The Legendary Man

Chapter 705
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The Legendary Man Chapter 705

The Legendary Man Chapter 705-On the ridge, four figures flashed past.

Jonathan and the rest made use of their high cultivation levels to sprint for almost ten hours andcovered over eight hundred kilometers.

Their speeds were truly frightening, considering the absurdly cold climate and challenging landscapesin Remdik.

The four of them ran in a line and took turns leading the way. The followers would then just follow in thefootsteps left behind by the leader.

When Sirius was leading the way, he suddenly came to a halt after running past one of the hills.

Behind him, Jonathan and the other two immediately stopped in their tracks as well.

“What’s going on?” Jonathan asked while holding Heaven Sword in his hand.

With a spear in his grip, Sirius was gazing coldly at a forest up ahead. Something’s amiss here. Thereseem to be traces of human activities.

“That shouldn’t be the case.” Karl looked at the battle device on his arm and tapped on it twice. Themap was then immediately enlarged. “This is an uninhabited zone. Even the Remdik hunters don’t hunthere. If there are humans, they’re most probably cultivators.”

“Like I care.” Xavion whipped out a long sword and walked forward. “There are four of us here. As longas we don’t run into a cultivator of the Divine Realm, we should be fine.”

Seeing that, Jonathan and the others quickly used their spiritual senses to scan the area up ahead.

Meanwhile, Karl uttered coldly, “Xavion, do you really think someone from the God Realm isunbeatable? I dare you to give me the address of the Osborne residence. Believe me when I say that amissile is all it takes to wipe out the area.”

“Even if I were to give you the address, would you dare to do that?” Xavion replied contemptuously.

Right then, Jonathan’s speed abruptly increased. The other three noticed it and quickly followed frombehind.

Everyone knew Jonathan had special cultivation methods, so his spiritual energy and spiritual sensewere a lot stronger than someone of a similar cultivation level.

He must’ve spotted something! The trio rushed out of the jungle to see Jonathan squatting on thesnow, looking at something.

“What are you looking at?” Xavion asked in bafflement.

At the same time, Sirius took a few steps forward and waved slightly to the front.

A wave of gentle spiritual energy brought a gust of wind and blew away all the snow on the ground.

Within a radius of over ten meters, huge footprints appeared one after another.novelbin

Everyone was stunned when they saw the footprints.

The footprints were twice the size of a normal person’s. They looked like the footprints of wolves, but atthe same time, they were human-like. Some were also rather blurry.

Judging by the scattering footprints, it was safe to say that there were plenty of them.

“They look like footprints of large carnivores. However, why are there only hind paws? Why does it feellike these creatures are able to walk on two legs?”

“There are more,” Jonathan uttered in a solemn tone and waved his hands with force. Waves ofspiritual energy were pushed out violently, blowing away all the snow on the ground to reveal similarfootprints scattering over half the hillside.

“All the footprints are pointed in the same direction. Let’s check out the other side of the hill.”

While talking, Jonathan leaped toward the top of the hill.

When the four of them eventually landed there, they were stunned by what they saw.

On the other side of the hill, there was a fire that was barely burning halfway up the mountain.

Using their spiritual senses, they saw that the ashes from the fire were made up of human bones.

Although Jonathan and the others were used to seeing gruesome scenes, that sight still sent chillsdown their spines. Humans were used as fuel. There are hundreds of skeletons here!

Suddenly, Sirius slightly waved his hand, and a part of the ashes floated into the air.

“What the f*ck? Are you serious, Blackwood? Don’t mess around with that!” Xavion saw the bonesfloating before their eyes and retreated.

Despite those words, Sirius reached out his hand to lightly brush across the bone. “The deceased wasjust here. The time of death is less than three hours ago.”

Next to him, Jonathan frowned and picked out a black item from the fire.

By using spiritual energy to shake the item, it revealed its original form. It turned out to be a sharp knifethe size of a palm.

On the back of the knife, one could clearly see the word—Mallory—engraved on it.

Meanwhile, Karl instantly reached out his hand to grab the knife the moment it appeared. “This belongsto Stellario!” Karl exclaimed while panting heavily.

Back then, he had seen Stellario fiddling with that very knife in the base of the Eastern Army. How isthis here? Could it be…

“No. That can’t be…” Karl was releasing a massive wave of spiritual energy, and it seemed as thoughthe spot he was standing on was about to explode.

Ashes were spiraling in the air, and Karl’s eyes were filled with fury.

Right then, someone tapped on his shoulder and said, “Calm down, Karl. I’ve checked the fire. I didn’tsee a skeleton belonging to a child. Don’t worry. Killian isn’t here.”

Meanwhile, Xavion, who had already gone to the bottom of the hill, shouted, “Hey! There’s a campfirehere!”

Seeing that Karl was still busy using his spiritual sense to go through all the corpses, Jonathan grabbedhim and ran down the hill.

When they were on the way there, Jonathan saw signs of battle on the surrounding trees and grounds.

After crossing a stream, they saw Xavion looking backward in the direction of a hill. “I think we foundthe right spot.”

Xavion then pointed at the charred venison next to the campfire and said, “Based on the traces ofactivities left behind, there were four people here. According to the traces on the ground, those peoplehere were obviously people who ran up the mountain to fight the enemies. Look here.”

Xavion then pointed to some marks next to the campfire.

There were two cracks on the ground, which suggested the frozen soil on the ground being forciblycracked apart by external forces.

Xavion placed his left foot on one of the marks, and it fitted perfectly. “Karl, it seems like someone washunting your wife and son down.”

At that moment, Karl stood in front of the ashes of the fire and looked at the dried-out tree that fell tothe ground next to him.

That was exactly where Layla was sitting.

“It was them. Layla is a leftie,” Karl uttered as he was choking up.

“It’s good that we’ve found the spot,” Jonathan said in his deep voice.

Three hours prior to that, they lost Killian’s location, and Karl was devastated.

They then traced the last signal received and rushed all the way there. Hence, having found someclues was definitely a piece of good news.

“Judging from the scene, someone was hunting down Stellario and the others. Those two sets offootprints show Stellario and another person turning around to fight the enemy. Hence, another GodRealm cultivator had brought your wife and your son away,” Sirius said and looked in the oppositedirection of the hill. “If they were running to safety, they most probably had gone in this direction. Itwould be wise for us to go in this direction too.”

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