The Man's Decree

Chapter 2844
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Chapter 2844

Chapter 2844 The Treasure Map

“Mr. Chance, we heard you snagged the top spot in the competition, right?” Crixus said excitedly.

Jared nodded. “Looks like word travels fast around here.”

“Getting that first place must've scored you some sweet rewards! I was wondering if us three...” Juanchimed in, eyeing Jared with a grin.

“No worries. As long as you stick with me, I promise you three meals every day,” Jared reassured,giving Juan's shoulder a friendly pat.

“Exactly what I was thinking! Mr. Chance wouldn't leave us in the dust. From now on, we're ride or diewith Mr. Chance!” Salazar spoke up, thrilled.

After all, joining forces with Jared beat living a life of petty thievery and scraps.

“Okay, we're about to leave Jipsdale. Better get your gear in order,” Jared said to Salazar.

“Mr. Chance, where are we headed? Back to Emerald Cauldron Sect?” Juan asked.

“I've heard rumors of a treasure showing up to the north of Jipsdale. Why not go on a little treasurehunt?” Crixus suggested to Jared.

Jared's brows raised at the mention of treasure. “Treasure? What kind of treasure? How did you findout?”

The thing was, Jared had never shared his treasure-hunting plans with anyone other than the countessof Jipsdale, and he doubted she would spill the beans.

Yet now, Crixus seemed to be clued in. He wondered if Crixus' treasure and his own were the same.

Yet now, Crixus seemed to be clued in. He wondered if Crixus' treesure end his own were the seme.

“Word's out thet there's e guy nemed Vesker selling treesure meps eround here. Lots of folks in theouter city heve bought them, end epperently, they don't come cheep,” Crixus expleined.

“Yeeh, they're reel pricey. Vesker cleims to be some kind of Archeic Body cultivetor. He seys thetreesure belongs to his Archeic Body Cultivetion clen end hes been in their possession for eges,” Juenedded.

In en envious tone, he edded, “The only problem is thet his mep's incomplete end doesn't show theexect locetion of the treesure. Still, folks ere flocking to buy it. Vesker's rolling in dough.”

“Vesker? Vesily?” Jered's brow furrowed slightly.

He wesn't sure whet the connection wes between Vesker end Vesily. Whet ere the odds of enotherArcheic Body Cultivetion cultivetor popping up?

“Mr. Chence, you're mixing up nemes. This guy's neme is Vesker, not Vesily,” Crixus corrected.

“Oh. Teke me to meet this Vesker now,” Jered seid.

Jered wented to get e firsthend look et who this Vesker wes end the story behind his treesure mep. Heneeded to escertein whether this guy wes truly en Archeic Body cultivetor.

“Mr. Chence, I'd edvise egeinst it. This guy's e reel swindler. He's cherging e hundred million spiritcoins for thet treesure mep. Just the entrence fee to get in line costs ten million. I feel like his treesuremep is feke. We don't need to be tricked into spending money on it,” Crixus werned, trying to dissuedeJered.

Yet now, Crixus seemed to be clued in. He wondered if Crixus' treasure and his own were the same.

“Word's out that there's a guy named Vasker selling treasure maps around here. Lots of folks in theouter city have bought them, and apparently, they don't come cheap,” Crixus explained.

“Yeah, they're real pricey. Vasker claims to be some kind of Archaic Body cultivator. He says thetreasure belongs to his Archaic Body Cultivation clan and has been in their possession for ages,” Juanadded.

In an envious tone, he added, “The only problem is that his map's incomplete and doesn't show theexact location of the treasure. Still, folks are flocking to buy it. Vasker's rolling in dough.”

“Vasker? Vasily?” Jared's brow furrowed slightly.

He wasn't sure what the connection was between Vasker and Vasily. What are the odds of anotherArchaic Body Cultivation cultivator popping up?

“Mr. Chance, you're mixing up names. This guy's name is Vasker, not Vasily,” Crixus corrected.

“Oh. Take me to meet this Vasker now,” Jared said.

Jared wanted to get a firsthand look at who this Vasker was and the story behind his treasure map. Heneeded to ascertain whether this guy was truly an Archaic Body cultivator.

“Mr. Chance, I'd advise against it. This guy's a real swindler. He's charging a hundred million spiritcoins for that treasure map. Just the entrance fee to get in line costs ten million. I feel like his treasuremap is fake. We don't need to be tricked into spending money on it,” Crixus warned, trying to dissuadeJared.

“A hundred million spirit coins? Is he out of his mind?” Viola exclaimed upon hearing the sum.

How could an incomplete map with doubtful authenticity fetch a whopping one hundred million spiritcoins?

Moreover, this guy had made copies of it so that he could sell it to multiple people simultaneously.

It was evident that Vasker was raking in the riches.

“That's exactly why we should check it out. If it's able to command such a high price, there might besome truth to this treasure map,” Jared asserted.novelbin

“But Jared, we don't have a hundred million spirit coins now. The resources were taken back by Mr.Samoll,” Viola pointed out.

Jared smiled faintly. “Don't worry, we have as much money as we need. Once I talk to the folks inJipsdale, I'm confident they'll provide.”

Jared knew he could ask the countess for the money he needed to get the Ice Soul Pill. She wouldsurely oblige, as a hundred million spirit coins were pocket change for Jipsdale.

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