The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 222 Li Wenyang’s Domineering Attitude
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Chapter 222 Li Wenyang’s Domineering Attitude

By the time Chen Hao got to the private room after parking his car, most of the students had already


More than twenty people were present here today. There was a mix of guys and girls, and it was a

lively atmosphere.

The tables that were reserved were large as well.

Most of the students had only given Chen Hao a simple greeting before proceeding to chat amongst


After all, Chen Hao was only a poor loser in their eyes. Naturally, he would be looked down upon and

ignored by everyone else.

However, the thing that made Chen Hao surprised was that Chen Lin and Li Shihan did not show up at

the gathering today.

“By the way, Wenyang, why didn’t Chen Lin and Li Shihan show up today? Didn’t they say they were


Some of the students were as puzzled as Chen Hao, hence they asked Li Wenyang this question.

Li Wenyang smiled and said, “They won’t be coming today. Haha, they aren’t the same anymore as

they are currently under the patronage of a big shot. Hence, they are considered to be the most

capable ones amongst our classmates. Sigh. I guess they won’t be attending these kinds of small

events anymore.”

“Huh? What the f*ck! Are you sure? Yang, please tell us more about it.”

This piqued the curiosity of some students.

At this moment, Jiang Xueqing, who was naturally seated beside Li Wenyang, asked him in


“Li Shihan had found herself a powerful boyfriend in Jin Ling. Do you all know about the Yunmeng

Mountain Cultural and Tourism City from the internet?” asked Li Wenyang as he lit a cigarette.

“Of course we know that place. F*ck! Who the hell doesn’t know that Yunmeng Mountain would soon

become a cultural and tourism city?”

“Haha, Li Shihan’s boyfriend came from Yunmeng Village. Currently, that place has been demolished,

and the residents have been relocated as they have demolished several houses there already. In

addition to that, his family had set up several shops in the commercial street of Yunmeng Mountain

Cultural and Tourism City. In the future, the amount of money they earned would be limitless!”

“Oh my God! That’s so cool!”

Everybody was stunned when they heard Li Wenyang’s words.

“Her boyfriend’s name is Ding Hao, and he is quite famous in Jin Ling. Last month, I gave Shihan a call

when I went for a sightseeing trip in Jin Ling. So, I have seen her boyfriend before, and we even had a

meal together. Moreover, both of us have each other’s WeChat number,” said Li Wenyang arrogantly.

“I’ll be damned! Yang is really awesome!”

“Back in high school, Yang and Li Chao were the coolest people in our class. Chao, take a look at

Yang. He is already so awesome right now, you better buck up quickly!”

Some of the girls casually ridiculed Li Chao who was sitting at the sides.

This made Li Chao envious.

If they were to compare both of them side by side, he would indeed come second to Li Wenyang.

Especially now that Li Wenyang had gotten acquainted with so many people from Jin Ling, while he

only had that few connections with the people in the Public Health Bureau. This made Li Chao restless.

He was utterly humiliated.

“Hey, don’t put it this way. Li Chao is quite powerful as well. You can look for Chao if any of your

families or relatives are working in a healthcare-related job in the hospital. Haha, come here Chao. You

can take your position as the main guest of honor at this table.”

Li Wenyang took a seat beside the main guest of honor, while Jiang Xueqing took a seat to the left as

the second guest of honor. Naturally, the seat that was reserved for the main guest of honor was given

to Li Chao.

“No way Yang, I think you are the best person to sit at the position as the main guest of honor. After all,

you are the most powerful person here. Moreover, I have something to add here. Yang’s family’s

company had gotten some investment from the Dreamer Investment Group this time,” said one of the

guys with a smile as he looked toward Li Wenyang.

With that kind of announcement, Li Wenyang felt pretty awesome.

It was because everybody turned toward Li Wenyang with their eyes wide open when they heard that

piece of news.

“Haha! This is my family’s company, so it has nothing to do with me. Currently, I have started my own

company, however I have nothing to show from it. I am quite a loser myself,” said Li Wenyang with a

bitter smile.

Another wave of respect and admiration came from the crowd.

Meanwhile, Li Chao was ignored by everybody else. It was a depressing scene.

At that moment, he smiled awkwardly. Suddenly, his gaze shifted toward Chen Hao who was seated

near the entrance of the private room. He smirked and said, “By the way, Yang, we shouldn’t give this

seat to anybody else other than Chen Hao.”

