The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 452 Metamorphosis Part 1
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Chapter 452 Metamorphosis Part 1

“Mr. Qin, what do I need to learn?” asked Chen Hao.

“You have to learn everything that I know, so take your time. Chen Hao, you have a good physique. For

the past seven days, I have picked these herbs especially for you. You just need to soak yourself in

these herbs to strengthen your physique, coupled with my acupuncture treatment, you can rest assured

that I will make you into a skilled fighter!”

“You were picking these herbs for me the past seven days?”

Chen Hao was extremely touched when he heard this.

He couldn't help but think back to their first meeting, and his attitude toward Mr. Qin then. At the samenovelbin

time, he also recalled the help that Mr. Qin gave him whenever he was around.

Even now, Mr. Qin still had his best interest at heart.

Although Mr. Qin wasn’t his real grandfather, Chen Hao felt closer to him compared to his own.

At that moment, in order to live up to Mr. Qin's expectations, Chen Hao nodded his head solemnly.

Hence, Chen Hao stayed behind in the village and followed Mr. Qin wherever he went.

In a blink of an eye, six months had passed…

At this moment, in the Chen family’s secret room in the Southern region.

“Are there any news of Chen Hao?”

Over the past six months, Chen Jindong looked much older now. Even his hair had turned white.

On the other hand, Yang Yuping had been crying every single day.

“Master, when I was escorting Young Master Chen to the Southwest region back then, we were

pursued by some forces there whereby I stayed behind to protect Young Master Chen. I only knew that

he went to a village to seek out an elderly person with the surname Qin. After Miss Su told me the

address, I secretly went there a couple of times. However, that place had long been evacuated, and

they had disappeared without a trace.”

Li Zhenguo had not been sitting around idly, instead, he had been secretly looking for Chen Hao for the

past six months.

Unfortunately, after searching for half a year, it seemed that Young Master Chen had vanished from the

surface of the Earth. There was no news of his whereabouts at all.

“It’s all your fault. If you had been tougher back then, Chen Hao wouldn’t have to leave the family. As of

now, we don’t even know whether he is dead or alive,” said Yang Yuping anxiously.

Chen Xiao cried as she tried to console her mother.

“Chen Hao did not bring along his identity card, and he lost his bank cards as well. Moreover, he is

being hunted by that b*stard, Mo Changkong. Where could he have hid himself? What if he had

already fallen into Mo Changkong’s hands,” said Yang Yuping as she got more frightened.

“I don’t think so. If Chen Hao had fallen into Mo Changkong’s hands, he would definitely use Chen Hao

to threaten me at the first opportunity. He had been making up excuses these past six months, but he

hasn’t found him yet, right? Otherwise, Chen Hao would have definitely been his biggest bargaining

chip. By then, he knows that we would cooperate with him. Hence, he would have threatened us earlier

if he had found Chen Hao,” said Chen Xiao.

“Xiao is right. Don’t worry, I believe in our son. He will definitely be alright. Su Ziyue, can you help your

aunt back to her room to rest?” said Chen Jindong.

Su Ziyue also shed some tears as she stood by the sides. At that moment, she nodded her head and

said, “Yes, uncle.”

“Ok, everybody, please leave now. I need some time alone,” said Chen Jindong.

After everybody left, Chen Jindong put his hands behind his back. His face was filled with sorrow.

“Chen Hao, where have you hidden yourself? If I had known earlier that this would happen, I would

have sacrificed everything than let you take such a huge risk upon yourself.”

Chen Jindong’s original plan was…

Although Chen Hao had severed his ties with the Chen family, how could he just leave him be like that?

He would have definitely sent out the Chen family’s best fighters to protect him in secret. In short, he

would not allow Mo Changkong to find an excuse to harm him.

It wasn’t a difficult plan.

However, not only did he overestimate the ability of the skilled fighters he had trained over the past few

years, he had severely underestimated Mo Changkong’s subordinates as well.

