The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 207 Jiang Ranran’s Classmates
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Chapter 207 Jiang Ranran’s Classmates

The girl was staring at Chen Hao curiously.

In fact, at the sight of his shabby attire and his country bumpkin look, she already started to look down

upon him deep down inside.

Both Jiang Weidong and Tang Lan looked extremely awkward after listening to what the girl said.

Especially Tang Lan.

Just now, she had reminded Jiang Weidong about the urgent meeting he was about to have later. With

that excuse, they did not invite Chen Hao to stay for lunch.

In the end, their daughter suddenly spoke up.

They were very embarrassed by what she said.

Daughter, why didn’t you come out of your room later? If you did, Chen Hao would have been gone by


“Oh, Ranran, you’ve forgotten about him. He is the son of Uncle Chen. You two have met each other

before when you were little,” Tang Lan said awkwardly.

“I remember him. I think his name is Chen Hao...” she said.

“My name is indeed Chen Hao. I am surprised that you could still remember me, Ranran! It has been

years since we met each other. You have turned into such a pretty girl!”

The girl’s name was Jiang Ranran. Chen Hao knew her.

Back then, when Chen Hao visited their house, Jiang Ranran would always point at him and make

comments in disgust. For example, she would say, “Mom, please get him out of here as soon as

possible. He made our floor dirty!”

Probably because of his ego, Chen Hao was afraid of her mockery since he was little.

However, he had gotten used to it already. He was able to talk to her nicely now.

“Thank you, Chen Hao. You have grown into a handsome man too! Please be nice to me in the future!”

With poise, Jiang Ranran extended her hand to shake Chen Hao’s hand.

Even though Jiang Ranran said it purely out of courtesy, it was the most pleasant thing Chen Hao had

heard ever since he stepped into their house.

He smiled and said, “Sure, no problem. You can reach me anytime if you have any problems!”

Jiang Ranran took back her hand with a smile. However, she was thinking, Hmph, reaching you

anytime for any problem? Who do you think you are? I think you got too carried away! I was just being


Indeed, Jiang Ranran was born into a family full of government officials. Excluding her father’s

connection, she had vast connections herself.

After she graduated from university, she would definitely land a job in one of the government

institutions. She needed no help from others in the future!

Not to mention needing help from Chen Hao.

“Chen Hao, why don’t you stay for lunch? Ranran’s friends are coming and you may join them. I was

too busy just now to the point that I had forgotten about this. I need to get lunch ready now!” Tang Lan

said awkwardly.

In fact, she wanted Chen Hao to leave just now. However, their daughter had exposed their lies.

Therefore, she didn’t look too happy now.

It would be too rude of her to not ask him to stay.

“Exactly. Please do stay. It’s always useful to know more people!” Jiang Weidong commented


Jiang Ranran began to look upset.

She had planned to only have lunch with her classmates. Now, their lunch was suddenly crashed by a

country bumpkin. It was very awkward for her.

However, since her parents had already invited him, she had no choice but to accept it.

Her attitude toward Chen Hao turned much colder after that.

A short while later, Jiang Ranran’s classmates arrived.

The gang was made up of seven to eight people, and there was a mixture of boys and girls.

After the teenagers chatted among themselves for a while, lunch was ready.

Meanwhile, Jiang Weidong welcomed the gang into the dining hall enthusiastically.

“Lin Dong, come here. Do sit beside me. We must drink to our satisfaction today!”

Holding Lin Dong’s hand affectionately, Jiang Weidong urged him to take the seat beside him.

Lin Dong was quite good-looking. According to their conversation, Chen Hao got to know that his father

was some high-ranking director at one of the government institutions.

His father was quite capable.

Moreover, it appeared that Lin Dong was interested in Jiang Ranran.novelbin

Jiang Weidong would love to see Lin Dong and his daughter getting into a relationship. Hence, he

treated Lin Dong very nicely.

“It is our family’s honor that Ranran is one of your good friends! Lin Dong, not only are you good-

looking, you are also very capable and smart. I wonder who would become your girlfriend in the future.

I am sure that our Ranran would never make the cut. Just take a look at her. She is just like a child.

She is far too inferior to you!” Jiang Weidong stated with a laugh.

“Uncle Jiang, you are kidding me. Ranran is very beautiful. Anyone who could have her as a girlfriend

would be blessed. Moreover, Ranran has mentioned before that you have arranged for her to be

married to your comrade’s son back when you were still in the army,” Lin Dong said with a forced smile.

