The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 182 Don’t Look Down Upon the Poor
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Chapter 182 Don’t Look Down Upon the Poor

At this moment, a few policemen walked toward them and pointed at them while inquiring.

“It’s them!”

A boy with bandages on his head walked out from behind the policemen and pointed at Ding Hao

fiercely while shouting.

Chen Hao finally had a clear look at this person.

It was none other than Ma Fei!

The situation was clear now. After Ma Fei was beaten up by Ding Hao, he had treated his wounds, and

he must have reported to the police afterward. It seemed the policemen tracked them down after

checking Jin Ling Commercial Street’s security monitoring system.

After all, Ding Hao booked a room in a hotel near Jin Ling Commercial Street.

“Alright. All of you, come with us now!” The policemen instructed coldly.

Ding Hao, Li Shihan and the others were flustered upon hearing that.

Although Ding Hao felt powerful now, he felt rather guilty for hitting someone.

Nonetheless, he mustered his courage and said, “Fine. At worst, I’ll be freed after two hours!”

“What a high-sounding sentiment. I’m looking forward to knowing how you will be freed in two hours

after you hit my brother!”

Suddenly, a woman walked toward them with crossed arms and spoke arrogantly.

“Sister, he is the one who hit me!”

Ma Fei stood meekly behind the woman.

“Don’t worry. I’ve informed the colonel about this. He will surely serve justice for you!” The woman

consoled him.

Her words showed that Ma Fei’s family had connections with the higher-ups. Things were not that


Ding Hao was even more anxious now.

Li Shihan also did not expect that Ma Fei had a powerful sister.

On the other end, the woman gave a cold glance at Ding Hao and scanned the faces of the others who

ate with him.

Suddenly, she raised her eyebrow and asked in astonishment, “Chen Hao?! Why are you here?”

Chen Hao was also astounded.

This woman in front of them was the cousin of Ma Xiaonan—Ma Xiaoyun. It was even more surprising

that Ma Fei was related to Ma Xiaoyun.

Chen Hao knew that Ma Xiaoyun did not have a biological brother.

If that was the case, both parties were not strangers to him. On one end were his high school friends,

while on the other end were the relatives of Ma Xiaonan.

Chen Hao could not help but smile bitterly.

“Yes, we came here for a meal.”

“That’s how it is? How can you eat with the people who hit my brother? It seems like you, a poor loser,

is involved too. It’s such a waste that I cared for you in the past!” Ma Xiaoyun sulked.

To be honest, Ma Xiaoyun was displeased when Chen Hao left earlier before finishing the meal when

she and her cousin treated Chen Hao and the rest to a feast.

What made her even more embarrassed that day was, she planned to let her high school friends make

an impressive show of their prestige. But for unknown reasons, Ma Xiaonan’s girl friends kept

whispering to each other, completely ignoring her friends.

In short, it was an embarrassing meal.

Naturally, Ma Xiaoyun blamed the ignorant Chen Hao as the culprit.

Unexpectedly, they bumped into each other today.

“He was at the scene when I was getting beaten up!” Ma Fei added with a snort.

“Enough talking. You’ll have plenty of time to talk in the police station later on. All of you, come with us


The policemen brought all of them to the police station.

Chen Hao was glum, sulking at the bad luck he had.

But there was nothing he could say now.

When they arrived at the police station, they had to record a confession. Since the police had already

gotten the CCTV footage, Ding Hao had no choice but to admit his guilt.

After that, they were all brought into a small room to wait for the officer’s decision.

“What should we do, Ding Hao? Do you think that I will have a record too? But I just passed my

teaching exam and I haven’t even gotten hired yet. If I have a criminal record, the school will surely

expel me!”

In the confined room, Chen Lin gasped anxiously.

“I don’t know. We are at fault now as we hurt someone and there is conclusive evidence. What’s more,

who knew that Ma Fei’s sister was this powerful!”

Li Shihan was also panicking now because Ma Xiaoyun was obviously not a woman to mess with.

Even Ding Hao’s face was ashen, pacing back and forth like a nervous fawn.

Li Shihan was disappointed at this sight.

