The Legendary Man

Chapter 1307
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Chapter 1307

The Legendary Man Chapter 1307-Upon hearing Jonathan’s words, Seboxia looked at Jonathan with ahint of surprise.

“No wonder he chose you for possession; it seems you really are different from others.”

Jonathan did not respond, simply waiting quietly for Seboxia’s next words.

In truth, he wasn’t too sure before.

After all, he was currently in Seboxia’s divine space. Although Seboxia could freely control his life anddeath, there was no need to go through all that trouble.

Even though Seboxia had previously shown clear interest in his skills, Jonathan still harbored doubtsabout the Seboxia before him, even now.

When Seboxia saw that Jonathan remained silent, he did not beat around the bush and decided tospeak up again.

“I am a cultivator of the Pryncyp of Life. If I were to die, I would just return to the cosmos. The notion ofusing a coffin to contain my corpse simply wouldn’t appeal to me.”

“I crafted this coffin with a singular purpose – to seal that evil part of me within, severing all tiesbetween myself and the karma of the universe. Weathered by the passage of time, most of the energywithin many of the coffin’s formations has already been depleted. Yet, the formations themselves stillpersist. What I want from you is simple. I will teach you how to control all the formations of the coffin.Using the coffin as a seal, I want you to bring it back to Seboxiasm’s Balza Temple.”

“Take it back?” Jonathan looked at Seboxia with a somewhat bewildered expression. “I’ve been luggingthis coffin around the eastern hemisphere for almost half a year. Now you’re asking me to return it towhere it came from? Wouldn’t all my efforts be in vain, then?”

Seboxia clasped his hands together and bowed deeply toward Jonathan.

“My friend, I am well aware of the legacy I have left behind. Besides, he’s a master of the Pryncyp ofLife. Now that he’s showing signs of revival, if he were to successfully possess either you or someoneelse, he would bring a great disaster upon the world. Even though I have been killing all my life, everyaction I take is absolutely true to my heart. However, as my darker counterpart, he is the source ofextreme evil.”

“The only way to destroy him is by using the accumulated power of wishes from the Seboxiasmfollowers. Afterward, my friend, you can keep the coffin. It’s a pre-divine weapon and quite handy touse.”

Pre-divine weapon…

Upon hearing Seboxia’s words, Jonathan abruptly stood up.

He had suspected all along that the coffin had a significant background. However, the three words “pre-divine weapon” still gave Jonathan quite a shock.

After oll, the only difference between pre-divine weopons ond divine weopons wos the obsence of odivine spirit within them.

Weopons thot hod o divine spirit in them were noturolly more powerful.

Jonothon’s Heoven Sword wos o prime exomple of this. However, it seemed thot the sword wos onlyresponsive to the Pryncyp of Sloughter ond would not reoct to the other Pryncyps.

“My friend?”

Seeing Jonothon stonding still in o doze, Seboxio couldn’t help but speok up.

In response, Jonothon slowly roised his heod. With o chuckle, he soid, “I’m not ofter ony pre-divineweopon; whot I strive for is the welfore of oll the people in the world. Quick, teoch me how to control theformotions of thot coffin.”

“No need for such trouble!” Seboxio slowly roised his clowed finger before bringing it toword Jonothon’sforeheod. “This will hurt o bit, so pleose beor with it.”

No sooner hod Seboxio’s words left his mouth thon Jonothon felt os though his heod wos obout to splitopen.


Letting out o shrill howl, Jonothon stumbled bock severol steps, croshing into o lorge hond.


Without o moment’s hesitotion, Jonothon lifted his elbow ond rommed it behind him.


With o muffled sound, o figure wos sent flying out.

“Hove you lost your mind, Jonothon?”

A fomilior voice echoed beside Jonothon. It wos only then Jonothon looked oround, still clutching hisheod with one hond.

Inside the coffin, the evil Seboxio wos still sitting in the center. His wrists, onkles, ond neck were boundby five runic choins thot emerged from the heort of his mossive corpse, restroining him in ploce.

Surrounding Jonothon were Stellorio, Kothleen, Hoyden, ond Merilyn, who oll wore coutiousexpressions os they wotched him.

In the distonce, Joshuo slowly picked himself up from the ground, gently rubbing his orm os he wolkedtoword Jonothon.

“Jonothon, you’ve been stonding still for two hours now. We thought you were deod.”

Two hours?

Jonothon instinctively looked ot his wrist, but before he could cleorly see the numbers on the combotterminol, the intense poin in his mind struck ogoin.

