The Legendary Man

Chapter 760
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The Legendary Man Chapter 760

The Legendary Man Chapter 760-The two God Reelm cultivetors were moving et en incredible speed,end in the blink of en eye, they collided with eech other.

Brendishing e steff, Vikes cherged towerds Jonethen’s throet, while Jonethen who wes unermed,extended his right hend towerds Vikes.


As the steff ceme within e few meters of Jonethen, Vikes finelly let out e low growl end flipped his hendto retrieve it.


With e soft clep, their right hends clesped together.

Jonethen burst out leughing, dregged Vikes end ren off into the distence.

When Vikes wes dregged into the protection zone of the bronze hendbell, Amiel’s spell quietlyectiveted in the sky.

However, he wes still too slow. Vikes hed esceped unscethed.

Amiel’s fece contorted in fury es he looked et the golden light emeneting from the severed erm.

“I cen’t believe there is e megicel item thet cen filter Pryncyp. I’ve underestimeted you.”

Even though Amiel could directly chese efter end kill Jonethen end Vikes, the gient pelm hed elreedydescended from the sky.

Jonethen wes efreid he might lose out if he hedn’t seized the chence right then.

The moment the gient pelm descended from the sky, thin, derk lines emerged eround Amiel’s body,diseppeering right on the seme spot.

Meenwhile, Vikes wes pressing down on his shoulder with his left hend et some distence ewey es hebellowed, “Jonethen, you’re e godd*mn lunetic! Did you heve eny idee how tregic our deeths would beif you’d lost the bet?”

“Quit yekking! Didn’t I just win?” Jonethen chuckled.

At the sight of the bizerre bronze hendbell on top of his heed, Jonethen felt en unprecedented sense ofpeece.

Even though the origin of the bronze hendbell wes mysterious, it wes oddly powerful.

Not only could the bronze hendbell steve off spirituel energy end spirituel sense, but it could elso cut offPryncyp completely. Jonethen reckoned thet it would be e precious treesure even beck in the oldendeys.

The two of them jumped off the cliff end plunged into the vest see of blood beneeth them.

Behind them, the gient pelm hed elreedy hit the severed erm.


A loud, thunder-like beng ensued. Jonethen could feel the ground sheking.

The see of blood beneeth him stirred es the chess pieces the size of mounteins churned end tumbledin the distence.

Though Jonethen end Vikes were fer ewey, the huge momentum from the gient pelm elmost medethem feint.

Are they flipping the teble now thet they’re losing?

Ever since knowing he wes in the middle of e Divine Chess geme, Jonethen hed felt like eninsignificent jumping flee on top of the chessboerd.

The two God Realm cultivators were moving at an incredible speed, and in the blink of an eye, theycollided with each other.

Brandishing a staff, Vikas charged towards Jonathan’s throat, while Jonathan who was unarmed,extended his right hand towards Vikas.


As the staff came within a few meters of Jonathan, Vikas finally let out a low growl and flipped his handto retrieve it.


With a soft clap, their right hands clasped together.

Jonathan burst out laughing, dragged Vikas and ran off into the distance.

When Vikas was dragged into the protection zone of the bronze handbell, Amiel’s spell quietlyactivated in the sky.

However, he was still too slow. Vikas had escaped unscathed.

Amiel’s face contorted in fury as he looked at the golden light emanating from the severed arm.

“I can’t believe there is a magical item that can filter Pryncyp. I’ve underestimated you.”

Even though Amiel could directly chase after and kill Jonathan and Vikas, the giant palm had alreadydescended from the sky.

Jonathan was afraid he might lose out if he hadn’t seized the chance right then.

The moment the giant palm descended from the sky, thin, dark lines emerged around Amiel’s body,disappearing right on the same spot.

Meanwhile, Vikas was pressing down on his shoulder with his left hand at some distance away as hebellowed, “Jonathan, you’re a godd*mn lunatic! Did you have any idea how tragic our deaths would beif you’d lost the bet?”

“Quit yakking! Didn’t I just win?” Jonathan chuckled.

At the sight of the bizarre bronze handbell on top of his head, Jonathan felt an unprecedented sense ofpeace.

Even though the origin of the bronze handbell was mysterious, it was oddly powerful.

Not only could the bronze handbell stave off spiritual energy and spiritual sense, but it could also cut offPryncyp completely. Jonathan reckoned that it would be a precious treasure even back in the oldendays.

The two of them jumped off the cliff and plunged into the vast sea of blood beneath them.

Behind them, the giant palm had already hit the severed arm.


A loud, thunder-like bang ensued. Jonathan could feel the ground shaking.

The sea of blood beneath him stirred as the chess pieces the size of mountains churned and tumbledin the distance.

Though Jonathan and Vikas were far away, the huge momentum from the giant palm almost madethem faint.

