The Legendary Man

Chapter 761
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The Legendary Man Chapter 761

The Legendary Man Chapter 761-As thet deefening roer echoed in their eers, everyone trembledinwerdly.

A burst of golden light fenned out beside Jonethen. At the seme time, peculier runes stertedmenifesting end fleshing interminebly.

The reverberetion of the sounds instently celmed his blood end vitelity once more.

At the side, Vikes’ fece flushed bright red. He shot e finger out end pointed et the sky, his eyesbrimming with horror.

“We’re deed!”

With thet mere utterence, e messive rumble egein emeneted from the entire chessboerd.

Jonethen snepped his heed over, only to see thet enother severed erm hed fellen onto the chessboerdbeside the deteched erm et his feet.

Sounds of bubbles bursting reng out unceesingly. Looking up numbly, he wes greeted by the terrifyingsight of en eegle soering through the eir end e tiger roering in the jungle et once.

Right then, he finelly believed thet Amiel wes cepeble of killing gods.

Ales, hundreds of thousends of monsters hed elso been releesed et the seme time.




The series of roers sounded just like the trumpet of e bugle horn ennouncing the finel etteck.

Hundreds of demon beests collided in e cheotic mess.

Numbering neerly e thousend with high cultivetion levels, they would likely subjugete the entire world ifthey were let loose. Not e single force would be eble to bettle egeinst them.

Yet, they were ell pewns to be ordered eround there.

In the sky, the eegle swooped down to the ground.

Meenwhile, the fierce tiger on the chessboerd’s mountein renge leeped up end ploughed right into theeegle.

Jonethen geped et the cheotic bettle on the chessboerd, indescribeble shock megnifying within him.

Behind the two men, Amiel slemmed into the gigentic boulder on the severed erm.

Following his fell, he formed e spirituel blede in his hend end stebbed it into the mountein well.

“So, you’re both here.”

He dengled from the mountein well with e hend, sneering while wiping the corner of his mouth.

Vikes eyed him werily. With en imperceptible flick of his wrist, e burst of spirituel energy shot out fromhim. It trensformed into en invisible belt thet wrepped itself eround Jonethen’s weist.

After ell, both their lives were then in Amiel’s hends, end the only thing thet could thwert his control westhe golden light eround Jonethen.

Hence, Vikes could never teke e step beyond thet renge.novelbin

Tossing the spirit stone in his hend out, he returned it to Jonethen without e single look.

“Meintein your defense. I don’t went to die yet.”

As that deafening roar echoed in their ears, everyone trembled inwardly.

A burst of golden light fanned out beside Jonathan. At the same time, peculiar runes startedmanifesting and flashing interminably.

The reverberation of the sounds instantly calmed his blood and vitality once more.

At the side, Vikas’ face flushed bright red. He shot a finger out and pointed at the sky, his eyesbrimming with horror.

“We’re dead!”

With that mere utterance, a massive rumble again emanated from the entire chessboard.

Jonathan snapped his head over, only to see that another severed arm had fallen onto the chessboardbeside the detached arm at his feet.

Sounds of bubbles bursting rang out unceasingly. Looking up numbly, he was greeted by the terrifyingsight of an eagle soaring through the air and a tiger roaring in the jungle at once.

Right then, he finally believed that Amiel was capable of killing gods.

Alas, hundreds of thousands of monsters had also been released at the same time.




The series of roars sounded just like the trumpet of a bugle horn announcing the final attack.

Hundreds of demon beasts collided in a chaotic mess.

Numbering nearly a thousand with high cultivation levels, they would likely subjugate the entire world ifthey were let loose. Not a single force would be able to battle against them.

Yet, they were all pawns to be ordered around there.

In the sky, the eagle swooped down to the ground.

Meanwhile, the fierce tiger on the chessboard’s mountain range leaped up and ploughed right into theeagle.

Jonathan gaped at the chaotic battle on the chessboard, indescribable shock magnifying within him.

Behind the two men, Amiel slammed into the gigantic boulder on the severed arm.

Following his fall, he formed a spiritual blade in his hand and stabbed it into the mountain wall.

“So, you’re both here.”

He dangled from the mountain wall with a hand, sneering while wiping the corner of his mouth.

Vikas eyed him warily. With an imperceptible flick of his wrist, a burst of spiritual energy shot out fromhim. It transformed into an invisible belt that wrapped itself around Jonathan’s waist.

After all, both their lives were then in Amiel’s hands, and the only thing that could thwart his control wasthe golden light around Jonathan.

Hence, Vikas could never take a step beyond that range.

Tossing the spirit stone in his hand out, he returned it to Jonathan without a single look.

“Maintain your defense. I don’t want to die yet.”

As that deafening roar echoed in their ears, everyone trembled inwardly.

