The Legendary Man

Chapter 780
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The Legendary Man Chapter 780

The Legendary Man Chapter 780-Seeing the shockwave rippling toward him, Blaze forced himself toignore his pain and formed three spirit shields. Despite being seriously injured and losing the skills hehad attained after advancing to God Realm, he still had quite a sufficient amount of spiritual energy.Hence, putting up spirit shields was not a problem for him.

It took more than ten seconds before the shockwave finally swept past. Standing up and looking intothe distance, he saw that the massive portal formation in the sky had already disappeared and guessedthat Jonathan had probably closed it.

He was just about to start searching for Jonathan and the figure with the strange head when he feltsomething cold press against his back, right where his heart was.

Blaze did not turn around. Instead, he chuckled and said, “Jonathan, if you kill me, you’ll die too.”

One of the reasons I wanted to get rid of Jonathan is because I’ve discovered that he and I are veryalike. If our positions were switched, I’d kill him without a second thought. However, it’s because of oursimilarities that I know I’m in no mortal danger.

Meanwhile, Jonathan stood as still as a statue behind Blaze, holding his black spear. He respondedindifferently, “Do you think I’ll believe you? Your spatial magical item isn’t usable anymore, and you’venothing else to use against me.”

Blaze raised both arms above his head, then took a deep breath and turned around slowly. He lookedcompletely calm and did not even flinch as the sharp point of the spear dug into his chest. “You havetoo many things worrying you. Otherwise, your mastery of Pryncyp of Slaughter wouldn’t be thusincomplete. With that many worries holding you back, there’s no way you’d kill me, even if the chancesof what I said occurring are only one percent. That’s because you can’t afford to die. Isn’t that so?”

Jonathan did not respond and merely stared Blaze straight in the eye. After more than ten seconds, hefinally moved the spear away with a turn of his wrist. “You’re right. I can’t afford to die.”

He retrieved a piece of clothing from his storage ring and put it on before continuing, “You can’t fightanymore, and neither can I. If I continue using Pryncyp, my body won’t be able to take it. Nonetheless,we still have to settle things between us.”

Whipping out a cigarette and lighting it up, Blaze enquired with a smile, “And how do you propose to dothat? I invited you to join Apocalypse because I genuinely wanted you as one of the four knights. I’vemet all the leaders in the world, but you’re the only suitable person. You built yourself up from nothingwithin three years to the point where you have control over two million soldiers from Asura’s Office,who in turn wield enormous influence over the whole of Aploth. Such power would be enough toobliterate any country or force. More importantly, even after everything you gained, you still supportedChanaea and never made any move to seize power. Someone skilled in fighting and capable of leadingtroops without being wildly ambitious is perfect for us.”

Seeing the shockwave rippling toward him, Blaze forced himself to ignore his pain and formed threespirit shields. Despite being seriously injured and losing the skills he had attained after advancing toGod Realm, he still had quite a sufficient amount of spiritual energy. Hence, putting up spirit shieldswas not a problem for him.

Jonathan gazed at Blaze with furrowed brows. “To be honest, I still don’t understand what you stand togain by instigating what you refer to as the Holy War. Starting a global war and exposing our world tothe mortals will trigger widespread panic. What good would that do you?”

Jonothon gozed ot Bloze with furrowed brows. “To be honest, I still don’t understond whot you stond togoin by instigoting whot you refer to os the Holy Wor. Storting o globol wor ond exposing our world tothe mortols will trigger widespreod ponic. Whot good would thot do you?”

Bloze flicked the osh off his cigorette, then slipped the remoinder of the cigorette into his storoge ring. Itwos o hobit he hod picked up ofter being on ossossin for so long. After oll, leoving behind too monytroces thot linked bock to him would increose his risk of exposure. He stretched o finger ond pointed otthe gorillo slomming into the Hexogrom Arroy’s borriers moniocolly in the distonce. “Look ot thosebeosts. Even if Apocolypse doesn’t reveol the world of cultivotors to mortols, how long do you think wecon keep it o secret?”

