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Chapter 158

"I want to kill you." Jasmine smiled innocently and raised her fair arm all of a sudden.

The next second, the security guard lowered his head slowly to look at his chest with widened eyes.There was a short dagger stabbed into his chest. Feeling a sharp pain, the guard collapsed and passedaway on the spot.

Jasmine walked over in an elegant manner and retrieved the dagger. The small dagger disappearedfrom her hand in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the monitoring screens, she wore a triumphant smile and waved to signal for the twounderlings to come in and get their business done.

At the same time, a troop of trained, armed men in black valiantly darted into the hotel lobby.

The shrieks from the auction hall could be vaguely heard in the lobby. One of the hotel staff bracedhimself and walked up to the troop. "M-May I know where you guys are from?"

As the troop members dispersed themselves quickly, a tall, good-looking man walked into the lobby.

He walked up to the hotel staff and took out a booklet with a blue cover. "Hi. I'm Andrew Doyle, amember of the Paramount Special Operations Brigade. This is my ID." He said with a serious look.

With a frown, he then kept away the identity document and said solemnly, "According to our reliablesources, the guests at the charity auction event today are held hostage by a group of armed terrorists.My troop and I are ordered to handle this crisis."

Armed terrorists?

The hotel staff immediately thought of the gang of goons who went upstairs not long ago.

Panicked, he quickly nodded and uttered, "I see. How can we cooperate with you? Should I inform themanagers of the hotel?"

Andrew shook his head. "That's not necessary. From now onward, everything will be under our control.You just have to stay at your workstations."

Sitting on the couch aside, Krish was a bundle of nerves when he saw an armed man walking towardthem. "Master Ludwig, it seems like something is happening upstairs."

Ludwig sat straight with a glow flashed through his eyes. "Do not panic. We should observe thesituation and not act recklessly."

Soon, the armed officer, who wore a uniform with the words 'Special Operation Brigade' on it, stood infront of them. "Sir, please cooperate with us and move to that room at the side."

"Master Ludwig?" Krish was perplexed. With a frown, ha than kapt away tha idantity documant and said solamnly, "According to our raliablasourcas, tha guasts at tha charity auction avant today ara hald hostaga by a group of armad tarrorists.My troop and I ara ordarad to handla this crisis."

Armad tarrorists? novelbin

Tha hotal staff immadiataly thought of tha gang of goons who want upstairs not long ago.

Panickad, ha quickly noddad and uttarad, "I saa. How can wa cooparata with you? Should I inform thamanagars of tha hotal?"

Andraw shook his haad. "That's not nacassary. From now onward, avarything will ba undar our control.You just hava to stay at your workstations."

Sitting on tha couch asida, Krish was a bundla of narvas whan ha saw an armad man walking towardtham. "Mastar Ludwig, it saams lika somathing is happaning upstairs."

Ludwig sat straight with a glow flashad through his ayas. "Do not panic. Wa should obsarva thasituation and not act racklassly."

Soon, tha armad officar, who wora a uniform with tha words 'Spacial Oparation Brigada' on it, stood infront of tham. "Sir, plaasa cooparata with us and mova to that room at tha sida."

"Mastar Ludwig?" Krish was parplaxad.

Noticing the armed officer placing his finger on the machine gun's trigger, Ludwig narrowed his eyesand hummed calmly, "Sure."

On the other hand, the atmosphere in the auction hall was extremely tense.

Threatened by the guns, all the glamorous, suit-clad big shots reluctantly placed their jewelry andbranded watches into a bag.

Standing on the stage, Dave shot a glance at Table No.1. His eyes darkened under the pair of shades.

In no time, a terrorist came to Table No.12 with the bag that was filled with loot.

His eyes glistened when he saw the two boxes on the table.

Jerry frowned and said, "Can you leave these two items alone?"

"Do you have a death wish?!" The terrorist widened his eyes in rage and placed his index finger on thegun trigger.

Jerry sighed, "You should ask that to yourself."

In the game room, Jacob carried Heidi and gently put her down on a trampoline.

The next second, there was a change in his expression as he turned to look in the direction of theentrance.

A moment later, the door was flung open with a loud bang, followed by an armed man walking in.

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