“That arrangement no longer stands. It has been cancelled for quite some time already!” At this

moment, Tang Lan walked over with a dish smilingly. She said to Lin Dong, “Chen Hao is the one

whom Ranran’s father had arranged for her to marry. He made that promise in a drunken state back

then. Just take a look at Chen Hao. He is so good-looking and smart. He is simply too good for our

Ranran. Is that so, Chen Hao?”

Tang Lan threw the question at Chen Hao, who was sitting at the far corner of the table.

“Yes, yes!”

Chen Hao could discern the underlying meaning of her words. Also, he would not want the

conversation to be focused upon himself. Hence, he hastily nodded his head in agreement.

However, Lin Dong started to be wary of Chen Hao’s presence because of what was said.

In fact, he had fallen in love with Jiang Ranran for quite some time now. He had yet to confess his

feelings to her although the two were very close to each other.

According to Tang Lan, the guy whom Jiang Ranran was supposed to marry was here.

The scene became dramatic.

Everyone focused their gaze on Lin Dong and Chen Hao.

They were making comparisons between the two.

Lin Dong immediately stood up with a smile and said, “Wow! If it wasn’t for Aunt Tang Lan’s

introduction, we wouldn’t have known that you were just one step away from becoming Ranran’s

husband! Come on, we should get to know each other better. Chen Hao, my name is Lin Dong. I am

now working at the Governmental Department, hehe...”

Feigning surprise, Lin Dong stood up and shook Chen Hao’s hand.

While they were shaking hands, he deliberately shook the shiny golden watch on his wrist as well.

Humbly, he continued, “The post was arranged by my family. I count on my parents, since I am quite

mediocre myself!”

“Haha, Lin Dong, you don’t have to be too humble. If you were considered mediocre, I wonder who

could be considered outstanding. Take Chen Hao as an example. He would never be capable enough

to take up your post. Let’s skip the pleasantries. Come on, let’s drink.”

With a hearty laugh, Jiang Weidong patted Lin Dong’s shoulder.

After that, they started to talk about the happenings in the Governmental Department. Everyone

enjoyed listening to their conversation.

As for Jiang Ranran, she stared at Lin Dong with one of her hands supporting her chin, looking


Judging from her look, she was proud of him.

Jiang Ranran had quite a high standard for men. She was not interested in mediocre guys.

Chen Hao was sitting at the position where he felt obligated to stand up and fill up everyone’s glasses

with drinks.

“Thanks, Chen Hao!”

At this moment, a beautiful girl who was sitting beside Chen Hao shot him a smile.

“No worries!” Chen Hao replied.

“You don’t have to fill up everyone’s drink. Let them fill up themselves. Hehe, do you seldom have

meals with others?” The girl asked Chen Hao inquisitively.

This girl had a nice temperament. All in all, she didn’t lose to Jiang Ranran a single bit in terms of her

appearance and her temperament.

As she didn’t take alcohol, the other girls and her took the seat further away from the center of the


From their conversation, Chen Hao got to know the girl’s name.

Her name was Xu Xing.

“Yup, I seldom have meals with others!”

Indeed, it was rare for Chen Hao to attend this kind of occasion.

It was because this situation was different. Jiang Weidong, an elderly, was present.

At this moment, Tang Lan started to serve another dish to the guests. She was about to place it near

Lin Dong.

However, Lin Dong was not aware of that. He raised his hand and accidentally hit Tang Lan. As a

result, the plate was overthrown!


Tang Lan let out a shriek.

Immediately, Lin Dong got to his feet to offer his apology.

“It’s fine, don’t worry. I was worried that you might get scalded. I will clean up the mess. You guys

please carry on. I will make another dish!”

Tang Lan said with a smile.

Hastily, she cleaned up the mess on the floor.

At that time, Chen Hao noticed that some of their glasses were empty. Hence, he stood up to fill them


However, when Chen Hao was pouring drinks into Lin Dong’s glass, Lin Dong’s hand got shaky. The

glass fell onto the table and broke. It was unknown whether he did it deliberately or it was purely



Lin Dong was taken aback.

At the same time, Tang Lan caught sight of this while she was coming out of the kitchen.

“Do you even know how to pour drinks? What did you do? Why did you break the glass?”

Tang Lan pointed at Chen Hao and cursed furiously.

As for Jiang Weidong, he cast an icy look at Chen Hao. He was disgusted by how embarrassing Chen

Hao was.

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