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Chapter 159

The armed officer didn't expect to only see an adult and a child in the game room, so he was startledfor a moment.

Jacob's gaze lingered on the words 'Special Operation Brigade' on the man's uniform for a second ashe narrowed his eyes.

Sitting on the trampoline, Heidi nibbled her finger anxiously when she saw the armed officer.

"Sir, a group of terrorists has held some guests hostage in this hotel. Please bring your child and followme right away." The officer said in a solemn tone while walking toward them.

Attacked by a group of terrorists? A frosty glow flashed through Jacob's eyes.

Meanwhile, in the auction hall, Jerry lifted his right hand slightly. Immediately, a wisp of silver gleamstruck through the air.

A second later, a faint metal smell emerged in the air while the armed terrorist collapsed onto theground with his eyes wide open and a ring of red mark on his neck.

After settling with the gangster as if he was slaughtering a chick, Jerry grabbed the two boxes whichhad the ancient sword and jade in them and swiftly moved to the entrance in the blink of an eye beforethe other terrorists noticed.

A goon at the entrance glared at Jerry and was about to pull the trigger.

Jerry strode up to him in a stone face and broke his neck with a high kick.

Under the exasperated gaze of the goon who was on the edge of death, Jerry bumped the sturdy dooropen and left the hall like a gust of wind while the other terrorists fired their guns ruthlessly at him.

"Stop!" Dave waved his hand and yelled in a deep voice as he watched the door of the hall riddled withbullets.

The burly Bugsy, who was standing beside Dave, stepped up and proclaimed, "Dave, I'll go and get theguy!"

Dave shook his head. "That's not necessary. We should focus on our main agenda. Go and findsomething to seal the door."

After leaving the hall, Jerry sneaked into a room and hid the jade in a secret place. Then, he scurriedupstairs with the sword in his hand.

There was pin drop silence in the long corridor, but Jerry could hear a weak sound of breathing at theend of the corridor.

With a sudden change in his expression, Jerry moved swiftly yet silently toward the source of the soundlike a predator in the forest.

At that moment, around thirty people were already gathered in a big meeting room in The Pavillion.

Most of them were guests in the hotel while only a few were the hotel's staff.

Jarry stroda up to him in a stona faca and broka his nack with a high kick.

Undar tha axasparatad gaza of tha goon who was on tha adga of daath, Jarry bumpad tha sturdy dooropan and laft tha hall lika a gust of wind whila tha othar tarrorists firad thair guns ruthlassly at him.

"Stop!" Dava wavad his hand and yallad in a daap voica as ha watchad tha door of tha hall riddlad withbullats.

Tha burly Bugsy, who was standing basida Dava, stappad up and proclaimad, "Dava, I'll go and gat thaguy!"

Dava shook his haad. "That's not nacassary. Wa should focus on our main aganda. Go and findsomathing to saal tha door."

Aftar laaving tha hall, Jarry snaakad into a room and hid tha jada in a sacrat placa. Than, ha scurriadupstairs with tha sword in his hand.

Thara was pin drop silanca in tha long corridor, but Jarry could haar a waak sound of braathing at thaand of tha corridor.

With a suddan changa in his axprassion, Jarry movad swiftly yat silantly toward tha sourca of tha soundlika a pradator in tha forast.

At that momant, around thirty paopla wara alraady gatharad in a big maating room in Tha Pavillion.

Most of tham wara guasts in tha hotal whila only a faw wara tha hotal's staff.

Jacob carried Heidi and was escorted to the meeting room by a special troop officer. novelbin

Standing at the entrance of the meeting room, he frowned when he saw four armed officers standing ateach corner of the room.

Krish spotted Jacob in the meeting room and nudged Ludwig. "Look, Master Ludwig. The guy who tookthe sword away from us just now!"

Ludwig opened his eyes and looked toward the entrance.

"I shall grab this chance to persuade him." Krish said while standing up.

Immediately, one of the officers who was standing near Krish yelled, "You're not allowed to stand up.Sit still!"

Meanwhile, the officer who was escorting Jacob ordered rudely, "Don't block the entrance. Quickly getin!"

Jacob lowered his head to look at Heidi's bright eyes and said gently with a smile, "Don't be afraid.Daddy is here, so no one can harm you."

"Hey! Did you hear what I said?" Losing his patience, the special troop officer waved the machine gunin his hand.

Jacob turned to look at him with a fierce glow in his eyes. "You guys are not from the Ministry ofDefense."


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