The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 1324
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Chapter 1324

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1324

Among them, however, Rupert seemed to be the most humiliated. Taking in a deep breath, he thennodded before shouting, “Master Croft, Master Jones, and Master Keay! It’s high time we took action!”

Hearing that, the three masters then nodded in unison before turning to look at a young man who wasstanding beside them.

“Go deal with the young master of the Fairleigh family, Peter,” said one of the three masters, promptingthe young man—who was donning tight-fitting clothing—to nod before walking toward Seamus andfacing him.

After Peter made a gesture that suggested that he was saying, ‘after you,’ another of the masters thensaid, “Peter’s the oldest disciple under me, and he’s been training with me for over ten years. He’salready at the final stage of the Nebula Realm, so dealing with this young master shouldn’t be an issuefor him.”

As the three masters took turns nodding confidently, Bradley simply smirked before looking at Peterand saying, “Hah! So they’re sending you out to your death, huh? To think that a mere child like youeven dares to go against my nephew! Make sure not to hold anything back, Seamus!”

“You’re the one courting death,” replied Peter.

Being a young man who practiced martial arts day in and day out, Peter wasn’t about to let himself getaffected by taunts like these.

With nothing to lose, Peter then dashed toward the sneering Seamus who had his arms crossed.

What happened next took place so quickly that the next thing everyone knew, a figure had alreadybeen flung backward! Upon the person’s collision, the impact of it alone was enough to cause the entire

ancient-looking building—that they were flung toward—to quiver!

“P-Peter!” shouted all three of the masters in unison, their eyes now fully widened after witnessing whathad just happened.

His body sticking against the building’s side, everyone could now see that it truly was Peter who hadbeen punched backward. Anyone paying close attention to Peter’s body could tell that it was a punchsince there was a clear fist mark embedded in his chest.

“Humph. It appears that my nephew is still a bit soft-hearted. Rest assured that your disciple isn’t deadyet. Regardless, it’s now your turn…” said Bradley with a grin, bloodlust reflected in his eyes.

Seeing that, all three of the masters felt chills running down their spines. After watching their strongestdisciple fall from a single hit, the trio no longer had the confidence they initially had. Just how vast wasthe difference between their skill levels?

Whatever the case was, in the end, all three of them knew that there was no other way than to bite thebullet.

With that, under everyone’s expectant gazes, the three masters then slowly walked over to faceSeamus before one of them shouted, “Cease this madness at once, you loquacious child!”

“Humph! Is there even a need for me to fear you three pretentious old things? Just come at mealready!” retorted Seamus.

“Don’t get too cocky just yet!” replied another of the three masters. Though the trio knew that together,they were near-invincible, they still couldn’t help but feel irritated by Seamus’s taunting.

With that, all four of them then began gathering their inner strength… And a split second later, bothsides had already exchanged up to eight blows!

To the untrained eye, all they could see were black shadows jumping about in the open space, causingdestruction wherever they landed. To make matters more intense, each blow was so fast that it causedthe air surrounding their fists to whistle!

As the four people fought on, Rupert couldn’t help but break out in cold sweat as he thought, ‘…How…How terrifying…! To think that even the third generation of the Fairleigh family was already thisstrong…!’

After all this time, Rupert finally realized that he had been a textbook example of being a frog in thewell. After occupying Sunhill Rise for over ten years, he had assumed that he was second in the world,bested only by the heavens itself. Why hadn’t he ever considered the fact that there were many othersin the outside world capable of killing him with just a simple pinch?

‘Once this battle is over, no matter what it takes, I’ll definitely have to recruit a bodyguard with at leastthe same amount of strength that Bradley has. Otherwise, nobody would even find out if I were tosuddenly be assassinated!’ Rupert thought to himself as he continued praying that the three masterswould win. If they did end up losing, then those from the King Valley would truly be unable to weatherthrough this catastrophe!novelbin

At that moment, one final explosive sound could be heard as the silhouettes of all four people hoppedback to opposing sides of the field. While one of them stood in the spot he had started from, the otherthree had retreated a good few steps away from where they had begun from.

Everyone’s eyes were now fully widened as chills ran up their spines.

The staggering trio who had retreated were the three masters…

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