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The Ex-Husband’s Revenge By Dragonsky Chapter 472

Chapter 472

Besides, he ambushed Leon without warning, and thus, there was no way Leon could defend himself in time!

“Tsk, what an amateur!” Leon sneered and rose to the occasion.

Jacob’s level was at the Peak Innate State, which was almost on par with Leon, and truth be told, if Jacob picked his battles carefully, he would have lasted longer in the fight.

However, Jacob was too arrogant to admit defeat and instead insisted on proving himself to be the better fighter, which ultimately would lead to his demise.

Well, it was time to show him who was the boss!

No one would stand a chance again his spiritual and true energies combined!

“Thud-“with a deafening slam, Jacob’s entire body was again flung out of the ring and landed hard on the ground.

“How? How can this be?” Jacob muttered as he spat out a mouthful of blood, staring at Leon with a look of disbelief.

He was willing to dismissLeon’s first win as beginner’s luck, but even he had to admit that the second time round could not be chalked up to luck anymore.

Leon countered both his attacks and turned his energy back on him. No matter how arrogant Jacob was, even he had to admit that Leon was something special–he did not cheat at all!

“That was amazing!” A wave of awe and excitement spread through the audience.

Just a few minutes ago, most ofthem, like Jacob, were more inclined to believe that Leon triumphed over Jacob out of sheer luck, but now, after witnessing the second round, none of them dared to think otherwise!

“Anything else you want to say, Jacob? If you’re still not satisfied, you can come at me again!” Leon sneered.

Jacob clenched his fists as his face fell..

After the second time round, Jacob could tell that Leon possessed supernaturaltalent or perhaps some other unknown power that far surpassed his power level.

This was the only explanation as to why Leon defeated him so easily!

No matter how he tried to look at it, Leon was far stronger and more powerful than him, and he would not stand a chance, no matter how many times he asked for a rematch!

“Miss Poole, I sincerely apologize for what I did to you just now.” Jacob gritted his teeth and, suppressing all the humiliation he felt, got onto his knees in front of Snow.

“Alright, alright. Just get lost!” Snow scoffed. Despite that, she could not help feeling relieved as to her anger finally being released.

With that, a pale–faced Jacob left, being carted away limply by his subordinates.

“We’ve won!” Landry and the rest burst into cheers after finally realizing what happened.

“You were amazing, Mister Wolf!I knew you’d be able to defeat him!” Fane said, grinning, as he walked overnovelbin

to Leon’s side and gave him two thumbs–ups.

Not only did Leon help himwin his fight, but he even taught Jacob a lesson and humiliated him in front of so many people.

Every time Fane recalled how defeated Jacob looked when getting onto his knees, glee and triumph sur

into his heart.

“No, you flatter me, Mister Poole. I just got lucky, that’s all.” Leon gave him a humble smile in return.

Snow approached them. “Leon, thank you so much for this, but more importantly, I do wantto apologize for how I treated you just now.“

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