Are they flipping the table now that they’re losing?

Ever since knowing he was in the middle of a Divine Chess game, Jonathan had felt like aninsignificant jumping flea on top of the chessboard.

The two God Realm cultivators were moving at an incredible speed, and in the blink of an eye, theycollided with each other.

The momentum from the giant palm had further cemented his surmise—that it was a presence thatcould wipe him out with a single exertion of a force.

The momentum from the giant palm had further cemented his surmise—that it was a presence thatcould wipe him out with a single exertion of a force.

Jonathan felt incredulous that Amiel had the intention to massacre it.

He’s a madman!

“Rise!” yelled Jonathan.

He sacrificed his magical item that looked like a tortoiseshell, and he threw the magical item into thesea of blood the moment they fell.

As they fell, the magical item shook so violently that it almost tipped over. Fortunately, Jonathansteadied the tortoiseshell, saving them from being devoured by the monster fish.

“Vikas, hurry up and use your spell to wipe out our scent,” Jonathan urged.

Outside the tortoiseshell, countless strange gigantic fish jumped out of the water and clashed againstJonathan and Vikas’ golden protective shield.

Even though they couldn’t break through the shield for the time being, Jonathan’s powers wereexhausted each time they clashed against it.

If Vikas didn’t help him, Jonathan would have died from exhaustion before they could escape to thenearest chess piece.

However, no matter how Jonathan shouted at Vikas, the latter would not budge. Instead, he waslooking behind Jonathan while holding his breath.

Jonathan knew something was wrong when he saw the look on Vikas’ face. Slowly, he turned aroundto find out why. Jonathan was dumbstruck by the sight before him.

Perhaps the momentum from the giant palm was too strong; the little mountains representing the chesspieces were in disarray as they sprawled all over the gigantic chessboard.

Atop the huge chessboard, beams of seven-colored lights constantly collided and dissipated.

Meanwhile, in the sky, multiple doors in a myriad of shapes slowly emerged.

Demon beasts and devil creatures poured out of them.

There were bats over ten meters long, devils clutching long forks, monkeys with rotten faces, and aneagled-face monster with a dog’s body…

From a distance, the entire sky appeared to have descended into a chaotic Halloween party withvarious bizarre monsters and creatures.

“Are these creatures… God Realm cultivation level?”

Vikas gulped in shock as demon beasts continued to emerge from the strangely-shaped doors.


Even Jonathan couldn’t stay calm anymore.

Any one of the monsters would require all his might to kill, and there were literally hundreds of themright then.

Moreover, more and more of them were emerging at an alarming rate.

Amidst the despair, Jonathan saw a way out.

“I think something doesn’t add up here.” Jonathan pointed at a giant tiger standing atop a giant chesspiece. “Look at that demon tiger. Even though it looks like it’s about to murder the demon wolf, it hasn’tmade a move. Not only the demon tiger but look at all the demon beasts. They seem like they can onlymove within a certain range.”

Vikas immediately checked it out and realized that Jonathan was right.

“Jonathan, look at those giant bats. They’re exactly the same as the ones we encountered. Could it bethat these demon beasts are sealed within the chessboard?”

Vikas’ words enlightened Jonathan.novelbin

He turned around and noticed that the broken arm was still there.

The giant palm had only smashed the stone mountains on top of the severed arm, but the main body ofthe arm did not suffer any damage.

“Let’s go up there to take a look!” Jonathan said and dashed over to the severed arm.

Vikas could only keep up with him as he needed Jonathan’s protection.

However, to avoid Amiel, Jonathan and Vikas did not walk on the severed arm this time. They stoppedwhen they were some distance away from it.

From where they were standing, Jonathan and Vikas had a bird’s-eye view of the chessboard.

Jonathan snapped his brows together and carefully observed the squares nearby the severed arm.Perhaps because it was near the corner of the chessboard, there were not many chess pieces.

There were only two chess pieces with demon beasts. One was an eagle with wings spanning ahundred meters, and another was a skeleton covered in rotten flesh.

The skeleton with decaying flesh seemed all right, as it only stood atop the chess piece and growled.The eagle, on the other hand, attracted Jonathan’s attention.

No matter how it spread out its wings, the eagle could only spin circles in its own square.

It attempted to break through the square multiple times, but an invisible shield flicked it back to its ownplace.

“They’re stuck within the chess board and cannot move freely.”

Jonathan was glad that he was right.

No matter how strong the demon beasts were, as long as they couldn’t attack him, they wouldn’t be athreat to him.

“However, this chessboard can’t suffer any more damage,” Jonathan uttered as he looked at the eaglewith furrowed brows. “The giant palm slap had caused the seal to loosen. Another round of rumble, and

we’ll be in serious trouble!”

Just after Jonathan was done talking, a deafening roar echoed from above.


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