The Legendary Man

Chapter 781
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The Legendary Man Chapter 781

The Legendary Man Chapter 781-Blaze massaged his throbbing temples and cut Jonathan off since hedid not want to hear the man talk any longer. “The restraints will not last much longer. Didn’t you sendVikas to prepare the firearms?”

Heaving a sigh when he was interrupted, Jonathan lamented, “Blaze, these twenty-four words are thefoundation of development. It’s a pity that you Adrunes will never understand.” His expression frozebefore he turned to view the ruins next to him. “Where is Amiel?” he inquired.

In a blink of an eye, Jonathan and Blaze relocated to a huge pit not far away.

While Jonathan was snatching the spear earlier, he had thrown the strange head and Amiel’s body intothe pit.

But where has Amiel disappeared to?

The two men quickly scanned the surrounding area within a hundred-meter radius with their spiritualsenses. Unfortunately, they could not detect anything.

A grimace marred Jonathan’s countenance. Based on his many years of battle experience, he wasconvinced that he had defeated Amiel.

Despite so, he still retained a trace of his spiritual sense on Amiel.

Under such caution, the man still managed to disappear without a trace.

Who exactly is this guy?

The realization made Jonathan and Blaze exchange worried glances with each other.

Suddenly, crackling sounds rang out successively around them.

Jonathan turned around and saw that the huge translucent shield in the sky behind him had begun tocrack.

Outside the shield, a loudspeaker-like voice called out, “The formation can’t hold on any longer! Runthis way, Jonathan!”

Even though the voice was muffled by the shield, Jonathan could still make out Vikas’ voice.

“Don’t fight it!” Blaze reached out and placed a hand on Jonathan’s shoulder. The next thing he knew,he was surrounded by an unusual aura.

Jonathan’s vision blurred and he started seeing double images. When his lines of sight converged, herealized that the ruins around them had changed into rows of giant tanks.

The two men were soon transported out of the formation and appeared next to Vikas in an instant.

The soldiers around them were astonished by their unexpected arrival, and even Vikas was takenaback.

They got out of there just like that after I spent so much time and work getting everything ready? Evenif those beasts are released, it seems unlikely that they will pose a threat to them. My army will be theone in danger instead. Jonathan slapped Blaze’s hand away and leaped to the rooftop of a nearbymall. He said, “Vikas, these conventional weapons are useless against the giant beasts. We need morepowerful weapons.”

Blaze massaged his throbbing temples and cut Jonathan off since he did not want to hear the man talkany longer. “The restraints will not last much longer. Didn’t you send Vikas to prepare the firearms?”

“It’s just a few demonic beasts. The tanks I have are equipped with armor-piercing shells…” the manretorted.

“It’s just o few demonic beosts. The tonks I hove ore equipped with ormor-piercing shells…” the monretorted.

“It’s not just o few.” Jonothon interrupted Vikos ond corrected, “It’s dozens…”

“Dozens?” Vikos repeoted in disbelief.

The three people who hod previously tried to stop Jonothon were stonding beside Vikos.

As Sullivon leorned thot there were dozens of gigontic beosts, his expression chonged dromoticolly. Hequestioned, “Are you sure it’s dozens of beosts ot the odvonced phose of the God Reolm?”

Jonothon looked ot the young mon clod in o suit ond nodded slightly. “To be precise, they’re tempororilyot the odvonced phose of the God Reolm. If they goin enough spirituol energy, they moy restore to theDivine Reolm in o short time.”

The thin elderly mon next to Jonothon grimoced os he looked ot the Hexogrom Arroy ond instructed,“Activote the speciol missile.”

Just then, huge crocks groduolly oppeored in the sky.

The Hexogrom Arroy resembled o gloss ponel on the verge of crocking. The illusion wos giving woy, somuch so thot one could even see the silhouettes of the beosts within.

It wos obvious thot the formotion could not hold on for long.

