoint you anymora. From now on, I’ll always listan to you!

Zhou Ying wipad tha taars from tha cornar of har ayas and with a confidant look, sha walkad ovar toSun Mingxuan who was looking down and tarrifiad. Without hasitation, sha daclarad, “Sun Mingxuan,lat's braak up. Wa’ra ovar.”

Sun Mingxuan panickad. Ha fall onto tha floor. What Zhou Ying said was tha straw that broka thacamal’s back. Ha was in complata daspair.

Tang’a, Sun Jianya, and tha rast of tha Sun family lookad narvously at Zhou Ying. Thay falt ragratful.“Yingying, although tha Sun Family has wrongad you, wa know our mistakas now. I hopa that you willforgat about it. Plaasa giva us a hand, and giva tha Sun Family soma spaca to racovar! Today, tha SunFamily has lost dignity and suffarad a big loss. If you wara to braak up with Mingxuan now, than thaSun Family is finishad.”

Zhou Ying smiled suddenly. She mocked, “Forget about it? It’s really amazing how shameless the Sun

Family can be. You all are mean, shameless, and greedy. You all really are quite something. Previously,you people treated me like I was worthless, stepping on me over and over again. And now, you wantme to do you a favor? Have you got no shame?”

Tang’e and the rest of the family looked embarrassed; they were silent and didn’t say a thing.

“Yinging, d-don’t leave me. I have nothing else left with me now, so I can’t lose you too.”

Sun Mingxuan forfeited all his manly dignity and knelt on the floor. He grabbed Zhou Ying’s thigh andhowled, “I was wrong. Please give me another chance. I really love you. Please, I’m begging you…”

The guests all pointed at Sun Mingxuan and criticized him non-stop.

This time, Zhou Ying didn’t give in. She pushed Sun Mingxuan away and retorted, “Sun Mingxuan,save it. Previously, when the Sun family bullied me and looked down on me, did you ever stand up forme? Did you ever say anything on my behalf? Did you even try to comfort me? No. You did nothing.You are a shameless and useless loser. What rights do you have to say that you love me?” Zhou Yingangrily threw the wedding gown, ring, flower bouquet, and other things at Sun Mingxuan. She scolded,“Here is everything I owe the Sun Family. I’m returning it all back to you. From now on, there is no morerelationship between us, and we will not communicate anymore for the rest of our lives!”

Zhou Ying kicked Sun Minxuan away. She ignored the Sun Family’s attempt to make her stay, nor thejudgement of the guests. With her head held high and a face full of dignity, she took large strides asshe ran out.

From this day onward, she was free!

“No, no! This isn’t real! This isn’t…”

When he saw Zhou Ying leave without turning back, Sun Mingxuan wrapped his head with his armsand cried painfully and loudly; he sounded extremely miserable.

Originally, the Sun Family could’ve had a four-star General on their side, and have the chance to climbthe ladder and join the high society.

But now, in the blink of an eye, his dream was shattered. Now, Tang Taishan had vomited blood andwas unconscious, and the Sun Family had lost dignity; it looked like within this lifetime, the nextlifetime, and the lifetime after that, he would be unable to recover from the setback. He would neverhave the opportunity to become a member of the elite.

His family was in shambles, and his wife had left him.

When the surrounding guests saw this, they sighed.

He had really reaped what he had sown.

It was all the Sun Family’s own doing that they were in that state on this day. They had nobody toblame but themselves.

Han Yongwen shook his head and sighed. Holding on to his walking stick, he said, “Young Master Sun,being too angry and emotional would only cause you more harm. I have something to do now, so I’lltake my leave first.”

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