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Chapter 1362

“This patient's heart failure is quite severe. Are you sure a heart transplant surgery is still feasible?”

Neera nodded. “I, too, have taken the patient's health into consideration. So far, although his physical functionsand stamina are not sufficient to withstand a major surgery, it could still be possible within a short period of time.As long as we can find a matching heart as soon as possible before his condition worsens and have the mostprofessional surgeon perform the operation, the success rate of the surgery is still quite high.”

George pondered for a moment. “In the field of medicine, you are undoubtedly more specialized. Be it in terms ofknowledge or technical expertise, you're also far ahead. Since you said as much, you must be confident. In thatcase, I will do my best to help you find a heart. But as you know, a heart is unlike other organs. It's beyonddifficult to find one with a high compatibility rate, so there's a chance we might end up disappointed.”

At his quick agreement, Neera's eyes instantly lit up.

“It's okay, Mr. Meyer. I'm already very grateful that you're willing to help me out. Thank you!”

George waved his hand dismissively. “This is nothing compared to you having saved my life. It's just a smallmatter.”

Then, he asked, “However, may I be so bold as to ask about the recipient of this heart? You seem to be in quite ahurry.”

Neera hesitated for a moment. Ultimately, she chose not to hide anything and told him the truth.

“He is my father-in-law, currently in the intensive care unit at the hospital. I must do everything possible to savehim.”

That answer left the two people across from her stunned.

George was the first to react, looking at her in surprise. “You're already married?”

Neera touched the diamond ring on her right ring finger, smiling as she hummed in confirmation.

Hearing that, George was seeming a bit of regretful. He murmured an acknowledgment before sighing.

“Oh well, I was just thinking that if there was a chance, I could play matchmaker between you and Leopold. Itlooks like my grandson is out of luck.”

At his comment, Neera was taken aback. In the next second, she was utterly nonplussed. “What an imaginationyou've got.”

At the side, Leopold wore a somewhat complex expression. His gaze lingered momentarily on her diamond ring.As though finding it too dazzling, he shifted his eyes away to the face that haunted his thoughts day and night.

His previous excitement and joy had vanished without a trace. An overwhelming sense of anguish swept overhim, seeping into his heart.

He felt his breathing turning somewhat labored. It seemed like a weight was pressing on his chest, and a sense ofunease gripped him.

Only one thought remained, playing on a loop in his mind—she's already married and is someone else's wife.

Since the matter had already been settled, Neera didn't wish to linger any longer. She stood up, ready to take herleave.

George insisted, “Please stay and have a meal with us. I haven't had the chance to thank you properly yet.”

Neera waved her hand with a smile. “It's okay. I have to get back to the hospital. As for thanks, I can't thank youenough for your help.”

At her persistence, George didn't insist any further. “All right, then. I'll contact you once there's any news.Leopold, please see Ms. Garcia out.”

Leopold stood up, his lips pressed into a thin line. He nodded slightly. “Ms. Garcia, let me walk you out.”

His voice sounded noticeably less spirited than before, carrying a subtle hint of melancholy.

Neera didn't pay much attention to him, so she didn't notice anything amiss.

She had barely stepped out the door when she halted and politely said softly, “Mr. Leopold, this is far enough.You may go back now.”

Leopold looked at her, his eyes a shade of complex emotions. It seemed like he had something he wanted to say.

Noticing that, Neera asked in confusion, “Is something the matter?”

She deliberated briefly, but all she could think of was the minor conflict at the World Medical Alliance last time.She hesitated for a moment before voluntarily bringing it up.

“Mr. Meyer, our last encounter at the World Medical Alliance was somewhat unpleasant, but you were not themain person involved. Therefore, I believe you to be a person of integrity and reliability. My words earlier werenovelbin

flattery. Instead, they were a genuine expression of my thoughts without any falsehood. Since that incident is inthe past, I don't think we should not dwell on it anymore. What do you think?”

A trace of subtle sorrow graced Leopold's handsome face.

He hummed in agreement. But still, he had that look of having something to say yet was hesitant to speak.

Neera didn't quite understand it, but she also had no intention of wasting any more time with him.

“Since we've cleared the air, I'll take my leave now.”

She gave a slight nod of farewell, then turned to leave.

At that moment, Leopold suddenly called out to her, “Ms. Garcia, wait a moment.”

Neera paused in her tracks but did not turn around, merely waiting for him to speak.

Leopold stared at her back, a lump of bitterness lodged in his throat. “May I ask when you got married?”

Neera found his question somewhat baffling.

She turned to look at him with a peculiar look in her eyes. Nonetheless, she gave him the courtesy of a response.

“Not too long ago. Just this month, in fact. What about it?”

In terms of collecting the marriage certificate, it was indeed true that she had only gotten married that month.

Upon hearing that, Leopold felt even more distressed. But inexplicably, he also felt a sense of relief.

It wasn't too long ago, and not much time had passed.

He didn't know why that thought popped into his mind either, but it was fleeting.

Thereafter, he shook his head. “It's nothing. Please be careful on your way back.”

Looking rather perplexed, Neera murmured in acknowledgment and promptly left.

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