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Chapter 1883

Chapter 1883

“Mister Thompson, I apologize for my son’s behavior. He had no idea of your connection to EleganteGroup, and he didn’t mean to offend you. I apologize on behalf of the Hiltons and hope that you willconsider forgiving us,” Sebastian took in a deep breath and forced himself to apologize to Yuri. Hisarrogance and haughty attitude had long since disappeared!

After all, the Thompsons were the most powerful family in the Southern region and possessed evenmore extensive forces than even the Hiltons!

Not only that, but Yuri had the perfect reason to teach Joel a lesson for sabotaging Elegante Group,and thus there was no choice but for him to apologize on behalf of the Hiltons!

“President Hiltons, your son has caused a significant loss to Elegante Group–your apology cannot evenbegin to make up for what we have lost! Do you honestly think just apologizing will be able to turnthings around?” Yuri sneered.

“What do you want us to do then?” Sebastian asked rather reluctantly.

“It’s simple, and I’ve already made it clear to Joel; as long as he apologizes to Elegante Group in apublic manner and compensates for Elegante Group’s losses, we Thompsons will put this incidentbehind us!” Yuri declared.

“What? That’s impossible!” the color drained from Sebastian’s face when he heard this. He, like Joel,realized just how unrealistic Yuri’s request was!

If Joel were to apologize to Elegante Group in public, it would make it clear to everyone that the Hiltonswere the masterminds behind this, and their reputation would no doubt take a big hit after this!

Not only that, but the Hiltons would even become the laughingstock of the town! This was a price thatthey could not bear, and there was no way he would agree to this!

“Well, I don’t like to force things on other people, but since Joel is the culprit behind all this, he has topay for his wrongdoings! Of course, considering that you Hiltons are a reputable family, I won’t impartany more outrageous requests. Consider yourself forgiven and forgotten, so long as Joel is willing totake three of my attacks!” Yuri replied calmly.

“What?‘ the color drained from Joel’s face at this. Yuri was already at the Intermediate Emperor Stateand possessed powers that far surpassed his!

He barely survived just one of Yuri’s attacks, and if he were to take another three more, there was notelling if he would get out of this alive!

Even if he somehow, miraculously, managed to survive, there was no doubt that he would be crippledas a consequence!

“Mister Thompson, let’s not take things too far! We Hiltons, like you Thompsons, are one of the mostpowerful major families in the Southern region, so do you have to make things ugly?” Sebastian saidwith a cold look, unable to accept Yuri’s condition.

“Me? Making things ugly? That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard! Your precious son has sabotagedElegante Group time and time again on behalf of Hiltons Corporation and even almost bankrupted thecompany! He never once stopped to consider whether he’s taken things too far, so how can you expectme to do the same?” Yuri was amused by this.

“Um,” Sebastian could not come up with an answer to this. He knew that Yuri was right; his requestwas within reason as compared to what Joel did to Elegante Group!

“President Hiltons, that’s all I have to say about this! There’s no way out of this–either he apologizes toElegante Group publicly, or suffer three of my attacks! Feel free to think this through!” Yuri scoffed. Itwas clear that he did not want to back down!novelbin

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