When he saw that everybody was comparing him to Li Wenyang, Li Chao wasn’t pleased at all. So, he

immediately directed the topic of conversation toward Chen Hao.

“Pfft! What? You want Chen Hao to sit in that position?”

Some of the students laughed heartily.

“Hmph. Of course Chen Hao is the most suitable person to sit here. Maybe you guys don’t know this

but, Chen Hao is very close to Liu Li from Ping An County. We ran into each other two days ago during

a meal and Liu Li paid the bill for Chen Hao straightaway,” said Li Chao with a smirk on his face.

“What? Chao, are you joking? How could he be acquainted with Young Master Liu?”

“That’s right. Do you know the difference in status between Chen Hao and Young Master Liu?”

“If you don’t believe me, you can ask Mingxue. She had seen it with her own eyes.”

Li Mingxue nodded her head.

“I’ll be damned!”

Everybody changed the way they looked at Chen Hao at this moment and that included Jiang Xueqing

as well. She was looking at Chen Hao in surprise right now.

At the same time, some people shifted their gazes toward Li Wenyang.

After all, everybody knew that Li Wenyang had viciously beat Chen Hao up back in high school.

Now that Li Wenyang knew that Chen Hao was a wealthy guy, and that he was acquainted with Liu Li

who dealt with different kinds of people, be it the gangsters or the white-collared people, how would Li

Wenyang react?

However, he only laughed bitterly with contempt.

“So what if he is acquainted with Liu Li? You guys may not know this but, Liu Li had been beaten up by

someone in the KTV a few days ago. In addition to that, his father had been warned, and the majority

of Liu's Mining Group’s shares had fallen into another person’s hands. I can’t believe that you guys still

think so highly of Liu Li,” said Li Wenyang.

Following that, he told everybody what had happened to Liu Li’s family based on the rumors he heard.

Only then did everybody come to their senses.

“I never expected that the honest-looking Chen Hao would try to curry favor with somebody like him,”

said Li Wenyang at the moment while he looked toward Chen Hao and smiled.

“Chen Hao, did you know how I know all these things? Moreover, I am not afraid to tell everyone here

that the person who did this to the Liu family was none other than the powerful figure from Jin Ling, Li

Zhenguo. He managed to destroy them in one fell swoop. Haha, my father had a meal with Li

Zhenguo’s driver, Mr. Jin before. Mr. Jin told this to my father when he had too much to drink that day. I

was accompanying my father that time as well. Mr. Jin patted me on the shoulders and told me to work

hard. Moreover, he even said that I could give him a call anytime should the need arise,” said Li

Wenyang with a casual smile.

Everybody was stunned.

“Li Zhenguo’s driver? Yang, is your father really acquainted with General Manager Li’s driver?”

Everybody knew Li Zhenguo as he was a household name in Jin Ling.

He was definitely a giant in the business world and a ruthless one at that.

Of course, his driver was no less powerful as well.

“Yes, we even had a few meals with him. Jin is an intimidating person. Hence, let’s gather more often in

the future, and I will try my best to help you all out. If you guys don’t believe me, here is a picture of me

having a meal with Mr. Jin.”

Li Wenyang took out his phone to show the picture to everybody.

Chen Hao also took a look at the picture.

It really turned out to be Li Zhenguo’s driver, Jin Xiaoshan in the picture.

He was clad in a good quality attire and the watch on his wrist looked expensive as well.

Chen Hao was surprised that Mr. Jin had this side to him.

In the past, whenever Chen Hao came to the Hot Spring Villa, Li Zhenguo often asked Mr. Jin to pick

up Chen Hao.

Therefore, Chen Hao knew him quite well.

He felt that Mr. Jin was an honest and straightforward person. Moreover, he looked like a plain and

simple guy in front of him.

Unexpectedly, he was such a domineering person behind his back.

Then again, who did not have their own private life?

“So, don't take Liu Li too seriously the next time you see him. As for the people who follows him, don’t

think too highly of them as well. Just come to me for help whenever you need it!”

Li Wenyang glanced at Chen Hao.

Then, he looked toward Jiang Xueqing and said, “Xueqing, don’t worry. I will settle that guy in thenovelbin

company for you and solve your problems.”

“Huh? Xueqing, did you encounter some trouble in your company?” asked Wang Rui.

Chen Hao lifted his head up and looked at Jiang Xueqing.

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