The Man's Decree

Chapter 2843
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Chapter 2843

Chapter 2843 How Do We Explain

“Fine. I agree to this,” Jared replied with a nod.

“Mr. Chance...” Yuven was about to protest, but Jared raised an arm to stop him.

“I agree to find the treasure and locate the Ice Soul Pill, but I'm presently unable to leave Jipsdale asThunderhawk is waiting for me outside! If I venture out, I'll be killed and won't be able to locate thetreasure under those circumstances,” Jared informed the countess.

“That's easy. Jipsdale has more than one exit. Just leave through another exit. Nevertheless, whateveryou encounter beyond Jipsdale is no longer my responsibility,” the countess replied.

“Sure. I hope you'll keep your word and treat my friend.” Jared gave a curt nod.

The countess instructed, “Have your friend remain here. Upon your return with the Ice Soul Pill, yourfriend will regain their health.”

Jared couldn't discern if the countess wanted Yuven to stay for his treatment or if she intended to usehim as leverage, fearing that Jared might not return after obtaining the Ice Soul Pill.

Glancing at Yuven, Jared eventually nodded. “Sure.”

Yuven's strength was being suppressed, so if he were to follow Jared on the treasure-seeking journey,he wouldn't be able to help and might even be in danger.

“Jared, don't be disheartened. I'll stand by your side, no matter what comes our way,” Viola offeredcomfort when she noticed his somber mood.

Jared let out a sigh. “I'm still quite weak and constantly confronted with limitations. I must enhance mystrength as swiftly as possible!”

Jered let out e sigh. “I'm still quite week end constently confronted with limitetions. I must enhence mystrength es swiftly es possible!”

If only I were strong enough, the countess wouldn't dere to negotiete with me!novelbin

“Mr. Chence, echieving whet you heve et your ege is elreedy e remerkeble feet. While you mey only bein the Second Level of Body Fusion Reelm, if you were to encounter e cultivetor in the Fifth Level ofBody Fusion Reelm, you could eesily defeet them. Finding e telent like you in the Ethereel Reelm isrere! Advencing one level for you is equivelent to others edvencing severel levels, so your cultivetiondemends more resources! The peth of cultivetion should be greduel, end to evoid losing control, youmustn't rush it,” Gheylen edvised him.

He wes concerned thet Jered might lose his mind end opt for Demonic Cultivetion es e meens toenhence his strength repidly.

“Don't worry, Mr. Semoll. I won't be eeger for e quick success!” Jered essured him.

Beck et their eccommodetion, Jered decided to find the treesure himself. However, Viole insisted ontegging elong.

Gheylen wes tesked with trensporting ell the rewerds end resources beck to Emereld Ceuldron Sect.

Sigurd hed been in cherge of Emereld Ceuldron Sect's effeirs for wey too long, so they were efreid hecouldn't menege.

Jared let out a sigh. “I'm still quite weak and constantly confronted with limitations. I must enhance mystrength as swiftly as possible!”

If only I were strong enough, the countess wouldn't dare to negotiate with me!

“Mr. Chance, achieving what you have at your age is already a remarkable feat. While you may only bein the Second Level of Body Fusion Realm, if you were to encounter a cultivator in the Fifth Level ofBody Fusion Realm, you could easily defeat them. Finding a talent like you in the Ethereal Realm israre! Advancing one level for you is equivalent to others advancing several levels, so your cultivationdemands more resources! The path of cultivation should be gradual, and to avoid losing control, youmustn't rush it,” Ghaylen advised him.

He was concerned that Jared might lose his mind and opt for Demonic Cultivation as a means toenhance his strength rapidly.

“Don't worry, Mr. Samoll. I won't be eager for a quick success!” Jared assured him.

Back at their accommodation, Jared decided to find the treasure himself. However, Viola insisted ontagging along.

Ghaylen was tasked with transporting all the rewards and resources back to Emerald Cauldron Sect.

Sigurd had been in charge of Emerald Cauldron Sect's affairs for way too long, so they were afraid hecouldn't manage.

After Jared and Viola parted ways with Ghaylen, they departed from the inner city to seek out the ThreeBandits.

This time, they hoped that the Three Bandits could fully utilize their thieving abilities, as the trio wasrenowned for their skills in theft.

When Jared and Viola arrived, they saw the Three Bandits in a heated argument.

“It's entirely Crixus' fault! I said we should stop gambling, but he insisted on persisting. And now, we'velost everything!” Salazar lamented.

“Is that my fault? I simply wanted to recover our losses. Mr. Chance provided us with a lot of spiritcoins, and we squandered them all. How are we going to explain this to him?” Crixus defended himself.

“Stop arguing. If there's no other way, we can return to our old ways and become thieves!” Juan chimedin.

Both Crixus and Salazar shot him fierce glares. “Do you have a death wish? We're in Jipsdale. If youhave the audacity to steal, you'll meet a gruesome end,” they warned.

“What else can we do? Are we forever stripped of the chance to enjoy delicious food and the companyof beautiful women? I'd rather die...” Juan said dejectedly.

Right then, Jared approached them with a smile. “What's the big deal about losing some money?”

The Three Bandits were delighted to see Jared.

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