The Protector

Chater 2821
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Chater 2821

The Return of the God of War Chapter 2821

The Attack Of The Ancient Clan

Levi fastened his gaze on the two of them and asked inquisitively.

Ever since he managed to track them down, he was astounded that they seemed to have not made amove yet.

Thus, he wondered how they would seek revenge.

Digital God replied instinctively, “Actually, we—”

Before he could finish, Dr. Erebus cut him off. “Before we could take the first move of our revenge plan,you had already discovered it! We are well aware of the fact that we’ll only shoot ourselves in the foot ifwe strike impulsively against Zarain without proper planning. After all, how much can we do in barelytwenty days?”

Even though Levi had a hunch that Dr. Erebus was keeping something under wraps, he did not senseanything awry on the spot.

Before that, he presumed that the two of them might have invented invincible weapons such asLeviathans to aid in their revenge. It never occurred to him that things would turn out to be the oppositeof what he was thinking. They were not only bare-handed but also did not set up a large-scale testingground or defensive base. It did seem like they were not ready yet, as they claimed.

Little did Levi know that they had no intention of inventing anything, to begin with.

Unequivocally, nobody could deny the existence of ticking time bombs that would go off at any momentin the world. Thus, they only needed to trigger one wittingly and go with the flow when it went off.

Of course, Levi was oblivious to what they had done.

After all, the two men had nothing with them at the moment. Not to mention, Shield had discovered alltheir secret defensive bases.

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In other words, Levi did not think that they would be of any threat as he was convinced that at themoment, they barely even have the strength to retaliate.

After he left, Digital God asked apprehensively, “Don’t you think we’re being too impulsive? I’ve justrealized that there are other countermeasures that we can apply.”

Dr. Erebus nodded. “You do have a point there. But now that the automation system has beenactivated, there’s nothing we can do but to wait for the catastrophic moment.”

On the other hand, the whole of Shield was in a high-strung state as they went about madly searchingfor Dr. Erebus’ whereabouts. Regardless of how they tried to keep the matter under wraps, they stillfound out about it shortly after.

While unleashing his wrath at Black Hawk, he assigned more subordinates to look for Dr. Erebus.

The Defenders of the Galaxy’s capability was beyond imagination. Within an hour, they managed towipe out twenty-eight organizations that were in the midst of tracking down Dr. Erebus.

Their actions sent the whole world into turmoil.

By hook or by crook, Zarain vowed to trace Dr. Erebus’ whereabouts soonest possible.

They knew all too well about the Lab of Gods and had a clear insight that they would be in deep waterif they could not get rid of Dr. Erebus soon.

Thus, they gave it their all tracking down the latter, knowing that they would be doomed if they failed todo so.

In the meantime, the members of the Ancient Clan were either seated or standing around the big roundtable in the ancient castle in Adrune.

“Dr. Erebus actually has high research value for us. How’s it possible for him to be a member ofSacroria when he’s just a human being like us? I bet it doesn’t solely rely on his research but is alsoclosely linked to his formidability. That’s an interesting part that we should look into!” one of themembers pointed out.

“Too bad Levi Garrison has gotten a jump on us! We can’t just let him off!” another member wailed.

“Anyone has any ideas on how we should get the matter resolved?” someone asked.

All the members huddled over and were engaged in a heated discussion.

“Since we’re planning to abduct Forlevia Garrison for our research anyway, why don’t we capture bothDr. Erebus and her in one go?” someone suggested.

“That might just work! If we manage to capture one of them, Levi will be caught off guard. By then,there’s nothing he can do!” another member alongside him yelled out gleefully.novelbin

Someone echoed excitedly, “That’s settled then! Let’s make our move earlier and head for Erudia now!”

Everyone agreed with the former’s suggestion in unison.

Without hesitation, the Ancient Clan gathered their subordinates and headed for Erudia right away.They got fired up and thundered out, “Let’s gather all the men and resources we have at our disposal tosuppress Levi Garrison’s power!”

Shortly after, they were astonished by the overwhelming news. Both Dr. Erebus and Digital God hadbeen taken away by Levi.

On top of that, there was a video clip on how everything happened, resulting in a worldwide uproar. Theclip showed that Levi was together with the duo at the time.

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