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Chapter 714

Clarence's expression suddenly turned incredibly hideous.

His once-proud and assured strategies crumbled in an instant. All traces of his arrogance vanished as if erased bya gust of wind.

He struggled and glanced at the people around him, searching for allies.

Those who once supported him all dipped their heads, avoiding his gaze, afraid to say another word.

In stark contrast, Jean's supporters looked pleased. Every one of their faces showed a sense of finality.

In an instant, Clarence sagged into his chair, his expression so dark and foreboding that it was almost frightening.

Panickedly, Jonas cried out, "Dad!"

He has to come up with a plan, or else we're all doomed.

It was a shame Clarence didn't have any more tricks up his sleeve. Betrayed by Peter at the eleventh hour, theboard's decree was irreversible.

He'd been kicked off the board. It was a done deal.

Clarence gave Jean a venomous glare and asked, "So, you've decided to show no mercy?" novelbin

Jean responded coolly, "Mercy? The things I've done seem trivial in comparison to what you've accomplished. It'sjust a standard counterattack."

Recognizing the futility of further argument, Clarence sarcastically repeated, "Well done. He gave a disdainfulsnort and made his exit.

Jonas, with a defeated expression, trailed behind his father.

The shareholders who had backed Clarence shifted uneasily, their anxiety palpable. As the others began to leave,they took it as their cue to discreetly exit.

Soon, only Frederic and his family remained in the conference room.

Karl appeared disheartened.

Under Frederic's piercing and commanding gaze, he felt uneasy.

He racked his brain and desperately searched for the right words to defend himself.

"I didn't know... I genuinely believed Thora was competent. Uncle Clarence spoke highly of her as the daughterof the renowned Obadiah Hanson. I assumed she would be good. I truly thought I was acting in Jean's bestinterests when I asked her to treat Jean."

Frederic was infuriated and chose to ignore him. He was more concerned about Jean's well-being.

"Jean, did that woman truly harm you?"

With a cold, distant expression, Jean responded, "I've been rendered immobile. I needed assistance just to be here.Does that seem like a small matter to you?"

Ian also quickly chimed in, saying, "Mr. Frederic, Thora has ulterior motives and harbors ill intentions. She usesquestionable methods, completely disregarding the well-being of others!

"Had we not involved Mrs. Beauvort, who sensed the danger and intervened promptly to treat Mr. Beauvort, hiscondition would have worsened, and he'd be bedridden for weeks!"

Hearing this, Frederic became flustered. His face turned a shade paler. He was dismayed that their hasty decisionwould have such disastrous consequences.

He looked at Jean's pale face and wanted to say something but couldn't think of anything.

Jean's thoughts were elsewhere. He told Ian, "Take me to the hospital."

Ian nodded and pushed him out of the conference room.

Upon noticing his father's sorrowful demeanor, Joseph took a moment to console him before hastening to join hisbrother.

"Jean, I'll come along with you."

Jean gave him a sidelong glance and did not object.


When Neera got to the hospital, they had already issued a second critical illness notice.

She had been alerted earlier, yet the gravity of the situation truly hit her when she set eyes on the boy in the

operating room.

The doctors were in a race against time to save the patient at this critical juncture.

Peter and his wife were anxiously waiting outside the operating room when Jean arrived.

"How is he?" Jean asked.

Peter shook his head. His complexion was pale, even more so than Jean's. He replied, "Ged is still beingresuscitated; we don't know the outcome."

Ian, in an attempt to alleviate their worries, reassured them, "With Neera on the case, there's a good chanceeverything will be okay. She's an exceptional physician."

Peter nodded, too distressed to speak further.

An agonizing four hours went by.

As soon as the operating room's light dimmed, Peter wobbled, almost collapsing to the floor.

His wife quickly came to his aid, tears streaming down her cheeks as she tried to console him. She whisperedsoothing words, "Stay strong for me, my love. What would I do without you?"

When the operating room doors finally swung open, Neera stepped out and looked weary.

"She had taken care of Jean for two days straight, offering medical care, providing company, and studyingGerald's condition. She hadn't given herself any time to rest. She has now undergone a lengthy surgery. She was

completely spent.

When Peter saw her, he braced himself and approached her shakily.

"Neera, how is my son?"

He looked at her, conflicted and fearful of hearing bad news from her.

Fortunately, Neera didn't let him down. Neera offered a comforting response, "He's stable now. We managed topull him back. His life isn't in danger anymore."

Peter's tears streamed down his cheeks. His wife was overcome with emotion as well, sobbing uncontrollably.

"This is good news," Ian consoled the two. "He has a chance for a full recovery now that he has been saved."

Both nodded repeatedly. They kept expressing their gratitude to Neera.

"Neera, thank you so much. I don't know what to say."

"I owe it to you. I made a huge mistake in the past by trusting others. I appreciate your willingness to help despiteour previous misunderstandings. Thank you."

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