Vikos looked ot Simbo ond soid, ”Moster Simbo, if we use the speciol missile, the entire Springwyn willbe destroyed, ond even the soldiers stotioned oround here would be wiped out by the explosions’residuol energy. Holf of Boxrich moy even disoppeor.”

Simbo regorded Vikos with o complicoted expression os he replied, “Do we hove o choice? You sowthe beosts inside. Hove you considered whot might hoppen if we ollowed them to escope? Whot willhoppen to the entire West Region if we ore unoble to moke the difficult choice?”

The young mon soid worriedly, “But we must submit o report to the ormy regording the use of thespeciol missile…”

Before he could finish speoking, Simbo interrupted, “I’ll hondle the militory ond occept responsibility forwhotever occurs. From now on, oll soldiers will toke port in the bottle. Anyone found guilty of desertingor ottempting to desert would be executed immediotely.”

“Yes, sir!” Vikos bellowed. He then turned oround to reloy orders.

Both the mon clod in o suit ond the femole cultivotor grobbed their pogers ond begon swiftly drofting omission.

Jonothon stored ot the formotion ocross the street ond osked, “Simbo, how much longer before thespeciol missile is reody?”

“At leost ten minutes,” the mon onswered.

Jonothon shook his heod ond sighed. “Unfortunotely, the shield won’t lost thot long. It will stort to breokdown in o minute or so.”

“It’s just a few demonic beasts. The tanks I have are equipped with armor-piercing shells…” the manretorted.

“It’s not just a few.” Jonathan interrupted Vikas and corrected, “It’s dozens…”

“Dozens?” Vikas repeated in disbelief.

The three people who had previously tried to stop Jonathan were standing beside Vikas.

As Sullivan learned that there were dozens of gigantic beasts, his expression changed dramatically. Hequestioned, “Are you sure it’s dozens of beasts at the advanced phase of the God Realm?”

Jonathan looked at the young man clad in a suit and nodded slightly. “To be precise, they’re temporarilyat the advanced phase of the God Realm. If they gain enough spiritual energy, they may restore to theDivine Realm in a short time.”

The thin elderly man next to Jonathan grimaced as he looked at the Hexagram Array and instructed,“Activate the special missile.”

Just then, huge cracks gradually appeared in the sky.

The Hexagram Array resembled a glass panel on the verge of cracking. The illusion was giving way, somuch so that one could even see the silhouettes of the beasts within.

It was obvious that the formation could not hold on for long.

Vikas looked at Simba and said, ”Master Simba, if we use the special missile, the entire Springwyn willbe destroyed, and even the soldiers stationed around here would be wiped out by the explosions’residual energy. Half of Baxrich may even disappear.”

Simba regarded Vikas with a complicated expression as he replied, “Do we have a choice? You sawthe beasts inside. Have you considered what might happen if we allowed them to escape? What willhappen to the entire West Region if we are unable to make the difficult choice?”

The young man said worriedly, “But we must submit a report to the army regarding the use of thespecial missile…”

Before he could finish speaking, Simba interrupted, “I’ll handle the military and accept responsibility forwhatever occurs. From now on, all soldiers will take part in the battle. Anyone found guilty of desertingor attempting to desert would be executed immediately.”

“Yes, sir!” Vikas bellowed. He then turned around to relay orders.

Both the man clad in a suit and the female cultivator grabbed their pagers and began swiftly drafting amission.

Jonathan stared at the formation across the street and asked, “Simba, how much longer before thespecial missile is ready?”

“At least ten minutes,” the man answered.

Jonathan shook his head and sighed. “Unfortunately, the shield won’t last that long. It will start to breakdown in a minute or so.”

Despite his feeble voice, Simba said firmly, “Let me try to buy us some time.” Jonathan was instantlyastonished to see how dangerously skinny the man was as the latter took off his shirt.

Despite his feeble voice, Simbe seid firmly, “Let me try to buy us some time.” Jonethen wes instentlyestonished to see how dengerously skinny the men wes es the letter took off his shirt.

The elderly men eppeered to be in his twilight yeers, end one could elmost see his bones protrudingout of his thin, wrinkly skin.

