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Chapter 5542

In the present moment, Aman Ramovich, a man well into his fifties, exuded an air of timeless refinement.Dressed immaculately in a high-end suit, sporting a flawlessly groomed hairstyle, and maintaining aphysique that defied middle-aged stereotypes, he easily passed for a man in his forties.

The sight of Aman had an almost magical effect on Antonio. The very same mafia figure who hadrecently vowed to eliminate Charlie was now reduced to a humble admirer, resembling nothing less thana young child eagerly anticipating a treat from his grandfather.

Aman, his demeanor cool and detached, locked eyes with Antonio and delivered his words with a hint ofcondescension, “Antonio, you’re still here, waiting to welcome me at this late hour. I appreciate yourdedication.” Antonio was instantly flattered.

Quickly responding, he stammered, “Sir, your politeness knows no bounds! It’s an honor, not just for me,Antonio, but for the entire Zano family, to serve you.” He hastened to add, “Mr. Ramovich, I’ve madearrangements for a sumptuous dinner. Please, join us in the manor banquet hall.”

Aman waved away the offer with a calm demeanor. “Dinner is of no concern, I’ve already eaten on theplane. However, I do apologize for the inconvenience, and I thank Miss Julia for her patience.”

Antonio, astute as ever, understood the implied message in Aman’s words.

In fact, the primary purpose behind inviting Aman to his New York residence was to unite his twenty-something daughter, Julia, in matrimony with Aman. Aman had learned a harsh lesson from his failedattempt to marry Helena from Norway in the past.

His unique background had left him marginalized throughout Western Europe, and even his cherishedfootball club had been wrested away by the British in the name of justice. In such circumstances,marrying into a European royal family had become an almost impossible dream.

Moreover, local conflicts in Eastern Europe had made his situation in Western Europe even moreprecarious. He was no longer the successful businessman of yesteryears, but rather a pariah subjectedto relentless criticism and ridicule in the media.

This prolonged neglect had sapped Aman’s enthusiasm. Thus, he made the bold decision to abandonWestern Europe and seek refuge in the United States, a land where he could rebuild his life.

He was acutely aware of the hostile environment he faced in Western society. Even in industries whereinvestments were welcomed, his involvement was met with disdain. It was as if he stood at the threshold,barred from entry.

Therefore, he turned his sights to the United States, a land of opportunities where he could both advanceand retreat. If circumstances improved in Eastern Europe, he could return as a triumphant businessman.If not, he had his billions to secure a comfortable retirement in the United States.

With these plans in mind, he began seeking alliances in the United States. However, among those withinfluence, only the Mafia, represented by Antonio, showed interest in him.

Antonio stood out because of his beautiful daughter, Julia. Although Aman had experienced multiplefailed marriages and previously looked down upon the idea of marrying into a Mafia family, his currentcircumstances were unique. He was no longer the celebrated businessman, but rather a tarnished figure.Marrying into the Mafia no longer seemed beneath him.

Julia, a young and stunning Italian girl towering at 178 centimeters, was a captivating beauty. Her youthwas a magnetic draw for Aman. What intrigued him further was the investigation he conducted, revealingthat Julia, despite her Mafia ties, maintained a pristine and modest reputation. Rumors suggested shehad never even had a boyfriend, a fact that piqued Aman’s interest.novelbin

For him, accustomed to relationships with younger partners, Julia’s untouched allure was a rare find, akinto tender, unspoiled grass amidst a world of seasoned pastures.

Furthermore, Julia’s lineage was not to be underestimated. Antonio’s family wielded considerableinfluence in New York’s underground realm. Marrying into this powerful clan promised safety andprotection, effectively silencing any media outlets that dared to mock or criticize Aman. After all, he wouldbe the Mafia’s son-in-law, and such audacity might be met with a bullet in the streets.

This was why Aman chose Antonio’s home as his first stop in the United States. His plan was to securean engagement and wedding date with Julia, purchase a mansion on Long Island, and settle into apeaceful life.

Antonio’s motives were straightforward. Unlike the Mafia’s dominance in Mexico or Colombia, theunderworld in the United States had its limits. Washington tolerated their presence as long as they didn’tbecome too powerful.

It was akin to raising a Shiba Inu in Washington. The dog, from birth, understood the constraints on itsgrowth. If it grew into an Akita, Washington would take drastic measures to cut it down to Shiba Inu size.Aman, in his situation, needed help to find new opportunities.

For Aman, once wealthy and now shunned by European and American society, Antonio’s offer seemedlike the most appealing path forward.

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