The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 208 It’s All Because Of Pride
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Chapter 208 It’s All Because Of Pride

Just because of the mishap, Chen Hao got a piece of Tang Lan’s mind.

As a result, Chen Hao felt quite embarrassed.

Damn, the glass was broken obviously because Lin Dong did not hold it properly, so why was Inovelbin


However, Chen Hao could understand.


Apparently, it was because Lin Dong was rich and influential, while he was just a nobody!

“This is not Chen Hao’s fault. I didn’t hold the glass properly. By the way, Chen Hao, you don’t have a

job right now, do you?” Lin Dong asked Chen Hao with a smile.

Chen Hao shook his head and answered, “Nope.”

“That’s bad. You could have gotten one through your connections. Why didn’t you do it?”

Lin Dong put on a bewildered look.

“Nowadays, it’s getting harder to seek help from others. You have to be really close to the person that

you are trying to ask for help. Take Ranran’s job as an example. I landed that job for her after making

great efforts. Alas, life is hard!” Jiang Weidong stated placidly.

By saying this, he had directly ruled out any possibility of helping Chen Hao.

“It’s okay!” said Chen Hao.

“Oh, this will not do. Let me help you. Jiayun, I heard that your father’s factory is looking for young

security guards, right? In my opinion, Chen Hao is a good candidate. He looks like an honest man. I am

sure he will do a great job!”

Lin Dong made the suggestion while pointing at one of the guys.


As soon as Lin Dong said that, all the guests broke out into laughter.

Jiang Ranran shot an annoyed look at Lin Dong before saying, “Chen Hao studies at Jin Ling College.

How could he work as a security guard?”

“Exactly. He would become a laughing stock!”

“No woman would be interested in him!”

The girls commented while laughing.

Xu Xin was the only one who kept quiet.

“Hmph, we too impose a high standard for the security guards working at our factory. We only hire

people who are capable. We don’t need people with no talent!”

Listening to the girls’ comments, the guy named Jiayun immediately retorted. He thought they meant

that Chen Hao’s talent would be wasted if he worked at the factory, and they were laughing at his

family’s business.

“That’s right. Please don’t assume the factory of Jiayun’s family would hire anyone just because they

stayed near the factory. Furthermore, it doesn’t matter anymore whether you have a degree or not,

because being a degree holder no longer gives you an advantage. We should respect all types of

profession. What’s wrong with being a security guard?”

“Being a security guard is a serious job too!”

Lin Dong said solemnly.

“Well said, Lin Dong! I am impressed by your maturity despite your tender age. Don’t you guys laugh at

him. What Lin Dong said just now makes a lot of sense. You guys should learn from him!” Jiang

Weidong added seriously.

Suppressing laughter, the guests all nodded their heads in agreement.

Chen Hao was not having a good time. Despite being humiliated, he could not bring himself to vent his

negative emotions out. He tried to convince himself to let the matter go, since he had already made the

trip according to his father’s wishes.

Although they looked down upon him, his father cherished friendships a lot.

Therefore, Chen Hao could not afford to rebut them!

So he decided to bury his head in his meal with a forced smile.

After the meal, Jiang Weidong said, “By the way, you guys mentioned that you will be going to the

karaoke later. Don’t spend too much time there. Go back home earlier, so that your parents would not

be worried.”

“I got it, Daddy!”

“Don’t worry, Uncle Jiang. I will take good care of them!” Lin Dong assured with a smile.

“Okay, I feel much more at ease having you with them!” Jiang Weidong nodded his head with a smile.

At the moment, Lin Dong shifted his gaze toward Chen Hao and asked, “Chen Hao, we are having a

karaoke session later. Are you available to join us?”

“I am going to pass. You guys enjoy yourselves!”

Of course Chen Hao would not join them. Although Jiang Ranran was very beautiful, Chen Hao felt that

he was not part of their social circle.

“Don’t put a damper on the occasion. We should have some fun after having a meal together. Chen

Hao, do you think we are not good enough to be your friends?” Lin Dong asked.

There was a tinge of irritation on his face.

He invited Chen Hao along hoping that he could entertain them.

Some people behaved this way. Just because they were capable and smart, they needed to make fun

of someone less capable.

As soon as Jiang Weidong caught sight of Lin Dong’s unhappiness, he immediately spoke up, “Chen

Hao, just join them since you were invited. How could you be so senseless? Think about the difference

in status between Lin Dong and you! Now that he has already invited you, you should go.”

“If you say so.” Chen Hao started to feel embarrassed.

He felt especially so because Xu Xin, who sat beside him, was staring at him with her unblinking eyes.

She would love to have him come along.

Moreover, Jiang Dongwei had spoken up.

He decided to just have fun without paying any regards to them.


