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Chapter 317

Chapter 317 Rubbing Against Him

Neera willingly took on overnight shifts at the hospital, remaining vigilant as she was afraid an accident

would happen.

Thankfully, the patient exhibited no unusual symptoms and gradually stabilized. By morning, the danger

had passed.

Having gone without sleep the entire night, Neera found herself quite fatigued.

Compounding her weariness, her back injury from the earlier push had not completely healed. In the mi

ddle of the night, the pain resurfaced, making her unable to stand or sit comfortably.

Yet, she paid little mind to her discomfort. Once she confirmed she was fine, she promptly made her wa

y home.

Upon arrival, she realized the triplets were nowhere to be found.

Puzzled, she pondered for a moment before heading next door.

“Welcome back, Ms. Garcia.”

The one who greeted her at the door was Richard. A welcoming smile

adorned his face as he beheld her.

Returning the gesture, Neera asked, “Richard, are my triplets here?”

Richard courteously invited her in

and replied with deference, “Yes, the children spent the night with Mr. Jean. They’re still in his room and

they haven’t woken up yet. Ms. Garcia, feel free to take a look upstairs.”

Upon hearing that her triplets slept alongside Jean, Neera felt a slight sense of astonishment. Neverthe

less, she nodded and ascended the staircase, her curiosity piqued.

As expected, upon entering the room, she was greeted by the sight of her triplets nestled in slumber

upon Jean’s bed.

And there was Jean, appearing somewhat pitiable.

He confined himself to one side of the bed, positioned perilously close to the edge, such that he would t

umble if he turned over.

Neera could not help but be tickled by the sight, but what struck her, even more, was the realization

of how much Jean cared for her children. It warmed her heart and moved her deeply.

Resisting the urge to wake them, Neera sat on the sofa next to them, waiting for the triplets to wake up.

However, the fatigue took its toll on her, and she fell into a drowsy sleep…novelbin

When Jean Woke up, he was immediately aware of a presence in the room.

A faint yet unmistakably familiar fragrance lingered in the air.

With clear eyes, he turned his gaze and, in an instant, spotted the petite figure that

had been absent throughout the night. She lay vulnerable on the sofa, lost in sleep.

Drained, she reclined lazily on the sofa arm, her delicate features partially cushioned by her slender ar

ms. A rosy hue graced her cheeks, fatigue evident in the furrow of her brows.

For once, she seemed to have let her guard down completely.

Jean watched her for a

moment, emotions flickering in his eyes like fleeting shadows across ancient wells.

Shifting his gaze to the triplets who

were still asleep, he rose silently from the bed, careful not to disturb their slumber. He

approached the sofa with a gentle stride.

Standing by her side, he noticed that she slept in an awkward position. He smirked as he leaned over,

encircling her shoulders with his arms. He delicately

repositioned her, allowing her to rest more comfortably on the sofa.

Neera remained in deep sleep, entirely oblivious to the adjustment. Her body sank softly, her cheek ina

dvertently pressing against the palm of the man’s hand.

Seemingly finding solace in this position, she murmured, her cheek nuzzling his hand

as she settled back into tranquility.

Observing this unusual tenderness in her sleep, Jean was taken aback momentarily before

a warm smile graced his face.

Assured of her continued

rest, he withdrew his hand with care, retrieving an additional blanket. He draped it gently over her form,

ensuring her comfort before retreating silently.

The movement did not go unnoticed by the trio. As they saw the heartwarming scene as they opened th

eir eyes.

Instantly, drowsiness dissipated, replaced by a surge of excitement. Clutching their covers

tightly, their little faces lit up

with enthusiasm. A shared thrill united them, and a hushed, anticipatory silence enveloped the room, as

they hesitated to disrupt the enchanting scene.

Jean noticed them waking up, raised an eyebrow, and gestured silently, signaling them to stay quiet so

they would not wake Neera up.

The three of them nodded obediently.

With utmost care, Jean got out of bed, washed up, and left the room quietly.

By the time Neera woke up, the clock had crept past one in the afternoon.

She blinked groggily, her gaze fixed on the ceiling for a protracted moment before she realized

she dozed off.

She got up quickly and noticed Jean and the children were not

in the room. A blush of embarrassment graced her cheeks as she tidied her

attire, hastening downstairs.

Upon descending the stairs, Neera immediately laid eyes on Jean in the living room, focused on

a document. The play of shadows highlighted the contours of his

profile, rendering him an ethereal vision, almost too handsome to be real.

Having forgone formal attire in favor of casual comfort, Jean lounged at home. His lithe legs were cross

ed with nonchalance, yet his magnetic allure remained undeniable.

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