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Chapter 1504

Chapter 1504

It wasn’t until that moment that I realized how hard and bitter the years in the Marrow family had been

for her. When I found her, she was so fragile that a gust of wind could seemingly knock her over. Hernovelbin

complexion bore the marks of long-term malnutrition. Calluses adorned her hands, a testament to

years of arduous, heavy labor. What pained me the most were the numerous bruises, both old and

fresh, scattered across her body. It became evident that, despite enduring hunger, sleep deprivation,

and being denied an education, she was still subjected to various forms of physical abuse by those two

from the Marrow family under the flimsiest of pretexts!

All those years, the money I gave them was squandered by Nigel on gambling. Not a penny was spent

on Neera! The reason they resisted letting me take her away was twofold: fear of their deeds being

exposed, and a desire to continue using Neera as a tool for extortion! I also learned that the reason

they didn’t take her in, when she had nothing and nowhere to go, was due to the Garcia family. They

anticipated her being driven out and, with ruthless intent, gave the Marrow family a large sum of

money, forbidding them from sheltering her!

Of course, the Garcia family is no more, and there are no witnesses to this matter. But if you wish to

verify the truth of my words, a simple examination of the Marrow family’s accounts will reveal all.

Following that revelation, I took Neera away and left the country. I had contemplated revealing the

entire truth to her, but it seemed excessively harsh. I didn’t want her to endure more suffering, so I’ve

maintained silence on the matter. However, Neera proved to be much stronger and more resilient than I

had envisioned. I knew she harbored resentment towards the Marrow family, and understandably so.

Anyone treated in such a manner would find it hard to feel gratitude. Yet, even in the face of such

mistreatment, Neera didn’t completely sever ties with the Marrow family. Instead, as she became

financially capable, she sent funds to them multiple times.

When I asked her why she chose to repay malice with kindness, to be a saint, her response was calm.

Regardless of how the Marrow family treated her, they provided her with sustenance, enabling her to

survive. This undeniable fact couldn’t be erased. In repaying them, she fulfilled her duty, finding inner

peace, and no longer felt indebted to the Marrow family. Hearing this, my heart ached for her. I became

even more hesitant to reveal the truth. I couldn’t fathom the extent of her heartbreak upon learning the

reality. But now, with the situation escalated, Nigel and Maggie, observing Neera’s success, want to

exploit her, persistently harassing her and concocting various excuses to extort money. Neera, vexed

but unwilling to make a scene, endured their antics. However, she didn’t anticipate these two to unveil

their true, malevolent colors. They are simply undeserving of the title ‘human!’

Adriana concluded her written statement with unwavering resolve, stating: I simply can’t stomach this

indignity. With the Marrow family devoid of any sense of shame, there’s nothing left for me to conceal. I

will unravel the events of that year, step by step, in the hope that everyone will open their eyes and not

succumb to illusions. I implore you to cease the online attacks on innocent individuals. Neera is a good-

hearted girl, my dearest niece, and I won’t stand to see her endure further harm. This is the truth, and I

extend an invitation to any skeptics to scrutinize the facts. Let’s clear Neera name!

Accompanying this text was a photograph.

The accompanying photo captured a moment at the airport, when Adriana had just found Neera.

After two days of rest and recuperation, Neera had shed the disheveled appearance. She stood next to

Adriana, looking pristine and rejuvenated, akin to an unsullied flower.

However, her slender frame and pale complexion betrayed the harsh treatment she had endured.

Anyone with discerning eyes could sense the ordeal she had faced.

Neera spared only a fleeting glance at the photo before refocusing on the extensive confession.

Her eyes grew warmer, and a sour sensation filled her nose. She took deep breaths, struggling to rein

in her emotions.

Yet, an overwhelming swell of feelings consumed her heart.

10:43 Mon, 11 Dec

Beside her, as Jean finished reading, his face darkened gradually. His expression turned solemn, and

beyond the coldness in his eyes, a profound sense of heartache lingered.

When he found out about Neera’s past, Jean’s heart swelled with pity, and now, gazing at her

expressionless but beautiful face, it seemed as if his heart had been shredded.

He couldn’t fathom how this seemingly delicate woman endured the hardships of the past.

How resilient must one be to endure those days?

His lips twitched, as if trying to speak, but his voice remained trapped in his throat, unable to form


In Neera’s heart, a surge of emotions welled up, finally finding resolution to the doubts that had


“Before, I never understood why the Marrow family would take me in, despite their evident disdain.

They treated me as if I were a burden, wishing I had never entered their lives. Yet, they chose to keep

me under their roof, providing me a place to live for so many years. Now, it turns out, it was because of


With her doubts dispelled, a profound sense of relief flooded Neera’s heart.

The source of her previous unease now became clear. She had struggled to understand why, despite

Maggie and Nigel’s despicable actions, she still tolerated them, believing they had provided her with a

means to survive. This justification had prompted her to endure their mistreatment and even find solace

in supporting them financially.

However, the unexpected revelation that they had accepted money from Adriana years ago lifted the

last burden from Neera’s heart.

A sudden smile played on her lips, and a soft laughter escaped her. “So that’s how what happened…

Aunt Adriana is quite something, making me so anxious. In reality, these things mean nothing to me.

The truth, compared to the uncertainty, brings me much more joy.”

In stark contrast to Neera’s composed reaction, Wrenn’s response was profoundly different. Tears

welled up in her eyes, and she began to cry. “My dear girl, you’ve endured so much hardship, yet you

always keep silent. I knew your past was difficult, but I never imagined it was this painful. How can you

always be so strong, handling everything on your own, never sharing your grievances with others…”

Her words came in bursts, and suddenly, she enveloped Neera in an embrace. “From now on, the

Beauvort family is your family. We will never let you be wronged again. Anyone who dares to bully you,

we won’t let them off!”

Neera, initially taken aback, laughed gently. She patted Wrenn’s back, saying, “It’s all in the past;

everything is okay


Standing to the side, lan also experienced a profound sense of relief, his emotions stirred. Excitement

tinged his voice as he spoke, “Mrs. Beauvort, compared to Mr. and Mrs. Marrow’s unfounded

accusations, your aunt’s statement is solid evidence. Public opinion has already shifted. There are

people rallying behind you, questioning the Marrow couple, and openly criticizing them. The internet is

abuzz right now.”

With a playful lift of her eyebrow, Neera clicked on the trending comments. As anticipated, as she

casually scrolled through, a multitude of opinions caused a commotion, the thread extending

remarkably long.

Geez, I warned you guys, didn’t I? Don’t pick sides too early. Now, you’re all being slapped in the face!

What’s the deal… Weren’t the adoptive parents sticking to their guns? What went down? How’d things

flip all of a sudden?

I missed the buzz when it was sizzling. Can someone clue me in on what went down?

Why am I out of the loop just because I grabbed lunch? Weren’t you guys throwing shade at Neera not

too long ago? Why’s everyone suddenly feeling for her now?

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