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Chapter 577 Conflict

In the depths of the ocean, a simply-decorated huge bronze submarine glided past Chen Hao’s fleet.

Its existence was like some kind of force. Even the detector couldn’t detect or identify what was this

huge rusty unadorned thing.

Soon, this gigantic bronze submarine continued to sink lower to the seabed.

Various sea monsters saw it and fled for their lives.

Finally, the bronze submarine gradually vanished from their sight and the depths of the ocean resumed

its calmness, but the currents remained strong because of the tsunami.

Chen Hao’s fleet picked up their speed and by nightfall, they had reached Mo Island.

According to the map, Chen Hao deduced that Mo Island was a milepost that marked the end of the

first half of their journey to the Sea Palace geographically. At the same time, according to the mural,

this was the place where the old beggar and the thirty-six people had rested during their journey.

Back then, there were only a few fishing villages on Mo Island.

Also, this was the place where the great vessel of the League of the Sun had appeared.

It had risen into the air and scared the thirty-six people who were present.

There was another mystery that remained unsolved. The team that the old beggar brought to the Sea

Palace consisted only of twenty-seven people after the appearance of the vessel.

Nine people had mysteriously vanished.

So, were they killed on Mo Island?

How is it possible? All thirty-six people were ordinary people, so the old beggar had no reason to kill


Chen Hao pondered over this matter.

Their fleet had arrived at the harbor.

Chen Hao stopped his mind from wandering and started to size up Mo Island.

Thousands of years had passed and Mo Island was no longer a fishing village, but a city.

Passenger ships that came from all over the world would pass through here, so this island had become


The night crept down upon the island.

But Mo Island was brightly lit as though it was daytime.

The main streets in the city were bustling with people.

There seemed to be a grand event going on.

“Today is Saint’s Day on Mo Island. It’s held every three years,” Gu Yuxiao, who was standing beside

Chen Hao, said lightly.

“Saint? What kind of saint?”

“How should I know?” Gu Yuxiao replied mildly.

Chen Hao chuckled with resignation and ordered his men to arrange their accommodation.

“I think the Sacred Sect and the pope of the Sacred Sect gathers the people on Mo Island to celebrate

for him on this day.”

Gu Yuxiao saw that Chen Hao ignored her, so she tried to come up with something to say.

“Then he really likes putting up airs by having others celebrate him.” Chen Hao nodded. “Could it be

possible that this pope has the power to block tsunamis?”

“Come to think of it, Mo Island has always been safe from tsunamis!” Gu Yuxiao replied.

“Then it is strange.”

Since they were here, apart from settling his men and planning for the next few days, Chen Hao

wanted to find the local government official the most to see the history of this city. After all, the League

of the Sun had once been on this island.

There might be traces left behind by the League of the Sun.

Regarding this matter, Chen Hao had already given orders to his men on the ship.

They would be resting in a grand villa on the island.

There were hot springs on the island.

Chen Hao was relaxing in a hot spring while waiting for the locals to bring him historical documents of

the island.

In a hot spring next to Chen Hao was a bunch of young masters and young ladies in fancy clothes,

making a lot of noise. Chen Hao was irritated with them.

However, Chen Hao was not one to look for trouble, so he ignored them.

“Tell her to come over. My muscles are aching. Tell her to help me relax my muscles!”

Just then, a young master snapped his fingers and ordered one of his men.

“Young Master Yun, I don’t think that’s appropriate. After all, Old Master said she is an honored guest,”

his man reminded him.


But he was rewarded with a hard slap on his face.

“I’m telling you to go get her. What’s wrong with that? What kind of honored guest is she? She’s asking

a favor from our family,” Young Master Yun scoffed.

“Young Master Yun, why don’t you let it go? Although she is really beautiful, she is too feisty. She

knows martial arts too,” some young masters reminded him as well.

“I’m not afraid of her. Ask her to give me a massage. F*ck, it’s killing me that my dad won’t let me touch

her. Is it a problem for her to come help me relax my muscles?” Young Master Yun sneered.

Then, his man clutched his face and went to fetch the girl that Young Master Yun was talking about.

Soon, the girl arrived.

She was indeed very beautiful. The moment she arrived, she had attracted many boys’ attention, and

even some girls’.

“Ha, look, there she is. If she didn’t come over, I promise that her grandfather will not make it through

tonight!” Young Master Yun roared with laughter.

Then, he lay beside the hot spring and waited for the girl to give him a massage.

“Give him a massage! You have to ride on his body for the massage.”

Seeing the unmoving girl, several young masters urged.

She blushed immediately and her face was filled with hatred. If she could, she would kill this man in

front of her right now.

She was hesitating whether to give him a massage or not.

If she didn’t do as he said, then her grandfather and the miracle doctor…

“Quickly! Climb on his back!”novelbin

The chants of the group grew louder.

“Damn it, keep it down!”

Chen Hao was next to them in the hot spring. He couldn’t help but remove his towel from his face to

roar at them.

Chen Hao’s voice was penetrating and intimidating.

His roar made several girls shut up instantly out of fear.

Some boys even shuddered.

Chen Hao didn’t want things to turn out like this. He was thinking that they could continue on their little

game and he would ignore them completely. However, they were too rowdy and were bullying others,

which made Chen Hao angry.


The leader of the team was obviously Young Master Yun, and he smacked the edge of the pool.

Just then, he was also frightened by Chen Hao’s roar.

When he finally stepped out of his daze, he felt extremely humiliated.

“You brat, do you want to die? How dare you yell at me? How dare you?” Yun Lang shouted.

Then, he stood up. Instantly, numerous men with sunglasses stood behind him.

There were a lot of hot springs around them, and many customers were there.

Everyone saw how Chen Hao roared at Young Master Yun.

The people around them all quieted down to watch.

“Who is this guy? Who dares to talk to Young Master Yun like that on Mo Island?”

“Yeah, who is he? Does he have a death wish? He’s the first one to tell Young Master Yun to shut up.”

“Oh no, he may not know that his fate will be changed with this roar!”

The people surrounding them stopped playing around and looked at them.

Of course, Chen Hao didn’t bother to see how this Young Master Yun would deal with him.

After roaring, he put his towel back on his face and closed his eyes to continue resting.

But the girl who was bullied by Yun Lang went over to Chen Hao and asked tentatively, “Chen… Chen


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