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Chapter 715

"Don't thank me yet," Neera replied, waving her hand.

"A word of caution, there may still be traces of toxins in his system. It is difficult to completely eradicate them.The procedure would be difficult. You can thank me when he's fully recovered."

She wiped the sweat from her brow and exhaled a sigh of relief. She went on, "I will set up a treatment scheduleand have Ian let you know about it later."

Soon, Peter found himself in awe of Neera. novelbin

In contrast to before, she no longer displayed an aggressive side as she did earlier in the meeting.

He inhaled deeply, looked at her, then at Jean.

"Jean, I was confused before and mistrusted Clarence. I almost got you in big trouble, but you two didn't hold itagainst me. You even offered to help with my son's treatment. I'll be eternally grateful!"

Jean maintained his usual demeanor, clearly not harboring resentment toward the previous event.

"Uncle Peter, I know you're trying to do what's best for your son, but even if you're desperate, you shouldn't dothe impossible or let yourself be fooled. I hope you're able to keep your eyes open."

Peter gave a firm nod.

Neera then reminded the couple of the additional precautions.

"That's all I have for now. I'll remind you later if there's anything else. Gerald has been returned to his ward. You

should go see him."

The couple thanked her repeatedly before hurrying to the hospital ward.

When Jean finally had the opportunity to speak with Neera, he asked, "Are you tired? Would you like to take anap in the office?"

Instead of responding, Neera frowned and inquired, "Why are you always concerned about me and not yourself?Given your condition, you should rest after the meeting. Why are you coming here? Is your chest still aching?Are you out of breath?"

He shook his head and reassured her gently, "I'm fine; I'm not in pain anymore."

He gently squeezed Neera's hand and said, "Thank you for everything. Should we go home if you don't want torest here?"

"Other people are caring for the child here," Neera said while nodding in agreement. "Let's go. I'm exhausted andwant to sleep."

Following a major operation, Jean knew she needed to rest. He directed Ian to go get the car.

Joseph was there to support Jean from the sidelines. He said, "Since everything is settled here, I'll head back tothe office."

Jean finally remembered that his brother was with him. He gave a light nod and said, "Thanks, Joseph."

"We're brothers," Joseph grinned as he tapped him on the shoulder. "Don't mention it."

He turned his gaze to Neera with an apologetic expression and said, "We owe it to you. Whether it's Jean's illnessor the company's problems, we're lucky to have you."

"I do this for Jean," Neera replied coldly and honestly. "I couldn't give a damn about your company's internalstrife."

Understanding that Neera was still upset, Joseph didn't say anything else and quickly left.

Neera and Jean also left the hospital.

She looked out the window and was deafeningly quiet on their way home.

"After I wake up, gather your family around," she said abruptly halfway through the journey. "I'd like to saysomething."

Jean's heart clenched at the sound of her calm voice. He gave her a thoughtful glance and wanted to saysomething.

However, Neera was leaning back, eyes closed, and clearly disinterested in continuing the conversation.

He had a foreboding feeling. He reached for her hand and held it tightly, as if he were desperately trying to clutchat something out of reach.

She was aware of his hold on her, but she didn't open her eyes even as her heart flinched slightly in pain.

In complete silence, the pair parted ways and headed home.

Neera was totally drained. She went straight to bed.

Jean was not in the mood, so he asked Ian, "Did you send someone to look for Thora?"

"Yes, but there's no trace of her," Ian replied, nodding. "Mr. Clarence also dispatched someone to look for her."

While maintaining silence, Jean had a hideous expression.

He was livid that Thora had almost put everything in jeopardy. She sabotaged all of his plans. He was not goingto let this go!

Due to his anger, he had mood swings. His chest ached whenever his emotions became agitated.

Resting on the couch, it took him some time before saying, "Call the manor. Ask them to come here tonight.Neera has something to say."

Ian looked grave and seemed worried. "Do you think Mrs. Beauvort wants to..." he hesitated, then carefullycontinued, "End the marriage?"

Jean's heart sank at the words "end the marriage. His eyes clouded over with an overwhelming feeling.

After a long pause, he quietly replied, "Probably."

His voice had an unusual sense of desolation to it.

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