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Chapter 318

Chapter 318 Look At Your Injury

Jean sensed someone looking at him as he gradually raised his eyelids and looked over

Their eyes connected, jolting Neera back to awareness. She felt as though she had been caught in the

act, and her gaze instinctively averted from his.

Jean arched an eyebrow slightly, momentarily pausing what he was doing. In a composed tone, he ask

ed, “You’re awake?”

Neera nodded slightly, her gaze reflecting a touch of contrition,

“Uhm, I’m sorry about that…” she began, her hand reaching up to brush against her car as she spoke. “

I came to pick up the kids this morning. When I saw you were still sleeping, I didn’t want to disturb you.

I didn’t realize I’d end up falling asleep…”

Jean’s reaction was nonchalant. “It’s alright.”

Her apology seemed to find little foothold in his demeanor as he continued, “You

must be hungry. I left lunch for you in the kitchen. It’s still warm. Go ahead and eat.”

Neera acknowledged his words

with a nod before her gaze swept around the living room. Inquiring further, she asked, “Where are the k


Jean gestured toward the floor–to–ceiling windows, through which the afternoon sun streamed brightly.


Curious, Neera walked over and peered into the yard.

Before her, Harvey and Sammy engaged in

animated gestures with lan, their flushed faces glistening with sweat, apparently unconcerned with wipi

ng it away.

Meanwhile, Penny occupied the gazebo, her concentration fully absorbed in a medical book.

“What are they doing? Learning boxing from lan?” Neera asked with surprise.

Just as she was about to turn her head, she became acutely aware of the familiar presence, the distinct

and composed breath of the man beside her.

At some point, Jean paused his work, stood up, and walked over.

“Yeah, they’ve been practicing boxing.”

Neera listened, unable to contain her laughter. “This is

great! Why did they want to start practicing all of a sudden?”

Jean smiled. “They wanted to learn it themselves. They said they want to master martial arts so they ca

n protect you, Penny, and themselves from bullies.”

Neera was taken aback for a moment, her heart immediately warmed by his words. She had always kn

own that her children were the most caring and precious treasures in the world,

“Did they bother you last night? Did they cause you any trouble?”

She collected her thoughts and asked politely.

“No,” Jean replied.

Turning the conversation, Jean asked, “Is your matter all done?”

“Yes, it’s taken care of!”

Neera nodded without delving into details.

With anyone else, Jean would not have been concerned, but for some reason, seeing the mysterious e

xpression on Neera’s face made him curious for the first time.

He hesitated for a moment before asking, “Did something happen to the company?”

Neera hesitated, then answered, “No, it’s about medicine.”

It was not easy for her to reveal

that she had performed surgery at Grace Hospital. She was still wearing a vest after all.

After contemplating for a moment, she chose to respond this way, which was not a lie.

Sensing her discomfort, Jean narrowed his eyes slightly but refrained from pressing further.

“Eat up, or it will get cold again soon,” Jean urged.

Neera let out a sigh of relief, nodded, and then turned to make her way to the dining room.

Perhaps due to exhaustion, she did not have an appetite and she found it

difficult to eat even a small amount.

As she rose from her seat, a twinge of pain shot through her lower back, causing her to lose her

balance and almost stumble.

Witnessing this, a servant nearby was startled and rushed forward, asking, “Ms. Garcia, are you okay?”

Hearing the commotion, Jean quickly approached and asked, “What happened?”

Supporting her lower back, Neera furrowed her brow andnovelbin

replied, “I’m fine… It’s just that the back injury from the other day hasn’t fully healed. I didn’t get any res

t last night, so I’m a bit tired. My strength just gave out for a moment.”

As she spoke, she gently massaged the sore spot, wincing slightly as the pain pulsed through her.

Concern etched across his face, Jean took a few steps closer and stood beside her. “Let go, let me hav

e a look.”

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