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The Ex-Husband’s Revenge By Dragonsky Chapter 471

Chapter 471

If he did not witness it herself, she would never have believed it.

Landry and the rest were equally as incredulous, with shocked looksacross their faces and their minds. swirling with emotions.

“Snow, I’ve alreadytold you before that Mister Wolf isn’t any ordinary man. Do you finally believe me now?” Fane said with a triumphant look.

“Yes. You were right. I guess I may have judged him too soon.” Snow’s face flushed scarlet in embarrassment.

The fact that Leon defeated Jacob so easily meant that he was almost a member of the realm of Supreme Masters if not one already. To possess such talent and skill also meant that he far surpassed Anson, Harvey, and even Theodore!

How could this man possibly be a crook?

Meanwhile, on the stage, Leon stared at Jacob from his towering height and said coldly, “You’ve lost, Jacob!”

“You! You were cheating!” Jacob snapped with fury raging in his eyes as he haphazardly tried to pick himself off the ground.

Even though the audience was too far away from them to sense the true energy within Leon, Jacob could tell, from Leon’s final blow, that he was only in the advanced Acquired state.

Jacob, on the other hand, was already at the peak Acquired state and thus could defeat Leon as easily as batting a fly!

However, not only did Leon manage to combat him, but he even turned the force against him! this was an

unbelievable feat!

The only explanation Jacob could think of was that Leon cheated somehow!

“Don’t be such a sucker! I didn’t know you were such a sore loser!” Leon jeered.

A dark expression crossed Jacob’s face. Even though he did not know how Leon managed to counter him, Leon was right–he lost.

After a few moments of hesitation, Jacob took in a deep breath and lifted his head to stare at Leon with a cold. look. “Count yourself lucky this time, Leon Wolf, but mark my words, I’ll remember this! One day, we will cross paths again, and I won’t let you off the hook so easily!

“Let’s go!” With that, Jacob gestured at his subordinates to leave.

“Not so soon! According to the rules, Jacob, you’re supposed to get on your knees and apologize to Miss Poole here after your defeat. Don’t you dare leave before fulfilling your promise!” Leon sneered, leaped off the stage, and grabbed hold of Jacob before he could walk away.

“Don’t push it, Leon!” a glimmer of malice flashed through Jacob’s eyes.

“Me? Pushing it? What a joke! You were the one who made this promise before our fight, and we have pson ofthe Northern King, possibly go back on his words? How shameless are you?” Leon burst into laughter a

“You only managed to defeat me just now because you were cheating, so it doesn’tcount! If you want to prove your point, we should hold a rematch, and if you defeat me again, I’ll fulfill my

“Fine, we’ll do as you say If it makes you happy, I’ll fight you a hundred more times! Come at me!” Leon


“You said it.” Jacob bared his teeth in a grotesque grin and flung his fist toward Leon’s face without any wnovelbin

From their fight, Jacob could already sense that Leon was merely in the advanced Acquired state, and t

Therefore, this meant that there was no way Leon could use the same tactic to win again.

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