The Protector

Chater 2822
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Chater 2822

The Return of the God of War Chapter 2822

The Choice Of Levi

“What? Levi Garrison has taken both of them with him?”

“I would have never believed that Levi did it if it wasn’t for this video clip!”

“Does this mean that he’s collaborating with Lab of Gods? If that’s the case, isn’t he a spy then?”

Everyone could not resist making wild guesses on that.

Meanwhile, Black Hawk was flabbergasted. Dr. Erebus is with Levi Garrison now? But how is thatpossible? Based on Levi’s character, he should have ended Dr. Erebus’ life the moment he sees him!

No… Something is wrong. Levi must have played a trick on Shield, so we would go after the four so-called prime suspects! Before long, the quick-witted Black Hawk managed to get a grasp of thesituation.

He never expected that Levi would take Dr. Erebus away without finishing him off. There must be areason why he is still keeping Dr. Erebus alive!

Even though Dr. Erebus had fallen into Levi’s hands, Black Hawk was suddenly put at ease. At the veryleast, he had a feeling that Levi would surely stop Dr. Erebus from taking any action and thus eliminatethe potential crisis that had been looming over Zarain. Nonetheless, he could not resist getting allworked up as the latter had fooled them.

At the same time, Scindere and Polar, too, were livid at being tricked by Levi.

Moments later, Smythe gave Black Hawk a call, instructing him to bring Dr. Erebus back by hook orcrook.

“Let’s set off now! I’ll get in touch with Levi once we reach Erudia,” Black Hawk announced resolutelyand headed toward Erudia with a large group of fighters. There were even mysterious fighters assignedby Smythe among them.

After the news of Levi taking Dr. Erebus away went viral, all the other forces started heading towardErudia, fanning the flames. In their eyes, Levi must have joined hands with Labs of Gods since he wasgiving refuge to their surviving minion. They even claimed that Levi was the whole world’s publicenemy.

In an instant, the worldwide uproar was snowballing rapidly, resulting in various types of side effects.

Everyone was in a frenzy, be it the Defenders of the Galaxy or the alliance. All of them were pointingtheir fingers at Levi, pining all the blame on him.

Even a few forces that were closely acquainted with Erudia were also lambasting Levi. Everyone couldnot help but suspect Erudia had something up their sleeves.

They presumed Erudia had abducted Dr. Erebus in order to get their hands on the secrets of the Lab ofGods and Dr. Erebus’ techniques. On top of that, they believed Erudia had been scheming so theycould emerge as a new threat just like the Lab of Gods.

The situation seemed to have exacerbated within a short span. In the end, everyone concluded thatErudia was the mastermind manipulating everything behind the scenes.

There was even a rumor that Erudia had colluded with Lab of Gods since long ago. Undeniably, all theLab of Gods’ defensive bases were located in Erudia for the past three years. It could be their tactic to

divert others’ attention as they were confident that the others would not expect them to set up theirbases in spots deemed the most hazardous.

Nonetheless, everyone would rather believe that this was the best evidence to prove Erudia’sdespicability. They could not accept that it was merely a coincidence. Why didn’t they set up theirdefensive bases elsewhere? How is it possible that Erudia didn’t sense anything amiss for the pastthree years? It doesn’t make sense! The only possible explanation is that Erudia must be in cahootswith Lab of Gods!

As time elapsed, there had been widespread speculation among everyone that Erudia was colludingwith Lab of Gods. Subsequently, Erudia became the world’s common foe and was under greatpressure.

Everyone in Erudia was stupefied. Is it true? When did Levi bring Dr. Erebus back?

Clueless about everything, they started blaming Levi for stirring up trouble despite his positive intent.novelbin

Meanwhile, the Dragonites were thunderstruck. Didn’t Levi reassure us that nobody would find outabout this? We only need to let Dr. Erebus stay here temporarily. Did someone let the cat out of thebag? How is it possible that the news has gone viral?

As for the man that was now the talk of the world, Levi was very surprised. Even so, his instinct toldhim that both Dr. Erebus and Digital God were not the ones that had spilled the beans.

“I guess we’d better take our leave as soon as possible now that all kinds of forces are hot on our tails,”Dr. Erebus pointed out analytically.

Wearing a look of sheer disbelief, Levi could not wrap his head around how they had managed to getcaught. D*mn it! Seems like I’ve underestimated them!

“What are we supposed to do now? I bet all the other major forces are heading toward Erudia as wespeak,” Dr. Erebus asked Levi deliberately with a look of innocence.

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