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Chapter 1353

Chapter 1353

At the villa, Leon and Iris returned to see that Cynthia and the others were already back.

They went their separate ways that day. Leon and Iris went to visit the Scammells while Cynthia andthe others went to look for a housekeeper. They bought two new cars back to make things moreconvenient as well.

“Leon, what’s in your hands?”

Cynthia, Ruth, and Snow were very curious to see Leon holding a heavy bag. All of them walked over.

The three of them were all part of the four beauties of Springfield City. They were all incrediblybeautiful. Then, there was Iris with her ethereal beauty.novelbin

With four women around Leon, any other man would have died of envy if they saw it!

“Oh, it’s just some jade,” Leon explained as he opened the bag for the three of them to see.

“Why would you buy so much jade?”

Cynthia and the others were surprised.

“Well, I’m planning on using them to set up an Energy Convergence Circle behind. Just follow me. I’lllet you all see,” Leon said with a smile. After that, he left the villa with the girls, arriving at a mountainbehind it.

On top of the mountain, it was a place with incredibly beautiful scenery. The air was clear and thespiritual energy was very dense.

Leon walked around the top of the mountain, estimating the distance before he put down the jades oneby one after some calculations.

On top of that, he had that clear jade with him the whole time to serve as the eye of the circle.

Head planned on using that as the eye, but he had other plans after being lucky enough to get the royalpurple.

The eye was the most important part of the circle. The better the jade in the middle, the more powerfulthe circle would be.

The jade he used to set up the Energy Convergence Circle before was quite limited since they were notthat great. They could only remain on top of the mountain.

However, the situation was different this time.

Not only was the royal purple amazing in quality, but it was also large as well. On top of that, the villawas right at the foot of the mountain. He could direct all the spiritual energy gathered in the circle to thevilla.

In the future, he could just train or make his pills in the villa. It would have the same effect as doing it onthe mountain. It was much more convenient!

After a long time.


After Leon set up the royal purple, the Energy Convergence Circle started to buzz as it activated.

Right after that, the spiritual energy around the mountain started to gather into a visible vortex,constantly flowing into the villa at the foot of the mountain.

The spiritual energy quickly surrounded the whole villa, seemingly fusing the villa with the top of themountain. That was, the spiritual energy in the villa would never end.

“What an amazing circle! Leon, what is this used for?”

Snow could not help but exclaim when she saw everything.

Cynthia, Iris, and Ruth all saw the Energy Convergence Circle before, but it was Snow’s first time. Shedid not know what exactly it was.

“With this energy Convergence Circle, we’ll have a much easier time training in the villa in the future,”Leon explained, briefly talking about the circle.

“Really? That’s amazing! Then, let’s hurry back to the villa and train. I want to see how effective it is!”Ruth was elated as she jumped around happily.

She was a genius in martial arts and was always very enthusiastic about training. The moment sheheard that the circle could improve its training, she was immediately interested.

“Let’s not be in such a hurry. Let’s start training after we have dinner!” Leon said with a smile, bringingall of them back to the villa.

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