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Chapter 1064

With a determined expression, Jean instructed, “No matter what, we must suppress the news. Not a word of itshould leak out.”

Although Frederic was no longer actively managing the Beauvort Group, his stature in the business worldremained legendary. If news of his current condition were to spread, the Beauvort Group would undoubtedly bethrown into chaos.

Understanding Jean's motives, Ian quickly set out to execute his instructions.

Jean silently returned to his mother's side, providing her with silent support as they anxiously waited.

The hallway was thick with tension and a heavy, oppressive atmosphere.

After more than three hours, the lights in the operating room finally dimmed. Isabella emerged, her face showingsigns of exhaustion.

Jean's expression turned serious as he approached her, asking, “How is my father now? Was he saved?”

Isabella removed her mask, wiped away sweat from her forehead, and caught her breath before nodding. “He hasbeen saved.”

Joseph let out a sigh of relief and nodded vigorously, saying, “That's a relief...”

However, Jean was not entirely reassured by the news.

As expected, Isabella continued, “Don't celebrate just yet. Although we saved him, he's still in critical conditionand will need to be closely monitored in the intensive care unit. If he doesn't wake up within the next forty-eight

hours, I'm afraid... But if he does wake up, it means he's out of danger.”

Jean took a deep breath and said, “In any case, I'll need your assistance.”

Isabella waved it off, saying, “It's my job.”

She noticed a suitcase leaning against the wall behind Jean and asked, “What's this?”

Jean followed her gaze, a hint of helplessness in his eyes. “I had originally planned to go to Essley, but given thecurrent situation, I won't be able to go now.”

He remembered something and entrusted it to Isabella. “Please don't discuss this matter with Neera. Although I'mnot sure if she would worry about it, it's better to keep it from her just in case, to prevent her from overthinking.”

Isabella hesitated briefly before asking, “Aren't you concerned that she'll misunderstand you if you don't explain,and deliberately avoid seeking her out?”

Jean fell silent for a moment and then replied softly, “Once my dad is in the clear, I'll explain everything to her.”

Isabella recognized that it wasn't her place to interfere in this matter, so she refrained from saying more. Shesimply nodded and departed.

Jean stood still for a while, his brows furrowing as he seemed lost in thought.

After some time, he lifted his hand to rub his temples before finally making his way to see Wrenn.

Wrenn hadn't fainted for long. When she regained consciousness, her first question was, “Where is your father?

How is he? He's okay, isn't he?”

Jean gently held her hand, speaking softly to reassure her. “Rest assured, he has been saved, but he's still incritical condition. He needs to be observed in the intensive care unit for the next forty-eight hours. If he wakes upwithin that time and there are no major issues, he will be out of danger.”

Upon hearing this, Wrenn initially sighed in relief, but her anxiety resurfaced. Tears flowed from her eyes like ariver, continuously streaming down. “Why did this car accident happen...”

She felt a mixture of distress and anxiety, crying bitterly. “Your father has spent his whole life doing so muchcharity work, saving countless lives. How could something like this happen to him? It must be my fault...” novelbin

As she cried, she began blaming herself, burdened by regret as if her insides were turning green. “It's all my fault.I acted hastily, pushed Neera and the children away, allowed myself to be influenced by others, andmisunderstood her. That's why heaven is punishing me, subjecting me to retribution. But... if it's my fault, whydoesn't the retribution come directly to me!”

Seeing her growing increasingly agitated, Jean was concerned about her health and the possibility of her faintingagain. He sat down and patiently comforted her.

“Mom, this isn't retribution; it's just an accident. Don't blame yourself, take care of your health. When Dad wakesup, he would be heartbroken to see you like this.”

Wrenn rarely witnessed such gentle treatment from her son. Tears blurred her vision as she leaned on hisshoulder, sobbing with choked emotion.

“I... I'm just so worried. Your father has been so good to me, and I've grown accustomed to having him by my

side. If anything were to happen to him, I don't know what I would do.

Jean also felt uneasy inside. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, gently patting her back. “Don't worry, hewill be fine...”

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