The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 555 Great Advancement
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Chapter 555 Great Advancement

There was a new piece of memory in Chen Hao’s mind, one that did not belong to him.

There was too much information inside his head.

In fact, there was even a huge variety of martial arts moves.

It seemed like he had already mastered all of them, especially one about breathing.

Now, whenever he breathed, his body would automatically follow the steps in his head.

Chen Hao thought this was amazing.

In his mind, he seemed to have some additional memories too.

However, they were blurry and Chen Hao couldn’t recall any of them even if he wanted to.

Is it because of this pendant?

Its impact didn’t stop here.

Chen Hao felt that his powers had advanced greatly.

He stretched out his palm and mustered his Inner Energy.

A hot energy was then released from his palm.

“This Inner Energy could be used for defense and offense. I’m officially a Grandmaster now!”

Chen Hao was surprisingly elated.

His Inner Energy was increasing at a magical speed as he breathed.

This gust of Inner Energy was obviously different than before.

It was wilder.

Chen Hao drew his Feather Sword and practiced on the spot.

With his new inner strength, he felt invincible.

The sword could already release its wrath on an object before it even got to it.

A gigantic rock that was a dozen meters away was cut into half by Chen Hao.

His Inner Energy increased even more when he was active.

Is this the power of a Grandmaster?

Why do I feel that the strike earlier was several times stronger than that of grandpa’s and Mo


If I used my full strength, I don’t think Mo Canglong with his Magical Mirror would be able to withstand

the blow, Chen Hao mused.

However, Chen Hao wasn’t being arrogant.

He genuinely felt that would be the case.

“Grandpa said that the most mysterious state was that of a Grandmaster and nobody knows what lies

beyond. I am certain that I have already surpassed the state of a Grandmaster!” Chen Hao speculated.

He glanced at the jade pendant again.

The dark silhouette had told him a lot of fragmented information.

He seemed to be very bleak and reluctant.

He had passed all this information to Chen Hao, as if he wanted him to carry out a task. At the end, it

sounded like he yelled, ‘I am you and you are me!’

Could I be the reincarnation of this God?

Chen Hao looked at the corpse again.

I’m taking the pendant with me. There are still a lot of unsolved mysteries about this Longevity Coffin. I

will seal this cave as I go out and when I find all the answers, I will return, Chen Hao secretly swore.

He then placed the pendant inside his pocket.

After all, there was a person who looked exactly like himself. Chen Hao couldn’t make heads nor tails

of it so he didn’t dare to do anything rash at the moment.

Just then, the python seemed to want to tell him something.

It flicked its tongue and went beside the fresco.

It pointed to the image which showed the night before the burial. The old beggar had prevented the

woman in white from being buried with the corpse.

It specifically pointed at the woman in white.

“What do you mean? Are you saying that you want me to find this woman in white?” Chen Hao


The python nodded its head.

Then, it looked at the coffin and the pendant in Chen Hao’s pocket.

Chen Hao asked, “Is this what that dark silhouette wanted? He wanted me to help find her?”

The python nodded again.


Chen Hao suddenly remembered the strange dream that Shen Lan had before he came to the desert.

He recalled the Hidden Mountain, the stone figure of the lady in white and the same lady who would

later appear when he died as prophesied in the Sun Totem.

The woman in white again?

Are they the same person?

This is becoming more and more complicated. I have to go back and see if I can find any answers from

the Sun Totem! Chen Hao decided inwardly.

Then, he placed the lid back onto the coffin.

At the same time, he cast spells around the coffin according to his memory so that the corpse would be

better protected.

“Thank you for your help. Soon, I’ll come back and sort out everything,” Chen Hao said as he patted

the python’s head.

The python nodded.

Then, Chen Hao left.

As a matter of fact, although his appearance didn’t change, Chen Hao wasn’t aware that he was

emanating a different kind of aura.

He slowly went through the low and flat corridor.

He planned to seal the entire corridor as well.

After he got out, Chen Hao stretched and exhaled deeply.

The dark wind outside had already stopped.

I have to move some boulders over here, Chen Hao thought.

Then, he went to a corner and shifted some boulders over to the entrance of the corridor to seal it.

“Hahaha! Stupid boy, I have waited ten days for you! Now, you finally came out!”

Suddenly, a roar rang out from the sky.

Following that, a silhouette jumped down from a short cliff and landed next to Chen Hao.

“Ten days. I thought you died inside but I had my doubts! Thank goodness I have waited or else you

would have escaped!” Mo Canglong cackled.

Chen Hao was startled. “So I was unconscious for ten days? I thought I was only out for a night!”

“Did you pass out from fright in the cave? You were fortunate enough to be spared by the python!

Looks like fate wanted me to have your body after all!” Mo Canglong said with a cold grin.

At that moment, Chen Hao discovered that Mo Canglong was less composed as compared to ten days


It seemed like he had a rough ten days at this place that was roaring with black winds.

“Huh? Why did you block the entrance? Is there some big secret in that cave?” Mo Canglong suddenlynovelbin


“Yes, there were lots of mysteries that I was unable to solve but I have some leads. I’m sealing the

entrance now but I will be back,” Chen Hao replied honestly.

“What? Do you mean that you have discovered the secrets in the cave? What is it?”

Mo Canglong became excited and his eyes glinted with greed.

Immediately, he whirled around and tried to move a boulder.

However, the boulder wouldn’t budge regardless of how hard he tried.

“Why is this so heavy?” Mo Canglong’s face turned puce.

“I cast some spells on it. You won’t be able to move it with only your strength,” Chen Hao said with a


“Spells? What spell?” Mo Canglong asked in surprise.

Chen Hao explained, “In short, it’s borrowing the power of nature, which is something like the force of

the magnetic field. With your power, do you think you could fight against the force of the magnetic field

of the world?”

Mo Canglong’s eyes widened. “What? W-Where did you learn to do it? In that cave?”


“No wonder Chen Diancang did everything in his power to send you here. Within the cave lies such

knowledge, this really is a godsend! Even the heavens are helping me!” Mo Canglong grinned.

Then, he looked at Chen Hao coldly.

“No wonder your aura seems different than before when you came out. You had such an extraordinary

encounter but alas, you have told me everything. From now on, I will be the only one who knows about

this secret. Chen Hao, either way you are going to die today! Don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Mo Canglong pounced toward Chen Hao and punched his chest with

the aim to kill…

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