That night in the Qing City six months ago, if it weren’t for his subordinates’ indomitable attitude, Chen

Hao wouldn’t have been able to escape.

Chen Jindong clenched his fists.

Although he was rich, he finally came to realize that money wasn’t everything.

He did not know what to do anymore. He really had no idea at all!


At this moment, his butler, Fu, walked in.

“What’s wrong?”

“Mo Jian from the Mo family took a liking to the Cloud Mansion that the Young Master bought in Jin

Ling. He wants to know how much you are willing to sell it for.”

“You mean Mo Changkong’s third son, Mo Jian?”

Chen Jindong clenched his fists.

“That’s him.”

“Haha! In the past six months, has he ever stopped asking for things? He wants to buy the mansion?

Hah! Isn’t his intention clear enough? Tell him I am not selling it!”

Chen Jindong slammed the table heavily.

In terms of the assistance provided by the Mo family to the Chen family in pursuing the League of the

Sun, although Mo Changkong could not find an excuse to intervene in this matter, he managed to get

his third son into Mo Weiping’s team by using the excuse that this was a good opportunity to allow his

son to hone his skills.

However, Mo Jian started plundering everything the moment he arrived. Chen Jindong could only grit

his teeth and tolerate him again and again.

At that moment, he bellowed in anger.

“But Master, Mo Changkong had already been keeping an eye on the Chen family for a long time. In

addition to that, if Mo Jian is not satisfied and starts causing trouble, it would be very bothersome,” said

the butler helplessly.

“Fine, give it to him. I’ll leave this matter to you then.”

Chen Jindong waved his hands impatiently.

8 billion was nothing in Chen Jindong’s eyes.

However, he was pissed with Mo Jian’s approach.

Alas, he did not have a choice now.

“So, how did it go? Did Chen Jindong agree to it?”

Outside, a rich Young Master was seen sitting with one leg over the other as he casually savored his


“Nice to meet you, Young Master Mo. Our Master said that since you like the Cloud Mansion so much,

he will give it to you as a gift. There is no need for you to buy it.”

Although the butler said those words, he could not wait to eat this b*stard alive.

“Excellent. I see that Chen Jindong understands the situation that he is in. Everyone, let’s go then.

Let’s leave this boring Southern region and go to Jin Ling to enjoy ourselves for a few days.”

With that, Mo Jian strutted away with his subordinates.

At the same moment, in a small-town restaurant in the Southwest region…

The restaurant was almost similar to a farmhouse as there was a vast expanse of mountains beside it,

and a huge river could be seen snaking across the other side of the mountain. It was indeed an

enchanting scenery.

Therefore, there were often many so-called upper-class people who came here to travel and explore

the surroundings.

“You better give me a f*cking explanation today! Do you know how expensive my clothes are? That’s

right. Get your boss over here! Damn it, I see that you are tired of living!”

A woman in her thirties with heavy makeup was seen grabbing the collar of a young man. Instead of

releasing her grip, she started scolding him in a loud voice.

What happened was, a group of seven to eight men and women came to this restaurant to have their

meals. They did not look like good people at all. Alas, the young man, who was the waiter responsible

for bringing them their food, had accidentally spilled some vegetable soup over the woman’s body.

Hence, they ended up that way.

More importantly, it was because these people thought that the boss of this restaurant was an easy


“I am sorry! I really am sorry! Here, I will clean it for you.”

The young man quickly apologized and proceeded to clean up the mess he made.


Unexpectedly, the woman gave the young man a slap on his face. “Damn it, you better take your

grubby hands off me. Look at you! How dare you touch me?! Mr. Biao, look at his attitude!” said the

woman in a rude and unreasonable manner.

At the same time, she turned to look at the hunk beside her, who had a buzz cut and a tattoo of a



The hunk walked up toward the young man and gave him a kick to the stomach. The young man was

sent flying, knocking into a few tables and chairs.

At this moment, many people were having their meals in the restaurant. They could only stare in shock

at the scene before them.

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