The Legendary Man

Chapter 706
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The Legendary Man Chapter 706

The Legendary Man Chapter 706-While Sirius was talking, he and Xavion both started to look worried.

After that, Xavion pulled out his satellite phone and made a call.

That was a risky thing to do because making a call on a satellite phone would most probably gethacked by the Remdikian army.

However, it was a risk they had to take.

Not only Xavion but Sirius had also whipped out his satellite phone to make a phone call.

When their calls went through, both of them went straight to the point and expressed almost the samethoughts.

There was a big possibility that the Mallory family, the Henderson family, and the Leeson familycould’ve already formed an alliance. Hence, they had to prepare for what was to come.

None of the people who were sent to Remdik on a mission was a goody two shoes.

Among the respectable families, each one of them could have ten to twenty God Realm cultivators.However, little held the same status as Sirius and the others.novelbin

Obviously, those respectable families weren’t going to risk their heirs. However, the rest of the GodRealm experts also had clear jurisdictions.

For example, Garrison of the Osborne family, who was killed by Jonathan, was in charge of battles. Hehardly participated in the family’s decision-making. Instead, he merely acted as an elder to deal withtheir enemies by force.

Meanwhile, God Realm cultivators such as Sirius and Xavion acted more like clones of the leaders ofrespectable families.

During negotiations, the people Sirius and Xavion represented could either choose to negotiatepeacefully or by force.

Even after the negotiation had broken down, they could still choose to act violently.

In fact, to a certain extent, these men could decide the future of a respectable family.

The same could be applied to Stellario and the others. Although they didn’t have the power to decide,their decisions to temporarily link up with the other families made it even more probable for theirfamilies to do exactly the same.

These men were obviously smart enough to grasp the situation. Just by looking at the footprints leftbehind by Stellario and the others, they knew those three people had formed an alliance.

After all, if they were fighting for themselves, none of them would choose to risk their lives to protectKarl’s wife and son.

Therefore, they had most probably found a way to keep each other in check.

Upon hanging up the phones, both Xavion and Sirius had grim looks on their faces.

“Karl, it seems like your son is most probably not going to return to Chanaea alive.” Xavion smiledmockingly at Karl.

In response, Karl snorted coldly and exuded a murderous aura toward Xavion.

Xavion waved his hand slightly and contained the aura in a spiritual energy force field.

“I’m not the one trying to kill Killian! This wouldn’t be the case if you didn’t try to use your wife and sonas bait to kill the eight respectable families’ God Realm cultivators!” Xavion remarked coldly.

“The Mallory family, the Leeson family, and the Henderson family are now united, so there’s no way theother five families are going to sit on their hands. If those three families were to unite and take out theothers, the other five families are going to strike first. When that happens, those three families could bedestroyed in an instant. By then, everyone in Remdik would want to get their hands on Killian. I betwithin a day’s time, someone from the three of them would end up killing Killian. That’s a fact, and youknow it!” Although Xavion’s words were harsh, he was merely spitting facts.

That’s how it is now. This is the result the eight respectable families had come to. It’s not something tobe controlled by personal wishes. Sirius looked at Karl and heaved a sigh before saying, “Karl, thematter was decided by the eight respectable families, so there’s that. Nevertheless, I promise you thatas long as I’m within the territory of Remdik, I’ll help you rescue Killian. However, the moment we enterChanaea, I won’t hesitate to kill your family if that’s what the family wants.”

In response, Karl took a deep breath and replied flatly, “Thanks…” Immediately after that, he ran in thedirection the others suggested.

Sirius followed suit while Jonathan stayed and shot Xavion an icy-cold glare.

“You shouldn’t have provoked Karl with those words. If my guess is correct, you must’ve received theinstruction to kill Karl, haven’t you?” Jonathan asked.

“Jonathan, no matter what my mission is, you ought to complete it with me. Please don’t forget the factthat we’re allies.” Xavion smiled. “Josephine is enjoying life in the Osborne family’s ancestral land. Youwouldn’t want anything bad to happen to them just because you’ve refused to cooperate, right, Asura?”

Jonathan’s spiritual sense enveloped the entire area, and he dashed toward Xavion to grab the latter’scollar. “Don’t you dare use Josephine to threaten me! I also have leverage over you! Although you’ve

kidnapped Josephine because you’re afraid that I might refuse to cooperate, you guys are also afraidthat I might turn my back on you guys if something bad were to happen to Josephine. Since we bothhave leverage over each other, don’t talk down to me. Otherwise, I might really end your life here!”

“You’re not going to do that.” Xavion flashed a faint smile. “Let me tell you something. Not only did wekidnap Josephine, but we’ve also gone to Gronga and gathered all the members of the Goldsteinfamily. If you don’t play nice, we’ll make you the sole survivor of the Goldstein family.”

As soon as those words fell, a muffled noise rang out as Jonathan landed a punch on Xavion’s face.

Although it seemed like a powerful punch, it wasn’t packed with spiritual energy. In fact, Jonathanmerely used the energy in his body to punch Xavion.

The latter staggered backward and casually wiped the blood off the corners of his lips. After that, hechuckled and said, “Jonathan, let’s not waste our time with meaningless fights. If you don’t cooperate,there are three outcomes for you. Firstly, the Goldstein family will be wiped out. Secondly, your wife willsuffer from a miscarriage. Thirdly, the Osborne family will make Josephine’s life a living hell. If you don’tbelieve me, feel free to take another swing at me.”

Xavion talked and turned around to leave defenselessly at the same time.

Behind him, Jonathan gripped the knife tightly, and his expression was as cold as ice.

Meanwhile, in a cave somewhere, Winston sat still and watched the crackling fire burning in front ofhim.

On the opposite side, Stellario was lying in a gigantic empty centipede shell.

The fiery flames shone on Stellario’s face and revealed his pinkish complexion. That was the onlydifference between him and a corpse.

Winston then channeled a burnt jar from the fire and used his spiritual energy to pour a brownsubstance into Stellario’s mouth.

The moment the substance flowed into Stellario’s mouth, he looked as though he was suffering.

Before he had even drunk one-third of the substance, Stellario abruptly opened his eyes and turnedaround to puke the substance out.

“Are you awake now? Let’s get you treated right away.” Winston used his spiritual energy to pour therest of the medicine down Stellario’s throat.

Stellario widened his eyes at Winston and swallowed the steaming hot medicine.

“What the f*ck? Are you trying to kill me?” Stellario cursed.

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