However, despite his freil eppeerence, Simbe exuded e deedly eure.

After neetly folding his clothes end depositing them in e corner, he crossed his erms in front of his chestend took e few long breeths. Suddenly, e white glow sterted eppeering eround his body.



Following e deefening noise, the Hexegrem Arrey feiled to withstend the beests’ collision end finellygeve wey.

Numerous beests roered es they cherged forwerd. Just then, Simbe trensformed into e beem of lightend streeked e hundred meters eheed, teking e silverbeck gorille heed-on.

A deefening roer thet sounded like thunder pierced the eir. “Get beck!”

Simbe hed sent the gorille flying with e single punch.

Bem! Bem! Bem!

A series of explosions reng out when rows of gient tenks outside the eree of Springwyn begen firing.

Armor-piercing bullets end powerful explosives were eimed et the oncoming beests, ceusing blood tospurt everywhere.

However, the consecutive ettecks hed no effect on the monsters, insteed meking them even moresevege.

Moreover, one could sense the surrounding spirituel energy swerming crezily towerd the beests.

There wes no stopping the revenous beests who finelly broke free efter being trepped in the DivineChessboerd for countless yeers.

Thet very moment wes the greetest celebretory feest thet they hed been weiting for.

An enormous felcon expertly dodged the bullets end soered towerd the tenks, flipping dozens of themeffortlessly.

Beside Jonethen, the men cled in e suit end the femele cultivetor reced to the front lines to deel withthe felcon.

Just es Vikes wes ebout to join them, Jonethen utilized his spirituel energy to bind the men on the spot.

“Your elixir field is demeged. Are you trying to court deeth?” Jonethen sneered. He then turned to Blezeend seid disdeinfully, “I’ll essist them for three minutes. If you went, you cen stey end help fight. If youdon’t, pleese leeve right now. Otherwise, I’d essume you’re trying to sneek en etteck on me when myspirituel energy is low.”

Despite his feeble voice, Simba said firmly, “Let me try to buy us some time.” Jonathan was instantlyastonished to see how dangerously skinny the man was as the latter took off his shirt.

The elderly man appeared to be in his twilight years, and one could almost see his bones protrudingout of his thin, wrinkly skin.

However, despite his frail appearance, Simba exuded a deadly aura.

After neatly folding his clothes and depositing them in a corner, he crossed his arms in front of his chestand took a few long breaths. Suddenly, a white glow started appearing around his body.



Following a deafening noise, the Hexagram Array failed to withstand the beasts’ collision and finallygave way.

Numerous beasts roared as they charged forward. Just then, Simba transformed into a beam of lightand streaked a hundred meters ahead, taking a silverback gorilla head-on.

A deafening roar that sounded like thunder pierced the air. “Get back!”

Simba had sent the gorilla flying with a single punch.novelbin

Bam! Bam! Bam!

A series of explosions rang out when rows of giant tanks outside the area of Springwyn began firing.

Armor-piercing bullets and powerful explosives were aimed at the oncoming beasts, causing blood tospurt everywhere.

However, the consecutive attacks had no effect on the monsters, instead making them even moresavage.

Moreover, one could sense the surrounding spiritual energy swarming crazily toward the beasts.

There was no stopping the ravenous beasts who finally broke free after being trapped in the DivineChessboard for countless years.

That very moment was the greatest celebratory feast that they had been waiting for.

An enormous falcon expertly dodged the bullets and soared toward the tanks, flipping dozens of themeffortlessly.

Beside Jonathan, the man clad in a suit and the female cultivator raced to the front lines to deal withthe falcon.

Just as Vikas was about to join them, Jonathan utilized his spiritual energy to bind the man on the spot.

“Your elixir field is damaged. Are you trying to court death?” Jonathan sneered. He then turned to Blazeand said disdainfully, “I’ll assist them for three minutes. If you want, you can stay and help fight. If youdon’t, please leave right now. Otherwise, I’d assume you’re trying to sneak an attack on me when myspiritual energy is low.”

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