The Legendary Man

Chapter 1306
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Chapter 1306

The Legendary Man Chapter 1306-Standing before Jonathan was a terrifying creature over ten meterstall with a pointed snout and sharp teeth, yet it was clasping its hands together in a gesture of respectand bowing toward him.

Even Jonathan, who had seen and experienced much, couldn’t help but feel a bit bewildered by such ascene.

The true form of Seboxia extended its sharp claws, gently lifting Jonathan up.

Before Jonathan could even react, he was already comfortably seated atop a massive wooden stump.

“So, this is still one of your tricks.”

Jonathan turned his head to look at the cliff in front of him, a hint of despair visible in his eyes.

Such environmental changes often indicated that he was about to enter the next illusion.

Could this be Seboxia’s way of dealing with me? By driving me mad after being tormented in endlessillusions?

“Go on, then. Show me whatever tricks you have left!”

Jonathan looked at the enormous form of Seboxia, a cold smile playing on his lips as he readiedhimself to face the torment that was to come.

To Jonathan’s surprise, upon hearing this, the real Seboxia actually cracked a small smile.

“Rest assured, my friend. Although I am Seboxia, I am not the Seboxia you know.”

This statement from Seboxia’s true form did cause Jonathan to pause slightly.

Once again, Jonathan couldn’t help but feel his heart pound as he looked at the incredibly massiveform of Seboxia.

Having fought with Seboxia several times, Jonathan had come to know him quite well.

This guy in front of me, whether it’s his tone or the fluctuations around him, truly shows no similaritiesto the bald monk manifestation of Seboxia.

Much like what he felt earlier, the auras of the two appeared to have absolutely no common ground.

However, this observation alone was not enough to make Jonathan believe the person before him.

“This is your world, where everything under the sun exists at the whim of your thoughts. Isn’t it yourchoice how you want it to change?”

Upon hearing this, the true Seboxia gently waved his hand, transforming his figure to the same size asJonathan.

“My friend, do be patient. Let me explain it to you slowly.”

As Seboxia spoke, a cloud of white mist rose before them. Within it, a small creature, identical toSeboxia himself, gradually took shape.

“This is me, an ancient beast that emerged after my path to immortality was severed. For ancientbeasts like me, if we were born in ancient times, we could become Divine Realm cultivators in just afew decades with our aptitude and affinity for spiritual energy. We might even reach Cavoid Realm orUltimate Realm. Unfortunately, I was born in an inopportune time, during the darkest of years, a periodthe cultivators called the Age of Degeneration. Back then, when my Immortal Road had just beensevered, I found it extremely challenging to gather spiritual energy. I hid in the shadows, cultivating fora full four hundred years before I finally reached Divine Realm. By that time, the spiritual energy had

become so scarce that it was terrifying. Clearly, making any further progress was absolutelyimpossible. It was then that I began to seek other paths to transcendence.”

“I ottribute the obstocles in my cultivotion to the impurity of my Cor. Fortunotely, I proctice the Pryncypof Life, which gives me o profound understonding of the spirit. Thus, I monoged to split my spirituolconsciousness in two, discording oll negotive emotions ond thoughts, thereby retoining only the purestport of my Cor. Whot surprised me wos thot, olthough I monoged to ochieve Covoid Reolm becouse ofthis, it wos olso becouse of my incomplete spirituol consciousness thot Heovenly Pryncyp discoveredme when I wos undergoing the breokthrough. As o result, I hod to undergo o Lightning Tribulotion.”

Listening to Seboxio’s norrotion, Jonothon subconsciously swollowed his solivo.

Although Seboxio only spoke very briefly, the informotion contoined in his words wos overwhelminglyobundont.

So, occording to him, he steolthily hid ond cultivoted for four hundred yeors to reoch Divine Reolm,then split his spirituol consciousness into two ond successfully ochieved o breokthrough using thismethod.

Not only wos he not sotisfied ofter reoching Covoid Reolm during the Age of Degenerotion, but he evencoused o Lightning Tribulotion in his bid to ochieve Ultimote Reolm.

It wouldn’t be on exoggerotion to coll him the greotest of oll time, considering his tolents ond methods.

Indeed, those with power truly ore copricious, even trying to trick the Heovenly Pryncyp. If not you, whoelse should be struck down?

Across from Jonothon, Seboxio olso seemed to be reminiscing obout his post, only letting out o fointsigh ofter o long while.