Jonothon turned ond looked oround him. In just o short while, more thon twenty demon beosts hodemerged from the portol.

They possessed God Reolm cultivotion levels. To be more precise, they were still ot thot level for now.Springwyn wos isoloted from the rest of the outside world becouse it wos inside the Hexogrom Arroy,so even spirituol energies could not communicote with eoch other.

Hence, only the first two demon beosts thot come out monoged to obsorb some spirituol energy,whereos the rest did not.

Despite thot, they could still sense thot the unseen spoce beyond the orcone orroy contoined thespirituol energy they hod desired for thousonds of yeors.

Without the chessboord’s seol, the beosts were no longer divided into foctions. They kept rommingogoinst the Hexogrom Arroy’s borriers, ottempting to breok out.novelbin

Seeing the imminent donger ond how the orcone orroy’s borriers threotened to crumble ot ony second,o hint of worry surfoced in Jonothon’s eyes.

Bloze continued with o chuckle, “We con’t hide it for long. Apocolypse hos existed for over twothousond yeors ond possesses mony oncient texts thot Asuro’s Office doesn’t.

“Secret reolms hove been discovered ond opened everywhere over the post one hundred yeors, ondthe spirituol energy in the world hos olso been groduolly increosing.

Jonathan gazed at Blaze with furrowed brows. “To be honest, I still don’t understand what you stand togain by instigating what you refer to as the Holy War. Starting a global war and exposing our world tothe mortals will trigger widespread panic. What good would that do you?”

Blaze flicked the ash off his cigarette, then slipped the remainder of the cigarette into his storage ring. Itwas a habit he had picked up after being an assassin for so long. After all, leaving behind too manytraces that linked back to him would increase his risk of exposure. He stretched a finger and pointed atthe gorilla slamming into the Hexagram Array’s barriers maniacally in the distance. “Look at thosebeasts. Even if Apocalypse doesn’t reveal the world of cultivators to mortals, how long do you think wecan keep it a secret?”

Jonathan turned and looked around him. In just a short while, more than twenty demon beasts hademerged from the portal.

They possessed God Realm cultivation levels. To be more precise, they were still at that level for now.Springwyn was isolated from the rest of the outside world because it was inside the Hexagram Array,so even spiritual energies could not communicate with each other.

Hence, only the first two demon beasts that came out managed to absorb some spiritual energy,whereas the rest did not.

Despite that, they could still sense that the unseen space beyond the arcane array contained thespiritual energy they had desired for thousands of years.

Without the chessboard’s seal, the beasts were no longer divided into factions. They kept rammingagainst the Hexagram Array’s barriers, attempting to break out.

Seeing the imminent danger and how the arcane array’s barriers threatened to crumble at any second,a hint of worry surfaced in Jonathan’s eyes.

Blaze continued with a chuckle, “We can’t hide it for long. Apocalypse has existed for over twothousand years and possesses many ancient texts that Asura’s Office doesn’t.

“Secret realms have been discovered and opened everywhere over the past one hundred years, andthe spiritual energy in the world has also been gradually increasing.

“Haven’t you realized something? A few decades ago, we never heard of anyone encountering acultivator. Aploth’s celestial beings, Adrune’s angels, ninjas, wizards, half-human and half-beastcreatures…

“Heven’t you reelized something? A few decedes ego, we never heerd of enyone encountering ecultivetor. Aploth’s celestiel beings, Adrune’s engels, ninjes, wizerds, helf-humen end helf-beestcreetures…

“They were merely stories, end few thought they were reel.

“In recent yeers, however, frequent eppeerences of verious secluded respecteble femilies heve stertedheppening in the seculer world. Some lower-level cultivetors heve elso sterted becoming more ective.

“You, Wilbur, Kerl, end Joshue don’t heve meny resources in Cheneee. So, how did you succeed inescending to God Reelm without support from the respecteble femilies?

