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Chapter 1361

When Neera arrived at the Meyer family, she had not anticipated the situation that would greet her.

Seeing her, Leopold was also very much surprised, his bright eyes shimmering with a mix of joy and confusion.

“Ms. Garcia? Why are you here?”

Neera cleared her throat, feeling a bit awkward. “I'm here to see Mr. Meyer.”

She still remembered that she had once had a conflict with the man and his sister at the World Medical Alliance.

The situation was quite unpleasant at that time.

Unexpectedly, they met again there.

The world is indeed small. Who would have thought that the Meyer family recommended by Eugene would turnout to be the same the Meyer family I had once encountered by chance? But that said, I once happened to saveMr. Meyer's life. As such, perhaps he would be willing to help me out in return.

At that thought, she composed herself. When she looked at Leopold again, her expression was the picture ofcalm.

“Mr. Leopold, may I know if Mr. Meyer is at home right now?”

No sooner had her words rang out than an aged voice rang out from upstairs.

“I'm home. Are you directed here by Mr. Grey?”

As George Meyer spoke, he leisurely descended the stairs.

When he saw Neera's countenance, he first frowned. Then, he seemingly recalled something, his expressionturning into one of enlightenment.

“Oh, it's you! You're the girl who saved me back then!”

As though having made a great discovery, he staggered forward quickly, looking at Neera in delight.

“I remember you, miss. Do you remember me? I'm the old man who fainted in the drugstore back then. I heard itwas you who saved me! Although I haven't seen your face officially, when I was unconscious, I was oncesomewhat aware in a daze and opened my eyes a few times. I will never forget your face in my lifetime!”

Neera's eyebrows lifted slightly.

It's a good thing for me that Mr. Meyer still remembers me so clearly.

She flashed him a faint smile and greeted politely, “Nice to meet you, Mr. Meyer. Indeed, it was me. I'm honoredthat you remember me.”

“Hey, what's with all this formality? You're the person who saved my life, and I owe you a debt of gratitude. Ishould be the one thanking you. I've always regretted not being able to thank you properly previously. Whowould have thought that we'd have the chance to meet again amidst a sea of people.”

As he spoke, something came to his mind, and he slapped his thigh.

“So, you're the Nancy whom Eugene has been talking about, the miracle doctor! No wonder you were able to

bring me back from the brink of death. Your medical skills are truly exceptional. I'm indeed fortunate to havecrossed paths with you.”

Feeling slightly embarrassed by his praise, Neera responded with a modest smile.

“I'm not as impressive as you make me out to be. You flatter me.”

“Not at all. Your achievements at such a young age are really remarkable, and no amount of praise would be toomuch!”

In high spirits, George enthusiastically engaged in conversation with her non-stop. He invited her to sit downbefore he began introducing his grandson to her.

“This is my grandson, Leopold Meyer. You have likely seen him when I fainted that time.”

Neera smiled. “I've met him. Mr. Leopold is a man of talent, gentle and refined, a true gentleman.”

Naturally, she wouldn't bring up the conflict at the Medical Alliance. Instead, she merely offered some politecompliments.

A faint blush crept onto Leopold's handsome face, and he was seemingly a bit embarrassed by her praise.

He was a shy individual, always polite and courteous, and seldom interacted excessively with women.

Ever since Neera appeared, his gaze had not left her, his eyes almost glued to her.

Ever since their first encounter, he often found himself thinking of her.

This was the first time he had such a profound interest in a woman. A single encounter had him hung up on her,and he couldn't stop thinking about her.

The last time they parted on bad terms at the World Medical Alliance, her coldness, sarcasm, and confidence alllingered in his mind, making him feel more ashamed and even as he missed her even further.

He knew that he had fallen for her.

At the same time, he also knew they merely had a fleeting connection.

However, he just couldn't control himself.

Seeing her again then, he found himself unable to contain his overwhelming joy.

Upon hearing her evaluate him in such a way, he couldn't help but feel overjoyed despite knowing it was just acourtesy.

“It's been a long time, Ms. Garcia.” He sat upright and composed himself before greeting her softly.

Neera nodded. “It's been a long time indeed.”

George, oblivious to the tension between them, cheerfully asked about the purpose of her visit.

“Eugene told me you were looking for me about something exceedingly important. What is it? Go ahead and tellme about it. I'll do my best to help.”

Neera didn't beat around the bush with him. Time and tide waited for no one, so she spoke her mind.

“Mr. Meyer, I know we're not well acquainted, and it's extremely impolite of me to show up unannounced likethis. However, the situation is urgent, and I'm left with no other options, so I had to swallow my pride and seekyou out for help. I heard that the hospital under the Meyer family accepts organ donations and can distributethem. Thus, I was hoping you could help me find something.”

George hadn't expected that she came for such a matter, and was somewhat surprised. “What is it?”

Neera took out the data and materials she had prepared in advance, placed them on the coffee table, and slid themover to him.

She looked at George, her eyes clear and bright, and said in a clear and articulate voice, “A heart.”

Upon hearing that, George was even more astonished. novelbin

He quickly skimmed through the documents. Immediately, he had a clear understanding in his mind.

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