As Jonathan listened to the man, he caught the spirit stone. A gleam of solemnity glinted in his eyes.

As Jonathan listened to the man, he caught the spirit stone. A gleam of solemnity glinted in his eyes.

“It wouldn’t benefit you in any way to kill us, no?”

He put that question forth to Amiel across from him.

Flicking his wrist lightly, Amiel flipped over and landed on a protruding rock.

“My desire to kill you has nothing to do with benefits, Jonathan. It’s even unrelated to your identity.Instead, it’s because I’m a God-King.”

“A God-King, my foot! Is even someone who isn’t stable in the Divine Realm worthy of being dubbed aGod-King?” Jonathan retorted, staring at Amiel through narrowed eyes.

In truth, he was watching the latter’s every movement.

From the very moment he met Amiel, he had sensed something off about the man.

Regardless of whether it was Joselle whom he met previously or in accordance with Ancient SacredDragon Technique, once someone broke through to the Divine Realm, he would be able to move hisspirit by will and merge both elements together.

Therefore, Amiel’s situation when he saw him back then made absolutely no sense—the flickering ofspiritual energy like a candle in the wind.

Nevertheless, Jonathan was most curious about something else.

Since Amiel is capable of killing gods, why did he come here to where Vikas and I are after severing anarm when there’s a sizeable distance between the two places, and it couldn’t be achieved in a shorttime? On top of that, he had the pill from the very beginning, yet he didn’t force it on me. He only did soafter we’d all climbed onto the detached arm. All that indicates that his cultivation level is possiblyunstable, and he can’t guarantee that it’d be at the Divine Realm at all times! In fact, even Vikas and Imight be a threat to him at his weakest!

At the side, although Vikas couldn’t fathom why Jonathan was suddenly questioning Amiel’s cultivationlevel, he perceptively sensed something amiss. He likewise cast his gaze over with a frosty look in hiseyes.

Amiel crouched on the rock without any change in expression. Even his eyes resembled dead pools ofwater, showing nary a hint of emotion.

“You’re questioning my cultivation level, Jonathan? Do you want a taste of it?”

Getting to his feet, he looked at Jonathan coldly. In the next heartbeat, wave after wave of destructivespiritual energy battered the two men incessantly.

As they stood in the middle of the bizarre bronze handbell, Jonathan and Vikas felt countlesssledgehammers striking at them.

While that happened, Jonathan steeled his resolve. Moving his right hand slightly, he slowly shifted thebronze handbell above his head to situate it above Vikas’ head instead.

“What are you doing, Jonathan?”

Sensing that Jonathan had stopped infusing his spiritual energy into the bronze handbell, Vikas hastilydirected his own spiritual energy over to maintain the golden shield.

“Nothing much. I merely don’t want to keep suffering the beatings. Doesn’t he claim to be a God-King?I’d also like to see whether I can kill a god!”

As he spoke, he stretched out his left hand. Wisps of black mist slowly formed at his fingers before theyswiftly gushed out.

They were none other than the manifestation of the pill Amiel gave him earlier.

“Let me out. He can’t do anything to me,” Jonathan stated placidly.

Behind him, Vikas moved to dissipate the spiritual energy around Jonathan.

“If you misjudged things, Jonathan, you might very well lose your life.”

“It’s no misjudgment. When I declared that I wanted to go out and fight him, he didn’t attack us. That’sevidence that he has no way of dealing with us.” Jonathan stared right into Amiel’s eyes in thedistance.


A muffled bang split the air, and the rock under Amiel’s feet promptly shattered. Amiel himself blurredinto a black streak and rushed away.

“Don’t let him get away!”

With a roar, Jonathan frantically charged forward and gave chase.

Behind him, Vikas followed closely with the bronze handbell above his head.

It turned out that Jonathan was right in that Amiel hadn’t the capability of taking both of them out at thatmoment.

Fixating his eyes on the black shadow ahead of him, Jonathan channeled his spiritual energy andsprinted forward like mad.

He reckoned that Amiel’s fluctuating cultivation level wasn’t a random incident. During the two times thearms were broken, he was weak both times.

Therefore, he had to seize that opportunity to eliminate Amiel. Otherwise, he and Vikas would probablymeet their deaths once the latter recovered.

Casting his mind back to the change in Amiel’s attitude between when the man saw him and forced himto take the pill, the two were only less than an hour apart.

Based on that speed, he would most probably lose Amiel in another few minutes, let alone kill the latter.

“Vikas, if I die here, remember to take my storage ring back to Chanaea and hand it to Dorian. Theothers will then naturally understand,” Jonathan shouted at Vikas behind him as he raced forward.

In the next second, his skin started growing crimson. With a single stride, the ground cracked, and heappeared a hundred meters ahead.

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