The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 1325
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Chapter 1325

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1325

“How unexpected for a greenhorn like you to have achieved such immense inner strength!” said one ofthe masters. All three of them had looks of disbelief and bitter smiles on their faces as they stared atSeamus whose entire body seemed to be steaming with excess heat.

Though Seamus was now panting slightly, it was obvious that he had persevered well in his fight.Knowing that, he then cockily said, “I hope you now understand what my father and second uncle hadmeant! Just surrender already so that lives can be spared! Let this be a warning that if I have tocontinue fighting, I won’t be holding back anymore! Understand that our visit today is solely aimed atRupert! If you don’t wish to die, then step aside!”

Hearing that, all three of the masters could only sigh. Barely any fighting spirit left in them, they werewell aware that if they were unable to take down Seamus even after combining all three of their efforts,then they could certainly forget about ever being Bradley’s opponent.

Seeing that, Rupert and everyone else from the King Valley felt as though they had hit rock bottom.Understanding that there was no longer anything to lose, Rupert glared daggers at the Fairleighsbefore shouting angrily, “Do it!”novelbin

Upon hearing the command, two gunmen instantly revealed themselves from behind the courtyard’smany rocks! Both of them had been hired with massive sums of money, and they had each claimed tobe gods of marksmanship. With that in mind, Rupert had placed them as his last line of defense.

Regardless, just as both of them were about to open fire, Bradley suddenly used his inner strength tolift two stones off the ground before launching them directly at the two gunmen! The stones themselveshit each of them right between their eyebrows, causing both of them to scream in unison as they fell tothe ground!

Up till this point, the Fairleighs had only made their appearance for about ten minutes. Despite thatbeing the case, many of Rupert’s more capable men were already seriously wounded and down for thecount. Though he still had about a hundred and fifty bodyguards at his command, Rupert knew betterthan to increase the casualties for the sake of it. From what he could tell, the only ones left who werecapable of momentarily holding their ground were himself and a few other elders. However, that wasabout it.

As he pondered his next step, Bradley suddenly shouted, “Step back, Seamus. I’ll be taking over fromhere!”

With a frosty glare, Bradley then slowly—and menacingly—began walking toward Rupert.

At that moment, both Fleur and Yenny ran up to the square—utterly panicked and surprised by thehuge mess they were currently witnessing—as they shouted, “Father…!”

By this point, Rupert’s face had gone completely pale. With trembling legs, he then slowly turned tolook at his two beautiful daughters… Though he clenched his fists tightly as he tried his hardest toresist, in the end, he knew he had to do it.

“…Say… Bradley, Hershel… Quite honestly, we never really resented you back then… It was ablessing, really, that your ancestors managed to learn the art of pill-making from our King Valley. Afterall, it eventually led to the creation of Fairleigh Valley! Regardless, I’ve always had a hunch thatSeamus was interested in our Fleur… What say you to us turning this enmity into friendship…?”

“Hah! You really think my nephew likes your Fleur? Let’s cut the bullsh*t and just let me kill you already!Once that’s done, I’ll just take your daughter so that my nephew can satisfy his urges!” scoffed Bradley,not even worried about filtering his words anymore as he began walking menacingly toward Rupert.From what everyone could see, his murderous intent was already overflowing by this point.

At that moment, Myles rushed over to stand before Rupert while shouting, “Master!”

However, the second he got there, Bradley simply smacked his hand against Myles’s shoulder, causinghim to crumble to the ground, completely unable to stand!

Patting Rupert’s face with the back of his hand, Bradley—who was now standing right in front of theman—then said, “You know, once you’re out of the picture, Rupert, Fairleigh Valley will finally be able totake what we’ve always wanted. With that in mind, did you honestly think that we would even need tocovet to your petty bargain?”

“B-Brother Bradley, I admit to my faults…! I was blind back then, so please forgive me…! Before you doanything rash, please remember that your ancestors were only able to make their fortune because ofthe King Valley! With that in mind, you can’t just wipe out the roots of your forefathers…!” pleadedRupert. Now that he had nobody else supporting him, the trembling Rupert knew that he was nodifferent than an ordinary man.

A split second later, Rupert’s right cheek was immediately greeted by a slap!

“‘Can’t just wipe out the roots of our ancestors?’ You talk as though you’re even worthy to call yourselfthat! I’ll say it now that to me, killing you is as easy as squashing a bug! Regardless, once FairleighValley takes over the King Valley’s industry, I’m sure the other valleys won’t have anything to say aboutit, am I correct?”

“Y-yes! It’s as you said! With that in mind, please spare my life, Brother Bradley!” begged Rupert whosimply couldn’t bear the pressure of death anymore. He was so terrified, in fact, that he immediatelyknelt before his daughters and everyone else with a loud ‘thud’ before hugging onto Bradley’s legs andbumping his forehead onto them.

Regardless of how much of a bigshot he was, he was only human and still feared death. He had onlypersevered for so long since he had tasted power and wealth before. In other words, he had been moreafraid of losing his material belongings than death up till this point.

Watching as his former enemy knelt and begged like a dog, Bradley instantly laughed triumphantly, hisdissatisfaction—that he had held in his heart for over ten years—seemingly slowly dissipating.

As for the three masters from before, they could only hold onto their chests, unable to advance norretreat. Sighing internally, all three of them simultaneously thought, ‘Today truly has been a mistake…We’ve now lost everything…’

Looking at how pitiful the once majestic boss of Sunhill Rise currently was, everyone’s hearts feltextremely bitter. After all, no matter how much he knelt or begged for mercy, that man was still theirlord.

“M-Master, you mustn’t do this…! Kneeling today will only make you the joke of the other valleys aswell as our international businessman customers!” said Myles, his eyes reddened.

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