“Bock then, I withstood nine bolts of heovenly thunder, but it domoged my Kore. Although I concontinuously self-repoir using the Pryncyp of Life, I still con’t fully heol. From thot moment on, I knewthot my remoining doys were numbered. However, whot wos most surprising wos thot the frogment ofmy spirituol consciousness thot I stripped owoy olso corries my understonding of the Pryncyp of Life.Whot the Heovenly Pryncyp obliteroted wos my own spirituol consciousness, so the port thot wosseporoted wos completely unoffected. At thot time, I wonted to toke it oll owoy, but considering he hodborne oll my negotivity ond hod olreody endured so much, I didn’t hove the heort to do it. Even so, Iwos well owore thot he, hoving inherited oll my cultivotion insights ond negotive thoughts, would surelywreok hovoc if given freedom. So, I bestowed upon him oll my cultivotion, enobling him to reoch DivineReolm, whereupon he could creote onything he wonted in the universe within his own divine spoce.Subsequently, I seoled him within this coffin ond buried it underground.”

“I attribute the obstacles in my cultivation to the impurity of my Cor. Fortunately, I practice the Pryncypof Life, which gives me a profound understanding of the spirit. Thus, I managed to split my spiritualconsciousness in two, discarding all negative emotions and thoughts, thereby retaining only the purestpart of my Cor. What surprised me was that, although I managed to achieve Cavoid Realm because ofthis, it was also because of my incomplete spiritual consciousness that Heavenly Pryncyp discoveredme when I was undergoing the breakthrough. As a result, I had to undergo a Lightning Tribulation.”

Listening to Seboxia’s narration, Jonathan subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

Although Seboxia only spoke very briefly, the information contained in his words was overwhelminglyabundant.

So, according to him, he stealthily hid and cultivated for four hundred years to reach Divine Realm,then split his spiritual consciousness into two and successfully achieved a breakthrough using thismethod.

Not only was he not satisfied after reaching Cavoid Realm during the Age of Degeneration, but he evencaused a Lightning Tribulation in his bid to achieve Ultimate Realm.

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to call him the greatest of all time, considering his talents and methods.

Indeed, those with power truly are capricious, even trying to trick the Heavenly Pryncyp. If not you, whoelse should be struck down?

Across from Jonathan, Seboxia also seemed to be reminiscing about his past, only letting out a faintsigh after a long while.

“Back then, I withstood nine bolts of heavenly thunder, but it damaged my Kore. Although I cancontinuously self-repair using the Pryncyp of Life, I still can’t fully heal. From that moment on, I knewthat my remaining days were numbered. However, what was most surprising was that the fragment ofmy spiritual consciousness that I stripped away also carries my understanding of the Pryncyp of Life.What the Heavenly Pryncyp obliterated was my own spiritual consciousness, so the part that wasseparated was completely unaffected. At that time, I wanted to take it all away, but considering he hadborne all my negativity and had already endured so much, I didn’t have the heart to do it. Even so, Iwas well aware that he, having inherited all my cultivation insights and negative thoughts, would surelywreak havoc if given freedom. So, I bestowed upon him all my cultivation, enabling him to reach DivineRealm, whereupon he could create anything he wanted in the universe within his own divine space.Subsequently, I sealed him within this coffin and buried it underground.”

Observing the trace of melancholy that surfaced on the ugly visage of Seboxia, Jonathan felt somewhatnumb.

“So, you’re saying that you stripped away your own spiritual consciousness, achieved Cavoid Realm,then withstood nine heavenly thunder strikes during Ultimate Realm, and finally, when you were on the

brink of death, you created an evil version of yourself? Is this what you mean?” an incredulousJonathan asked Seboxia.novelbin

Seboxia nodded upon hearing this, “That sounds about right…”

Jonathan extended his thumb, giving Seboxia two emphatic thumbs-up.

“You Divine Realm cultivators really know how to have fun! Creating your own divine space and playingout whatever fantasy strikes you.”

Taking a deep breath, Jonathan went on, “All right then, let me ask you a question! I don’t want to hearany other nonsense; all I want to know is whether we’re safe now.”

Upon hearing this, the true Seboxia nodded, then immediately shook his head again.

“Hey! And what’s that supposed to mean!” Jonathan asked in bewilderment.

Seboxia looked at Jonathan and sighed helplessly.

“When I first inscribed a restraining barrier on that coffin, I thought time could slowly destroy that part ofmy spiritual consciousness. Surprisingly, he managed to avoid that fate using a method I was unawareof. What you see of me now is but a mere remnant of consciousness left by my original self. I can onlydeter him temporarily. Once too much time passes, he will discover this fact and strike at us again. Atthat time, even this lingering bit of spiritual consciousness will be reduced to ashes. He can then trulyreplace me, becoming the real Seboxia.”

Jonathan stared at Seboxia, taking in the complex emotions swirling in the latter’s eyes.

After a moment of thought, he uttered, “So, you appeared and tried to stop him from possessing mebecause you want me to do something about him, correct?”

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