After a short while, the gang went downstairs.

Lin Dong and Wang Jiayun drove here.

Both of them would drive everyone to the karaoke place.

Chen Hao was the last one to get into the cars.

In the end, both cars were full.

“Damn, both of our cars are full. You can’t be squeezing with the girls, right? It’s quite inconvenient,” Lin

Dong rolled down the window and said with a smile.

It appeared to Chen Hao that ever since Lin Dong got to know about the marital arrangement between

Jiang Ranran and him, he started to make great effort at mocking him.

He deliberately humiliated him.

Chen Hao knew that the reason Lin Dong invited him to the karaoke session was because he wanted

to have more opportunity to make fun of him.

“There’s nothing wrong with sitting with the girls. I will make space. Chen Hao, you can sit beside me!”

Xu Xin waved her hands at Chen Hao.

Lin Dong was slightly annoyed by Xu Xin. However, he could not be too rude to such a beautiful girl.

“Thank you!”

Chen Hao nodded his head with a grin. After that, he took the seat beside Xu Xin.

After a brief journey, the gang arrived at a private room of a karaoke center.

Lin Dong had summoned another gang of his friends out of nowhere.

The gang consisted of both boys and girls. Soon, the ambience inside the private room became


The ambience was very joyful and exuberant as some of them were drinking while some were singing.

“Jiayun is a regular customer of this karaoke. He is very close to a female manager here, so feel free to

order anything, everyone. Jiayun and I will foot the bill!”

Lin Dong laughed out loud.

“Thanks, Lin Dong!”

“I love you, Lin Dong. Muacks!”

“Lin Dong belongs to Ranran. Why did I mention things of this sort?!” one of the girls patted her own

head and said.

Everyone broke into laughter because of what she said.

Wang Jiayun was laughing happily too. After all, he got all the attention he wanted today.

Jiang Ranran lowered her head to hide her blushed face.

To be honest, she loved Lin Dong’s personality a lot. Compared to Chen Hao who was keeping to

himself at the corner, the difference between the two was stark.

She shook her head in resignation at Chen Hao.

At this moment, the door of the room was pushed open from the outside. A girl in a red shirt glided into

the room.

She had an alluring and feminine air. She was extremely sexy and beautiful.

One look at her and you knew that she was a social butterfly.

Holding a bottle of wine in her hand, she said with a smile, “Young Master Wang and Young Master Lin,

this bottle of wine is on the house as a welcoming gift to you guys. Please have fun today!”

The girl in red continued with a smile, “I will give a 10% discount on your bill because Young Master

Wang is our regular customer. Enjoy yourselves!”

“What? Just 10%? Jiayun, aren’t you very close to her? Why is the discount only 10%?” A few guys


Wang Jiayun’s face darkened. He felt as if he was humiliated.

“No way, we need at least a 20% discount!” Wang Jiayun demanded with an irritated face.

“We can’t do that, Young Master Wang. We need to keep the business running,” said the woman in red,

who was chuckling with her mouth covered.

“Ahem. It’s fine then. How about you keep us company and drink with us, Madam Hong?”

Later on, the guys persuaded her to stay after seeing how sexy and beautiful she was.

“So sorry, I have some VIP customers to attend to. I really can’t stay.”

With that, Madam Hong waved at them and left.

Awkwardness hung in the air.

The guys turned to look at Wang Jiayun.

“Jiayun, what’s happening? Madam Hong paid no regards to you at all!”

“Damn, are you sure you two are close? She only gave us a 10% discount! I thought you two were

close. In the end, she ignored you!”

After Madam Hong left, the guys scoffed and taunted.

This placed Wang Jiayun in a difficult position.

He got very uneasy.

Indeed, Madam Hong paid no respect to him at all.

During his previous trips here, Madam Hong had treated him with utmost respect. Because of this,

Wang Jiayun got the wrong idea that he was close to her.

He did not see this coming. When he boasted to his friends about his connections, it did not work as he


“Hmph, it’s okay if you guys don’t believe me. I will get her to keep you guys company. Just wait and


With that, Wang Jiayun angrily opened the door and stomped out of the room. From his looks, he was

going to look for Madam Hong.

Chen Hao, who was sitting at the corner, shook his head with a bitter smile.

He wondered whether pride mattered that much in life.

He could not understand the need to get so agitated over a small matter like this.

Also, it was obvious to Chen Hao that Madam Hong was the type of person who treated everyone with

respect. It was normal for someone to do this in the world of commerce.

However, one should know how the real world worked.


After a short while, a scream was heard.

One of the girls who was on her way back from the toilet pushed open the door and exclaimed

anxiously, “Lin Dong, everyone, come quick. Wang Jiayun is beaten up by someone!”

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