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Chapter 1503

Chapter 1503

“Neera Garcia needs to be kicked out of the medical profession and Kingsview! I’ve had enough of

hearing about her. She’s downright an embarrassment!”

“I’m just curious to see how those who used to sing her praises are feeling now. Bet their faces are red

with shame. They loved preaching about others being embarrassed, but look at them-all talk, no


“Neera rakes in so much cash, and she’s still a cheapskate? Won’t spare a penny for her adoptive

parents? Seriously? After all, they raised her for years. With her fat bank account, she could toss them

a little, not even as much as one of her fingernails. It’d be enough for the folks to retire, right? How can

she be so darn selfish?”

“You know, it’s a classic tale-the richer they get, the tighter they hold onto their cash. She’s like a

money-grabbing Scrooge, won’t let go of a single dime. If she had any decency left, she wouldn’t be

pulling these nasty moves. I thought her not forking over the cash and brushing off the situation was

bad enough, but I never thought she’d let Jean hit someone. I’m just left speechless. Jean’s image is

shattered in my eyes.”

“Same here! What happened to my distant and high-and-mighty Mr. Beauvort? Sure, he’s aloof, but

he’s usually a reasonable guy. I never thought he’d stoop to throwing punches, all just to shield


“Maybe it’s Neera pulling the strings. I can’t believe Mr. Beauvort would sink this low! Who knows what

that woman’s been whispering in his ear; it’s disgusting, it’s driving me insane! And she’s using Mr.

Beauvort as a shield, how low can you go!”

“I’m just itching to know what fate has in store for this woman! If she doesn’t get what she deserves, it’snovelbin

a slap in the face to justice!”

“Don’t worry, the universe has a way of balancing things out. Even if she’s swimming in wealth and

enjoying her moment in the sun, she might just be teetering on the edge of a major downfall, getting a

taste of her own medicine…”

Various harsh curses started popping up. Neera observed, her expression turning darker by the


She tossed her phone away, emitting a cynical laugh. “My adoptive parents really know how to put on a

show. I wonder if they went to drama school or if they were just born with it!”

Though Jean wasn’t entirely sure about the online buzz, he caught every word from the recent

interview video.

Anger painted his face. He gripped the steering wheel, a glimmer of hostility in his eyes. “Looks like I

was too soft on them last time, giving them another chance to blabber nonsense in public!”

Neera wasn’t really bothered about all that. What troubled her the most now were the online

discussions and slander about Jean. Just thinking about what those people had said made her

extremely upset, her brows furrowing in displeasure.

“I’m sorry, Jean, for dragging you into this. The current online talk isn’t painting you in a good light. I’m

not sure if it will affect Beauvort Group’s businesses…”

Jean, being a prominent public figure representing the entire Beauvort Group, knew that any negative

news about him would undoubtedly affect the operations of the Beauvort Group.

Nevertheless, he dismissed the concerns, saying, “Don’t worry about any of this. We’re husband and

wife, and that means we’re a team. Even if we face criticism, we’ll handle it together. No need to

apologize; I’m more than happy to face everything with you.”

10:42 Mon, 11

Neera couldn’t suppress a chuckle at the gravity of his expression, her spirits lifting a tad. She inclined

her head, a faint smile playing on her lips. “Looks like we’re in for a storm of opinions as a couple. We

should settle this quickly.”

Yet, what caught her off guard was the twist that followed.

Just as she was about to present the evidence she held, lan hastily burst back into the room. “Mr.

Beauvort, Mrs. Beauvort, The internet… it’s blowing up again!”

At the mention of “internet,” a pang of impending headache hit Neera. “What’s the fuss now?” she

inquired, “Did Maggie and Nigel unleash more of their nonsense?”

lan drew in a breath, his words tumbling out in a rush, a testament to his evident unease. “N-No, it’s not

them. It’s your aunt, and also the Park family…”

Wrenn, sensing the urgency, leaned in, her expression unusually solemn. “Speak clearly; you’re getting

everyone on edge.”

Taking a moment to compose himself, lan explained, “Mrs. Beauvort, your aunt has just posted

evidence of her past payments to the Marrows onto the internet. What’s truly startling isn’t just the

compensation she shelled out when she took you away, but the consistent financial support she’s been

providing since the very start, when you were first adopted by them! Every year, a hefty sum has been

sent, enough to keep the Marrows living the good life. Each transaction is meticulously documented

and backed by evidence. Your aunt even dares anyone to question the legitimacy of these proofs,

inviting scrutiny at any time.”

Upon hearing this revelation, Neera was momentarily stunned, a cloud of disbelief crossing her face.

“What… did you say?”

Reacting swiftly, lan pulled out his phone to display the evidence.

Adriana had chosen to speak through the officially verified Twitter account of ANXIN Group, laying bare

the remittance receipts, meticulously tracing back to Neera’s initial days with the Marrow family.

Initially, I was deeply ashamed of the Garcia family’s actions. However, I felt it wasn’t my place to

directly intervene. So, under the guise of the Garcia family, I sent money to the Marrow family every

year. It was more than sufficient to cover the living expenses of the entire Marrow family, with some

extra. My intention was for them to treat Neera as if she were their own. Even if they couldn’t embrace

her as family, I hoped they wouldn’t mistreat her. My hectic life abroad prevented me from visiting, but I

kept in touch with the Marrows, and each time they assured me Neera was thriving. After settling

abroad, I even proposed bringing Neera with me. However, the Marrows insisted she was deeply

attached to her current home and didn’t want to leave.

Later on, I had intended to return to my homeland for a visit. But at that moment, the Garcia family had

reclaimed Neera. Initially, I believed it was a glimmer of conscience left in my elder brother.

Coincidentally, ANXIN Group was in the midst of going public, so I put my worries aside. Little did I

know, Neera’s time with the Garcia family was marred by hardships. She wasn’t treated or nurtured as

she deserved.

The distressing news only reached me after she fell victim to plots by her stepmother and stepsister.

Filled with remorse, I dropped everything and rushed back home, yearning to see Neera. To my

dismay, the Garcia family heartlessly cast her out. Despite scouring every possible place, I couldn’t

locate her. After much deliberation, I concluded that the only refuge she could have sought was with

the Marrows. So, for the first time, I made my way to the Marrow residence. I’m immensely grateful that

I arrived just in time. When I got there, I discovered Neera wasn’t present. The Marrows had callously

expelled her. Rage and heartbreak overwhelmed me. Tracking her down to a run- down inn, I silently

vowed to myself that I would take her with me, provide the care she deserved, and compensate for all

the years of neglect…

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