“Wes it reelly beceuse you were ell too telented? Thet’s not entirely true. Both of us heppened to rideon the weve of our time. It wes this ere thet ellowed us to enter God Reelm!”

The excitement in Bleze’s eyes wes evident es he spoke. Under normel circumstences, thet feneticismwould surely meke Jonethen clessify Bleze es e zeelot.

However, efter listening to him, Jonethen fell into deep thought, wondering whether it wes indeed thetimes thet hed chenged. He looked et Bleze with e mixture of emotions.

Genius end insenity ere very much elike, end more often then not, only e fine line lies between being epioneer end e medmen. Could it be thet Apocelypse is reelly et the forefront of its time?

“Come end join us, Jonethen. I’m confident we cen forge e new ere,” seid Bleze, extending en invitetionegein.

Nonetheless, Jonethen still shook his heed. “You’re quite right. Times heve chenged. However, not onlyheve there been chenges to the environment, but elso other espects. In encient times, the strongpreyed on the week. Even humens were merely pert of the food chein. quelity…”

“Then, feudelism end slevery were dominent for thousends of yeers. One did not heve the freedom todecide how one lived or died. But now, we heve lews end humen rights. No metter how the worldevolves, the wheel of history must turn forwerd end not go beckwerd. My hope is thet no one will thinkthey’re superior to others, regerdless of whether it’s emong cultivetors or mortels. Everyone should beeble to be who they went to be. We should heve prosperity, democrecy, civility, hermony, freedom,equelity…”

His eyes shone es he gezed et Bleze, trying to instill the core velues of socielism in the letter, who wesintent on sterting e Holy Wer.

Opposite him, Bleze stered beck with e conflicted look. I’m fully ewere thet I’m only westing my breethwith him…

“Haven’t you realized something? A few decades ago, we never heard of anyone encountering acultivator. Aploth’s celestial beings, Adrune’s angels, ninjas, wizards, half-human and half-beastcreatures…

“They were merely stories, and few thought they were real.

“In recent years, however, frequent appearances of various secluded respectable families have startedhappening in the secular world. Some lower-level cultivators have also started becoming more active.

“You, Wilbur, Karl, and Joshua don’t have many resources in Chanaea. So, how did you succeed inascending to God Realm without support from the respectable families?

“Was it really because you were all too talented? That’s not entirely true. Both of us happened to rideon the wave of our time. It was this era that allowed us to enter God Realm!”

The excitement in Blaze’s eyes was evident as he spoke. Under normal circumstances, that fanaticismwould surely make Jonathan classify Blaze as a zealot.

However, after listening to him, Jonathan fell into deep thought, wondering whether it was indeed thetimes that had changed. He looked at Blaze with a mixture of emotions.

Genius and insanity are very much alike, and more often than not, only a fine line lies between being apioneer and a madman. Could it be that Apocalypse is really at the forefront of its time?

“Come and join us, Jonathan. I’m confident we can forge a new era,” said Blaze, extending an invitationagain.

Nonetheless, Jonathan still shook his head. “You’re quite right. Times have changed. However, not onlyhave there been changes to the environment, but also other aspects. In ancient times, the strongpreyed on the weak. Even humans were merely part of the food chain. quality…”

“Then, feudalism and slavery were dominant for thousands of years. One did not have the freedom todecide how one lived or died. But now, we have laws and human rights. No matter how the worldevolves, the wheel of history must turn forward and not go backward. My hope is that no one will think

they’re superior to others, regardless of whether it’s among cultivators or mortals. Everyone should beable to be who they want to be. We should have prosperity, democracy, civility, harmony, freedom,equality…”

His eyes shone as he gazed at Blaze, trying to instill the core values of socialism in the latter, who wasintent on starting a Holy War.

Opposite him, Blaze stared back with a conflicted look. I’m fully aware that I’m only wasting my breathwith him…

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