She was told a little about Ma Fei’s sister’s background just now, that she was a prestigious woman in

Jin Ling, and had her connections.

This showed that Ma Fei had a prestigious background as well.

After considering these, Li Shihan started to repent if she was too cruel to Ma Fei.

What if Ma Fei’s achievements surpassed Ding Hao in the future?

After all, Ding Hao was only good at boasting, but Ma Fei was certainly a capable person.

The more Li Shihan thought, the more she was frustrated.


I only had feelings toward three boys.

The first one was Chen Hao, but he was passed in the early stage because he was not up to my


The second one was Ma Fei while the third one was Ding Hao!

At this moment, Li Shihan was tangled up in her thoughts.

“Alright, enough talking. I’ve informed my father. He will certainly think of an idea for me. And don’t

worry, this won’t be on your records.” Ding Hao scratched his head and comforted her.

“Ma Fei surely won’t agree to make this case private. You will have this on your records in this

situation!” Chen Hao suddenly interrupted.

“Damn, we don’t want to hear a word from your jinxing mouth. Really, anyone who meets you will be

unlucky!” Chen Lin berated crudely.

“Enough, Chen Lin. What’s the point of scolding him now? Let him say whatever he wants. Anyhow, the

ones involved in the fight are me and Ding Hao, so Chen Hao must have only come to watch us be

humiliated!” Li Shihan rolled her eyes and complained.

Soon, Ding Hao’s father came. Both parties were brought to the interrogation room for a meeting, and

the police would mediate the dispute.

Ding Hao’s father had his own connections. After all, he would never seek help from the commercial

group when it was just a matter of his son hitting someone.

If he did, everyone would look down upon him.

Therefore, he used his own connections to mediate. However, the victim had a powerful background as

well, so both parties were caught in a deadlock now.

After all, no matter who fought first, the person that was injured seriously was the victim.

“Father, think of something please. I don’t want to have this on my record. If my reputation is tarnished,

my future will be destroyed!”

Ding Hao was devoured by fear at this point,

“Me too! Sir, you’ve seen that I am only following them. I didn’t hit anyone. Most importantly, I am a

teacher, so please don’t file this in my record!” Chen Lin pleaded.

She then looked at Ma Fei and said, “Ma Fei, we were friends in the past. Did you forget that?”

“Of course I didn’t! You are also involved with Li Shihan’s cheating! My sister will surely ascertain the

responsibilities of all of you in this matter!” Ma Fei snorted and said firmly.

Ding Hao’s father sighed and furrowed his eyebrows while saying, “Ms. Ma Xiaoyun, I know that younovelbin

have extensive connections, but I don’t recommend you driving others to despair on certain issues.

After all, I know some people in Jin Ling Commercial Group. Do you wish to let people from the group

come to mediate this settlement?”

“Don’t ever use the people from the commercial group to pressure me. Do you think that I don’t have

my own powerful backers?” Ma Xiao Yun crossed her arms.

Ding Hao’s father clenched his teeth and started to contact the people from the commercial group.

Meanwhile, Ma Xiaoyun also contacted Ma Xiaonan.


Because Ma Xiaonan told her the story of the incident last time. Ma Xiaonan said that a white-haired

man led a group of people, driving seven or eight Maybachs to rescue them.

“Is this Ma Xiaonan? I have a favor to ask you. Don’t you have the number of the man who saved you

last time? Can you help me contact him? Our brother was beaten by someone. Didn’t he say that you

can seek his assistance if you have any issues? We need his help now!”

“Hello, Mister Li. It’s me, I am the accountant of Yunmeng Mountain. During our previous meal together,

didn’t President Li mention that I can seek his assistance when… Yes, I have a problem now!”

Both of them showed their ultimate connections.

Chen Lin and Li Shihan were stupefied at the sight.

Damn, they did not know that both Ding Hao and Ma Fei had such prestigious backgrounds!

They thought that Ma Fei was just an underling who could only struggle at the lowest rank. But now, his

sister was connected to someone who had a Maybach motorcade.

Li Shihan felt that she had missed an opportunity!

She finally understood the saying, 'Life has its ups and downs, so don’t look down on a poor young


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