The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 181 Is It Them?
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Chapter 181 Is It Them?



Seeing Chen Hao hold the two boxes and prepare to leave, Li Shihan and Chen Lin were shocked.

These two jade bracelets scared Li Shihan nearly to death.

Things had just settled after some difficulty, and they had just released a sigh of relief.

To think that these jade bracelets were bought by Chen Hao?

Li Shihan felt as if someone had put a firecracker in her head, and it exploded until her brain was blank.

Chen Lin and Ding Hao’s eyes widened.

Especially Chen Lin, who lost her grip on the other half of the jade bracelet and dropped it on the floor,

where it shattered once more.

“Hold on, Chen Hao! These two jade bracelets are yours?” Li Shihan said, taken aback.

Without a word, Chen Hao took his jade bracelets and walked away.

This time, he was really angry.

Why would he still talk to them?

“Hmph! Who knows if he was the one who bought them? Enough, Shihan, Chen Lin, let’s go

somewhere to eat.”

Ding Hao didn’t back down either.

F*ck, he had unexpectedly gotten smacked in the face by Chen Hao again.

He spent so much money today just because he wanted to blow Li Shihan away first.

But now, the situation was a bit dire!

That was why Ding Hao quickly shifted their attention to himself again.

“What is this? What if it really was Chen Hao who bought them? Where did he get the money?”

They walked out of the gold shop.

Li Shihan’s heart was in turmoil, and she hated it.

Just like Chen Lin, she felt as though her heart had been grasped tightly by someone, and it hurt a


They were also very scared that this was real.

Even more scared than they were before.

“Here, how about we call him back and have a meal with him. We can properly ask him about this.

Also, you all saw when Chen Hao bought a phone last time. He’s really rich! We have to know what’s

going on!”

Chen Lin gave her opinion.

“Exactly, that’s what I was thinking. But with how we treated him just now, will he come back?” Li

Shihan said worriedly.

“Relax, leave it up to me. Ding Hao, shall we take a proper look into this situation?”

Chen Lin asked Ding Hao, who wore a dark expression.

“Yeah, sure, no problem. It’s just a meal. You guys call him then.”

Ding Hao felt a little torn, but he also wanted to know what was going on.

Before, Ding Hao saw Ma Fei as his most powerful rival.

As for when Li Shihan and the others talked about almost getting together with Chen Hao in high

school, Ding Hao had never seen Chen Hao as a competitor.

But he realized, this poor boy was his truest rival!

Hearing the way Li Shihan and Chen Lin spoke about him was enough to know.

After discussing, Chen Lin called Chen Hao.

Chen Hao was still walking, when he took his phone out, he saw it was Chen Lin who called.

Chen Lin still had Chen Hao’s contact information from their fellow meal from before.

“Hey, Chen Hao, where are you? It’s like this—just now, it was a little inexcusable of us. I’m calmer now

and realized that we weren’t right for treating you that way!”

“Me, too! I was too brash just now!”

Li Shihan yelled into the phone hurriedly.

“Yeah, Li Shihan and I felt sorry and wanted to treat you to a meal and apologize to you properly, and

talk about old times!” Chen Lin said.

Chen Hao laughed bitterly. If he hadn’t taken those two jade bracelets with him, then he guessed that

they wouldn’t have apologized, let alone 'talk about old times'.

To be honest, it was just because of money.

If you had money, others would want to talk about old times with you.

If you had no money, if someone even remembered your name meant you were well off!

And if you had money, you could possibly even have a future with Li Shihan.


“Don’t worry about it, it’s nothing major.”

Chen Hao didn’t feel like going.

“No way, Chen Hao. You have to come! Do you see us as below you? You think this bunch of highnovelbin

school classmates are below you? True, you got into Jin Ling College. These regular, average students

probably don’t matter to you. I see how it is!”

Chen Lin said without skipping a beat.

“I don’t mean it that way. Okay, then let’s have a meal!”

Chen Hao was speechless.

But since they wanted a meal, it wasn’t like he would lose anything. It would also save any gossip that

they would make about him in the future.

Let’s see what they say!

So Chen Hao went back.

They didn’t eat at Commercial Street, instead they went to a regular restaurant next to it.

Li Shihan ordered quite a few delicious dishes for Chen Hao.

“Brother, tell us quickly. How are you so rich now?”

After beating around the bush, in the end Chen Lin and Li Shihan still came upon the topic they were

most concerned about.

“Rich? When have I been rich, I have no money!”

Seeing their expressions, Chen Hao felt like laughing and also felt like joking with them, so he

answered simply.

Pig knuckles and whatnot, he stuffed them into his mouth along with rice.

“Pfft! You’re quite mischievous, who could tell, Chen Hao? You can act pretty well!”

Chen Lin was an art student, and had a more open personality.

As she spoke, she pinched Chen Hao’s thigh.

“I-I’m really not rich!” Chen Hao said.

“Hmph. Not rich? If you aren’t rich then how did you buy a phone that cost fifty to sixty thousand? Also,

you say you have no money, but today you bought two jade bracelets. That’s two hundred and fifty

thousand! Who are you lying to?”

Chen Lin lamented jokingly.

Li Shihan also looked at Chen Hao, her eyes wide.

“Oh, you’re talking about the phone and jade bracelets. That’s not my money. I was just running

errands for other people! Speaking of which, I have to hurry up and send these things!”

Chan Hao really didn’t want to talk about it.

He just told them a lie, at worst, they’d just be strangers in the future. That was not bad either.

“Huh? What? So it really isn’t yours?”

Chen Lin and Li Shihan faced each other, the weight in their hearts finally dissipated.

“Li Shihan, pass me the pig trotters. I can’t reach it!” Chen Hao said.

“F*ck! Trotters? Are you a pig? You already ate so much, and you’re still eating. Look at how useless

you are!”

Li Shihan folded her arms as she spoke coldly.

Right, f*ck. I thought you were successful now, and even treated you to a meal. In the end, you’re just

someone’s lackey?

Chen Lin also moved away from Chen Hao.

She said coldly, “Chen Hao, last time despite being poor, you were still good at studies, so I thought

you were still of some use. Now, I feel like you’re just useless!”

From Xiao Ge, to Chen Hao once more.

“Didn’t we say before? Later on, when we’re all at Jin Lin, we can help each other out! You guys mix

with a better crowd than I do, so just give me a hand. We have been high school classmates for three

years after all!” Chen Hao said.

“Lord, but what can you help us with? What do you know? Don’t talk about high school, I have never

even talked to you before. Talk to Li Shihan instead. Didn’t you two nearly become a thing back then?

Li Shihan liked you too!”

Chen Lin purposely said this for Ding Hao to hear.

Li Shihan definitely understood what she meant. “Chen Lin, what do you mean? What do you mean, I

liked Chen Hao? When have I ever liked him?!”

Li Shihan tossed her chopsticks down angrily.

Watching the two good friends who were about to start arguing, Ding Hao could only sit there and try to

defuse the argument.

Ding Hao felt helpless. To be handsome and rich, is it my fault?

Chen Hao didn’t care either, continuing to eat as if he were enjoying a show.

All of a sudden, the booth’s door was pushed open and a few policemen walked in.

“Is it them?”

A policeman pointed at Chen Hao and asked coldly.

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