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Chapter 1063

After hearing this, Neera was quite surprised. Unexpectedly, there were such past events in the Norton family.

However, if that person was expelled from the family, why would the prescription he developed still be preservedto this day, and even circulate on the black market? Could it be that the so-called expulsion years ago was just ashow put on for outsiders? In reality, wasn't it less of a banishment and more of a case of hiding away thatmedical prodigy, continuing to utilize him for the family's benefit?

The more Neera pondered this, the more it seemed possible.

After all, throughout history, drugs like these had always been lucrative. It was likely that forces similar to theblack market existed during the time when the Norton family gained power.

After understanding the situation, Neera didn't press for more details. “Thank you very much.” She noddedappreciatively.

Willard waved his hand dismissively. “No need for thanks; it was just idle chatter. But your sudden interest in theNorton family, is there something more to it? If you require my assistance, don't hesitate to ask.”

Neera's heart warmed at his offer, and she replied with a smile, “It's nothing, just curiosity. If I ever need yourhelp, I won't hesitate to reach out.”

After bidding each other farewell, Willard departed with his granddaughter.

Neera chose to stay in the research room, working tirelessly into the late hours. It wasn't until the three little onesreminded her to go home that she realized it was already nighttime.

“All right, I'm heading back now.” She felt touched by the children's reminders. After hanging up the phone, she

packed up her belongings and prepared to leave.

For some unknown reason, on her way home, her right eyelid kept twitching. Although it could be explainedscientifically as a result of fatigue, Neera had an unsettling sense of foreboding, as if something unfortunate wasabout to occur.

Meanwhile, back in the country, after Jean had finished dealing with important official matters, he was preparingto travel abroad.

However, just as he arrived at the airport, he received an unexpected call from Wrenn. “Mom, what's wrong?”

Standing near the airport's security checkpoint, he checked the time on his luxury watch.

Wrenn's voice came through the phone, filled with frantic and helpless sobs. “Jean, your... your father, he's beenin an accident!”

Jean was taken aback for a moment, his expression turning significantly more serious. “What happened?”

“Your father... he had a car accident on his way home. He's been taken to the hospital. Where are you? What arewe going to do...”

When he received this distressing news, Jean's expression turned gravely serious.

He inquired about the hospital's location, reluctantly abandoned his plans to travel abroad, and rushed out of theairport immediately, heading straight for the hospital.

Upon his arrival, his father was undergoing resuscitation efforts.

Wrenn, consumed by fear and despair, had swollen eyes from crying and sat in a daze on a corridor chair, hergaze fixed on the floor.

Joseph had also arrived and greeted him, saying, “Jean, you're here.”

Jean nodded and promptly asked, “Who is the attending doctor for the patient inside?”

“It's Isabella Lopez, the director of this hospital,” Joseph replied. “Dad's car accident occurred closest to thisplace, so they brought him here immediately.”

Jean nodded solemnly, his gaze heavy as he glanced at the tightly shut doors leading to the operating room. Then,he turned his attention to Wrenn, who appeared to have lost her sense of self.

“Mom, don't worry. Dad will be all right.”

Unable to bear seeing his mother in such distress, Jean walked over and gently consoled her.

It took a moment for Wrenn to register his words. She looked up at him, tears once again streaming down hercheeks, and clung to Jean's hand, her vulnerability resembling that of a child.

“Jean, your father has to be all right. If anything happens to him, I don't know how I could go on...” novelbin

Jean was at a loss for words, so he gently patted her back, offering comfort while anxiously awaiting the surgeryresults.

During this time, the nurse came out of the operating room three times, each time issuing a critical condition

notice to Frederic's family.

Frederic, being of advanced age, would find this tragedy particularly difficult to bear, and his chances of recoveryappeared increasingly slim.

Jean's expression grew increasingly solemn, and Wrenn was overwhelmed to the point of fainting.

After investigating the car accident, Ian rushed to report, saying, “The police are still investigating the incident.It's unclear whether it was a genuine accident or if someone had malicious intentions.”

Jean's eyes darkened, a hint of frustration crossing his face. He issued a stern order, “Keep a close watch on thesituation.”

Ian immediately acknowledged, “Yes, and, sir, I believe this matter may become public soon...”

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