The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 453 Metamorphosis Part 2
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Chapter 453 Metamorphosis Part 2


At this moment, a girl with a ponytail came out from the kitchen carrying some dishes.

When she saw that the young man had been beaten up, she quickly put down the dishes and rushed

toward him.

“Why did you hit my brother?”

The girl launched herself toward them and asked them with her eyes all red.

“Why did I beat him? Hmph! Just look at this, he has soiled my clothes. How could this restaurant hire

such a muddle-headed waiter like him? Don’t you think he deserves a beating? Damn it! So how

should we settle this then? If you don’t compensate me for my clothes, I will destroy your restaurant!”

said the woman coldly.

“Please don’t destroy the shop! Please don’t!”

The young man was so frightened that he cried. Immediately, he sat up on the floor and begged.

“Brother, you don’t have to beg them,” said the girl anxiously.

The girl seemed to be in her early twenties.

Obviously, she was a hardworking and sensible girl.

When the group of people saw that both of them were easy pickings, they started to get more rowdy.

The guys behind Mr. Biao started to loosen up their joints. Following that, a series of knuckle and neck

cracking sounds were heard.

The surrounding people started to become anxious. It seemed that the siblings could not prevent those

people from smashing up the restaurant. How pitiful!

“What happened here? Why are you guys fighting?”

Just then, a youth who wore a cap returned with a woman on his electric three-wheeler. Apparently,

they were out to buy some ingredients.

When the woman saw that a fight had broken out inside, she quickly jumped down and walked into the


The youth in the cap looked calm. He merely gave the insides of the restaurant a glance before

withdrawing his gaze. With a cigarette in his mouth, he started unloading the stuff from the electric


“Mother, it’s them. They have beaten up Brother!” said the girl quickly.

“Mother, they have beaten me up!”

The young man also sat up and began to cry.

“Hu Zi, don’t be scared. I am here!”

“Why did you beat him up?”

The woman was impatient.

“Why? Because your idiotic son soiled my clothes! That’s why!” said the woman as she crossed her


“It’s just a piece of clothing, I will compensate you for it. How much money do you want? I will get even

with you later for beating up my son. Why don’t you inquire around first? Then you’ll know that even

though I’m a widow, I am not someone to be trifled with!” the woman roared.

“Fine. Take a look at this properly. My dress is a luxury item from Hermès. It is brand new and I only

just wore it today. It cost me more than 90,000,” said the woman.

When Li Mei heard this, her temper almost died down instantly.

“H-How much? 90,000? What kind of dress is that expensive?”

After all, she ran an agricultural business with an annual income of only 50,000 to 60,000. Just by

spilling some vegetable soup, she had to compensate 90,000 for it?

“Haha! Country people are so ignorant. Haven’t you heard of Hermès before?” said the woman proudly.

At that moment, Li Mei was speechless.

When she took a look outside and saw that these people drove a Land Rover G500, she knew that

they weren’t someone to be trifled with.

At that moment, she was put into a difficult position.

The customers in the shop also gave her a sympathetic look.

She had no other choice other than to admit that she was indeed unlucky.

Just when both sides were preparing to have a confrontation, unbeknownst to everyone, the youth in

the cap had walked in after unloading the stuff outside just now.

He went over to the woman’s side. As she was wearing a long dress, he grabbed the area near the

woman’s thigh and started feeling the material of the dress.


The woman let out a shrill scream.

“Y-You, what do you think you are doing?”

Mr. Biao was pissed. He then moved his neck from side to side, producing some cracking sound. It was

obvious he was getting ready for a fight.

“It’s a fake!”

The youth in the cap shook his head and said, “You have been deceived.”

At the same time, the youth took off his cap, put it aside and flicked his cigarette butt away.

The moment he removed his cap, the crowd in the restaurant finally saw his face clearly. Although this

youth looked thin, he gave off quite an intimidating aura. Moreover, he had a good-looking face.

When the woman heard this, she started to feel anxious.

“Are you blind? This is the real thing! How could you say it is a fake? I think you just don’t want to

compensate me for the dress. I guess you won’t know how powerful I am unless I give you a beating.”

The woman threw Mr. Biao a wink.

Mr. Biao and his men instantly surrounded the youth.

“Fine then. I know that you guys are powerful. However, I never tell a lie as to whether it’s a fake or an

authentic item.”

With that, the youth grabbed the woman’s dress and ripped it apart.


The woman let out another shrill scream.

“If you don’t believe me, you can take a look yourself. The authentic luxury item from Hermès uses a

special raw material. However, take a look at this. This dress is made out of cotton fibers. I guess you

got this smuggled good from another place. It is worth 2,000 at most!” said the youth.

The woman wanted to curse again.

Nonetheless, she was shocked when she heard his words.

Even Mr. Biao who wanted to start a fight was stunned as well.

Both of them looked at each other.

It was because this youth was right. The dress was indeed a smuggled good which they had bought for

1,999 after a discount as it was a counterfeit.

“Hence, we will only pay you 2,000 for it,” said the youth with a smile.novelbin

“Madam Mei, please bring 2,000 here.”


Madam Mei nodded her head.

The youth then gave the money to Mr. Biao.

On the other hand, Mr. Biao was humiliated by this youth in front of the crowd. More importantly, the

youth actually took advantage of his own girlfriend. How dare the youth tore up his girlfriend’s dress

without permission?

Moreover, he actually pointed out that the dress she wore was a counterfeit item in front of the crowd.

If he were to leave just like that, then he would be better off dead.

“You really are something. Even if this is a counterfeit item, how dare you rip my girlfriend’s dress?!

Just by this alone, I will make sure you never walk again!”

Mr. Biao was pissed.

He threw a punch directly to the youth’s face.


A sound was heard.

Mr. Biao’s fists were caught by the youth directly.

Then, the youth exerted a small amount of force.

“Ah! Ouch! Ouch!”

Mr. Biao screamed in agony.

At the same moment, terror welled up inside him.

Although he was bigger than this youth, how could this youth have such a powerful arm strength?!

“Do you wish to fight? Then that is a whole different story!”

The youth smiled.

He exerted another force with his wrist and a cracking sound was heard from Mr. Biao’s arm as it bent

upward at an awkward angle.

Following that, the youth lifted his leg and kicked Mr. Biao away. He then fell backward with his head

over his heels.

“Ah! My arms!” Mr. Biao screamed in agony.

His lackeys were dumbfounded.

Just now, when the youth was able to catch Mr. Biao’s fists, and he was able to exert such a

tremendous force that a cracking sound was heard, they felt that this youth was formidable.

With his skills, it was inevitable that they would get their bones crushed if they were to get into a fight

with him.

Hence, at that moment, they did not dare to move.

“Don’t worry, the pain won’t last for long.”

The youth squatted down.

Mr. Biao, who was shouting in agony just now, was currently looking at this obviously deformed arm.

Indeed, the pain had actually subsided.

However, with the way that his arm was bent, it was definitely terrifying to look at.

At the same time, when he saw the youth looking at him with a faint smile, he realized how horrifying

he looked.

With his face full of sweat, he asked, “Y-You, what do you want?”

The youth smiled and gave him a pat on his shoulders. “Mr. Biao, there are many customers here, so I

cannot do anything to you. Didn’t you want some sort of compensation? Come, let’s go out and have a


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