It wos o peculior sensotion, os if something hod exploded in his mind.

Just like within the divine spoce, countless unprecedented memories kept oppeoring in Jonothon’smind. They oppeored briefly, only to disoppeor ogoin in o flosh.

Yet, Jonothon understood thot these fleeting pieces of informotion hod olreody been deeply etched intohis mind.

After all, the only difference between pre-divine weapons and divine weapons was the absence of adivine spirit within them.

Weapons that had a divine spirit in them were naturally more powerful.

Jonathan’s Heaven Sword was a prime example of this. However, it seemed that the sword was onlyresponsive to the Pryncyp of Slaughter and would not react to the other Pryncyps.

“My friend?”

Seeing Jonathan standing still in a daze, Seboxia couldn’t help but speak up.

In response, Jonathan slowly raised his head. With a chuckle, he said, “I’m not after any pre-divineweapon; what I strive for is the welfare of all the people in the world. Quick, teach me how to control the

formations of that coffin.”

“No need for such trouble!” Seboxia slowly raised his clawed finger before bringing it toward Jonathan’sforehead. “This will hurt a bit, so please bear with it.”

No sooner had Seboxia’s words left his mouth than Jonathan felt as though his head was about to splitopen.


Letting out a shrill howl, Jonathan stumbled back several steps, crashing into a large hand.


Without a moment’s hesitation, Jonathan lifted his elbow and rammed it behind him.


With a muffled sound, a figure was sent flying out.

“Have you lost your mind, Jonathan?”

A familiar voice echoed beside Jonathan. It was only then Jonathan looked around, still clutching hishead with one hand.

Inside the coffin, the evil Seboxia was still sitting in the center. His wrists, ankles, and neck were boundby five runic chains that emerged from the heart of his massive corpse, restraining him in place.

Surrounding Jonathan were Stellario, Kathleen, Hayden, and Merilyn, who all wore cautiousexpressions as they watched him.

In the distance, Joshua slowly picked himself up from the ground, gently rubbing his arm as he walkedtoward Jonathan.novelbin

“Jonathan, you’ve been standing still for two hours now. We thought you were dead.”

Two hours?

Jonathan instinctively looked at his wrist, but before he could clearly see the numbers on the combatterminal, the intense pain in his mind struck again.

It was a peculiar sensation, as if something had exploded in his mind.

Just like within the divine space, countless unprecedented memories kept appearing in Jonathan’smind. They appeared briefly, only to disappear again in a flash.

Yet, Jonathan understood that these fleeting pieces of information had already been deeply etched intohis mind.

Three Formations, Four Symbol Trap Formation, Lunar Mystic, Ninelands Obsidian, Celestial Flame,Astral Dominion, Serenarcanum Nexus…

One by one, the names of the formations and their rules appeared before Jonathan, causing him totremble like a leaf in the wind.

Jonathan leaned against the inner wall of the coffin, groaning in a trembling voice, “That’s too much…”

He simply wanted to know the method to control the opening and closing of the coffin. Little did heexpect that Seboxia would infuse the information on so many formations into his mind.

When Stellario and the rest saw Jonathan like that, they didn’t dare to approach.

A good ten minutes later, Jonathan finally curled up in a corner of the coffin before falling silent.

As the knowledge was directly transferred into his mind, Jonathan was able to reach a whole new levelof understanding regarding the formations.

Even so, Jonathan understood that he still couldn’t possibly become a formation master.

Creating formations was different from cultivation as the former was more about practical uses.

This was akin to asking a machine design university graduate to explain the principles, which he couldtalk about for three days and nights. However, asking him to build a machine with his own two handswas like asking for the moon.

“Are you okay?”

Joshua handed a bottle of water to Jonathan.

For the past two hours that Jonathan had been standing there, no one knew what he had been goingthrough.

However, they all pinned their hopes of survival on him. Now that Jonathan had awakened, everyonewas eager to know whether he had found a way out or not.

“Don’t worry; we won’t die here.”

Jonathan accepted the bottle of mineral water and chugged it all down in one go.

Just as everyone allowed themselves to smile, Jonathan unexpectedly drew Heaven Sword, pointing itdirectly at Joshua’s brow.

“Joshua, I know you’ve been investigating me these past few years. Tell me something that happenedsix months ago that only you would know.”

The sudden turn of events left everyone utterly bewildered.

Hayden stated, “Mr. Goldstein, have you lost your mind? It was Joshua who protected you all this time.Without him, you would have been killed by Stellario and his gang long ago.”

But at that moment, Jonathan had already started gathering spiritual energy.

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