The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 578 Yes, It’s You That I’m Hitting
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Chapter 578 Yes, It’s You That I’m Hitting

After hearing the girl's voice, Chen Hao, who was in a daze, was startled.

He took down the towel and turned to look at the girl.

To his surprise, it was Fang Jiannan.

Ever since Chen Hao pretended to be a mute named San and saved her family back in Southwest

Province, he had never been in contact with the Fang Family again.

The only contact he made at that time was helping Yang Xia settle down in the Southwest Province as

well as handing over his business there to her.

They haven’t met for about a year or so.

He didn’t expect to run into Fang Jiannan here. Also, she seemed to be in some kind of trouble.

Otherwise, why would the eldest daughter of the Fang Family end up here in such a state?

Chen Hao stood up.

“Jiannan, why are you here?”

“It really is you, Chen Hao! I didn’t think I would see you here.”

Fang Jiannan's face was flushed and tears were rolling down her face.

As she spoke, she could not help running to him and jumping into his arms.

It had been too long since she had heard from him. With so much going on now, she was completely

stressed out. However, now that he was standing in front of her, her stress seemed to vanish instantly.novelbin

“Hey, everything will be okay!” Chen Hao comforted her.

“Hey, you two! I can't believe the both of you still have the mood to flirt with each other. Jiannan, is this

boy your little boyfriend from the Southwest Province?” Yun Lang asked coldly.

Earlier, he was already pissed off by Chen Hao roaring at them. Looking at them now, his facial

expression turned even darker.

Because the girl he liked was in this person’s arms now.

Yun Lang felt like he was being cheated on in public.

As someone with an ego, he couldn’t bear it anymore.

He clenched his teeth. “Damn it! Today, I’ll show you how this bastard dies!”

Hearing this, many spectators took a step back.

Everyone on Mo Island knew that Young Master Yun was really capable of killing a person.

They were afraid that they would be caught up in the fight, so they wanted to put as much distance as

possible between themselves and Young Master Yun.

“Yun Lang, I'm the reason why grandfather and Miracle Doctor Zuo were blackmailed by you. If

anything, you should take it out on me! Don't harm my friend!”

After Fang Jiannan had calmed down, she realized how ignorant she had been for hugging Chen Hao

out of impulse just now.

Yun Lang was a petty man and now, she had gotten Chen Hao in trouble.

So, she quickly released Chen Hao and said to Yun Lang.

“Chen Hao, leave now!” Fang Jiannan bowed her head and said in a low voice.

“It’s alright. He won’t do anything to you as long as I'm here!” Shaking his head, Chen Hao reassured

Fang Jiannan with a smile.

“I know your capabilities, Chen Hao. You’re the Young Master of the Chen Family. But here in Mo

Island, especially the Yun family, they don’t fear any other powerful families. On the contrary, Chen

Hao, there are many things that you can't imagine in this world. Young Master Yun would actually kill

you. Now go!” Fang Jiannan said hurriedly.

“Trying to make a run for it? It’s not going to be easy. I don’t care if you’re Young Master Chen or Young

Master Xin. If you’re on Mo Island, you all have to bow down to the Yun Family. Now grab him!”

Yun Lang waved his hand.

He already decided that he would torture him to the brink of death and then dispose of him.

Right then, around seven to eight bodyguards rushed toward Chen Hao.

“Stand behind me!”

Chen Hao pulled Fang Jiannan behind him.

“They’re coming!”

The fists of the bodyguards were already almost touching Chen Hao’s face.

Fang Jiannan shouted with concern.

But she didn’t expect Chen Hao to look behind and smiled at her nonchalantly. “Don’t worry, they can’t

hurt me!”


As he spoke, a bodyguard had punched his chest.

There was a dull thud and then the crisp sound of bones breaking.


The leader paled and held his fist to his chest, wailing in pain.

He felt like he wasn't punching a human’s body, but instead, a great, spiky iceberg.

His forearm shuddered from the blow and the bones in his hand were broken into pieces.

This pain was unbearable for any ordinary human!

Chen Hao looked at him and shook his head. Then, he kicked him. The bodyguard’s lower limb bent at

an awkward angle and he went flying backward.

The remaining bodyguards froze for a second but they came for him again.

With incredible speed, Chen Hao kicked at them. One by one, the guards at the front collapsed on the

ground, writhing in pain.

Yun Lang saw everything and his pupils dilated in fear.

His men were the cream of the crop. Even then, they were not a match for this person.

Only a dozen seconds had passed and all of them already went down.

At this time, Chen Hao stroded over to Yun Lang.

“Didn't you say you wanted to relax your muscles?” Chen Hao sneered.

“W-What do you want? This is—ahh!!”

Yun Lang took a few steps back as he warned Chen Hao.

But before he could finish his sentence, he was grabbed by the collar and tossed into the air.


Chen Hao grabbed his shoulder and made him whirl in mid-air.

In no time, all four of his limbs were broken, causing Yun Lang to yelp in pain.

Finally, he tossed Yun Lang aside and he landed onto a lamp post by a corner.

He was completely paralyzed and could only whimper in pain.

Everyone was terrified and gaped at them.

This young man is even more ruthless and stronger than Young Master Yun!

Young Master Yun was actually beaten up by this young man!

Fang Jiannan covered her mouth in shock.

Just a year and a half ago, Chen Hao was still a scrawny boy who had limited knowledge of martial


But now, his skills had obviously reached a terrifying level.

Just then, a group of bodyguards in black marched over to them.

The tourists were frightened by their air of menace and gave way to them.

These bodyguards did not spare a glance at the people wailing on the floor and walked directly to Chen


“Young Master Chen, we have already contacted him and he is already preparing the information. He

will come over tonight,” one of his bodyguards reported.

“Okay!” Chen Hao nodded.

Then, he looked at Fang Jiannan, who seemed to be in a daze, and asked “Jiannan, you mentioned

earlier that your grandfather and Zuo Zhongtao were in trouble. What happened?”

After he had saved the Fang family, he went off to Jin Ling to settle his affairs with the Mo Family. He

then taught Zuo Zhongtao some medical skills and told him to help the Fang Family in any possible


Without a strong enemy, though the Fang Family wouldn’t go back to their former days of glory, they

would still be able to prosper.

Who would have thought they would end up in this place.

“I… I…”

Fang Jiannan then broke down in tears. Chen Hao knew it might be hard for her to tell him the whole

story now thus he brought her to his room.

Outside, several of Yun Lang’s friends stood below the lamp post and looked up at Yun Lang, who was

a dozen meters up above. Right now, his face was turning paler and blood trickled from his mouth.

He was drifting in and out of consciousness as if he was about to die.

His friends were terrified and they took their phones out hurriedly and dialed…

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