The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 554 Longevity Coffin
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Chapter 554 Longevity Coffin

The python nodded its head once again.

If this wasn’t happening in front of his eyes, Chen Hao would have never believed it to be true.

Furthermore, this python in front of him was older than his ancestors.

“Why didn’t you kill me? The old beggar brought you here to be the guardian of the tomb. Shouldn’t you

kill everyone who enters the tomb?” Chen Hao asked curiously.

The great python flicked its tongue and pointed at the fresco.

Then, it turned its head around clumsily and looked at the Longevity Coffin.

It was shown on the fresco that the old man had taken it into the tomb for ten days.

Then it pointed at the Longevity Coffin.

It looked like the ten days were related to the coffin.

What the python meant was that Chen Hao could no longer find any clues from the fresco.

If he wanted to know more, the answer laid within the Longevity Coffin.

“You want me to open the coffin?” Chen Hao asked tentatively.

The python nodded its head.

Chen Hao then took a deep breath and walked toward the colorful platform.

The entire platform was made up of colorful rocks.

The Longevity Coffin, translucent as if it was carved from jade, floated on top of the rocks.

It looked like a sublime piece of art, dazzling everyone who laid eyes on it.

When Chen Hao came closer to the coffin, he could see a dark silhouette resting inside of it.

It should be the corpse of the God.

Though Chen Hao couldn’t see it clearly yet, his silhouette was visible.

It really is the Longevity Coffin. Any corpse that was placed in it would never decay.

Is this God really a God from the heavens?

Chen Hao suppressed his curiosity and lifted the lid of the coffin slowly.

Right then, the God’s corpse in the coffin was in plain sight.

But after taking just one look at the corpse, Chen Hao’s eyes glazed over.

At that moment, his heart skipped a beat.

“How is this possible?”

Chen Hao’s eyes widened as an unusual shock and fear swept over him.

He was terrified because the body lying in the coffin was… Himself?!

To be exact, a person who looked exactly like him was lying in the coffin.

He was clad in golden armor along with a white robe and had long hair.

But his face is exactly the same as mine!

How is this possible?

Chen Hao repeated this question in his mind. Bewildered, he unconsciously took a few steps back.

He averted his gaze to the python and it was looking back at him respectfully.

No wonder it didn’t kill me and behaves respectfully toward me.

It thinks that I’m the master of the tomb, Chen Hao thought.

The python flicked its tongue again and signaled Chen Hao to look next to the corpse.

Chen Hao followed the direction it indicated and saw a scroll lying next to the corpse.

On top the scroll was a round jade pendant.

The python wanted him to open it.

Suppressing his fear, Chen Hao took it out.

After he unrolled the scroll, he saw many ancient characters scribbled all over it.

A few days ago, Chen Hao had asked Professor Yang about these characters.

Therefore, Chen Hao could understand fragments of the content.

“This should be the biography of this person!” Chen Hao read, “There’s something about his wife, the

League of the Sun, and humans. The last few characters seems to be about some kind of destruction.”novelbin

Unfortunately, Chen Hao could only understand these few words.

The scroll mentioned something about his wife and the League of the Sun. So was the death of this

God related to the League of the Sun? And also, what did it mean by destruction?

Would humans be destroyed?

Chen Hao’s head was exploding with questions.

He asked the python, “This doesn’t seem to be the will of this corpse, is it?”

The python shook its head.

“I get it now. This scroll was left behind by the old beggar who brought you here, am I right?” Chen Hao


The python nodded.

Chen Hao was astonished. “Who is this old beggar? How is he powerful enough to know so many


The python shook its head again.

“What do you mean? Exactly what is the League of the Sun all about?”

Anxious, Chen Hao broke into a sweat.

He was especially alarmed when he saw a person looking exactly like him lying in the coffin.

Could it be possible that reincarnation is actually real?

There were many unsolved mysteries.

The person who has guided me here should know everything, but who is he?

With doubt on his mind, Chen Hao took the round jade pendant and observed it again.

There were lots of complicated patterns on it.

He didn’t know if he was hallucinating but he felt that the patterns were moving.

Intrigued, Chen Hao took a closer look.

The patterns started moving even quicker.

This made Chen Hao feel dizzier and dizzier.

Chen Hao shook his head and suddenly, his vision went black and he fainted.

Even so, Chen Hao was still slightly conscious.

He felt that his limbs were cold. With much difficulty, he managed to open his eyes.

A huge cave appeared before him.

It was brightly lit inside.

There was a small stream that flowed slowly out of the cave.

Beside the stream, stood a dark silhouette with his hands behind his back.

“You’re finally here,” the dark silhouette said to Chen Hao indifferently.

“What do you mean ‘finally here’? Who are you?” Chen Hao asked, bewildered.

“I have waited for you for so long,” he said.

“Remember, the stronger you are, the more people you need to protect, especially the one you love.

Don’t let her down!” The dark silhouette continued.

Chen Hao was confused as ever. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I only want to know why I

look exactly like the God in the coffin. Are you that God?”

“You will know soon.” The dark silhouette’s voice was bleak.

“What is the League of the Sun? My lover seemed to be taken by the League of the Sun and there is

still no news from her,” Chen Hao asked.

“Everyone will die because of it, everyone!” the dark silhouette said.

“You’re not telling me anything but can you at least tell me how do I protect my loved ones?” Chen Hao

asked insistently.

Just as he finished speaking, he felt dizzy again.

But this dizziness was different from before.

He could feel countless information surging into his brain.

His head felt like it was on the verge of exploding.

There’s just too much information!

My head… The pain is excruciating!

Clutching his head, Chen Hao screamed in pain and rolled on the floor.

He couldn’t tell where he was or what was happening.

His head was in so much pain.

Yet, the dark silhouette was still talking to him, “From now on, you have to be cautious and beware of

the people around you because I am you and you are me!”

“I’m dying, help me!” Chen Hao gurgled.

White foam came out from Chen Hao’s mouth as he writhed on the floor with his eyes rolled backward.


Finally, the information on his brain seemed to become a medium and exploded.

Chen Hao spewed blood and stopped struggling. He passed out right away.

Tap… Tap!

After a while, the sound of water dripping rang beside Chen Hao’s ears.

Then, he slowly woke up.

He got to his feet and found out that he was still in the tomb.

The python was looking at him concernedly.

“I’m not dead?” Chen Hao was somewhat relieved.

But then his grin froze because he found out there was something new in his memory!

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