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Chapter 5541

Antonio viewed a character like Charlie, who seemed to prioritize money over his own life, as a walkinginvitation to self-destruction. Despite openly disclosing his ties to the mafia, he had the audacity torequest money from Antonio. Wasn’t this akin to bargaining for cash at the cost of his existence?

And how could he even consider handing him the money? You see, despite his net worth exceeding astaggering hundred million dollars, every single penny in there was hard-earned. He’d toiled and strainedto wring it from the very pockets of the less fortunate. For any outsider to try and filch even a dime wouldbe, figuratively speaking, akin to signing their own death sentence.

Initially, he was quite concerned that Charlie might have already tipped off the cops, with lawenforcement just moments away. Although he’d committed countless misdeeds in his past, He’d recentlystarted mending my reputation. How could he possibly harm this kid in front of the police? Yet, little didhe know that this boy would willingly accompany him inside the house, all in the pursuit of cold, hardcash. It felt like he was inviting a wolf into a tiger’s den.

Once he crossed the threshold, safe from prying police eyes, he could have his henchmen make quickwork of him, then orchestrate a break-in scenario. When the authorities arrived, they’d simply find aburglar who had met a fatal end at the hands of his men. And with a savvy attorney at his side, thelikelihood of jail time would be minimal. Even if the legal defense faltered and someone went behindbars, it would be his lesser brother, disassociated from him.

Hence, the very moment Charlie expressed his desire to accompany him inside, he’d already resolvedthat he wouldn’t leave alive.

Simultaneously, the police officers sensed the impending disaster once Charlie entered the premises.One of them kindly suggested, “Sir, if you have any issues, it might be better to resolve them outside.Going in could complicate matters.”

With added conviction, he remarked, “Furthermore, demanding a hundred grand for this matter seemsrather excessive. I’d recommend considering the initial proposal of ten thousand dollars.”

Jagoan comprehended the officers underlying intentions but was determined to follow through with hismorbid charade for Antonio. He responded to the police, “I’m sorry, but I won’t accept ten thousanddollars. I insist on a hundred grand.”

Turning to Antonio, he declared, “Let’s go in. I’ll wait for you to collect the money.”

The police officer had no choice but to inquire once more, “Sir, if there are no objections and anagreement has been reached, we’ll take our leave. Any further questions?”

Jagoan offered a slight smile and replied, “No. Thank you, comrade police.”

The American police officers exchanged perplexed glances upon hearing the term “comrade.” Then,holstering their firearms, they returned to their vehicles and departed.novelbin

As soon as the police left, a transformation swept over Antonio’s demeanor. His feigned smile vanished,replaced by a chilling countenance laden with murderous intent. He pointed contemptuously at Jagoan,then at Jordan and ordered his underlings, “Take these esteemed guests to the wine cellar. After I’vehosted them, I’ll have a personal conversation with them.”

When Antonio used the word “Guest,” Jagoan even heard the grinding of his teeth. However, Jagoanremained unfazed and with a hint of disapproval, quipped, “Is ushering people to a wine cellar the Italianmafia’s idea of hospitality?”

“Please?” Antonio’s lips curled coldly. “Today, I’ll show you the true meaning of Sicilian hospitality!”

Julia, in Antonio’s grip, urgently whispered to Jagoan, “He’ll kill you. Please, let’s not stay here!”

Jagoan grinned and replied, “I’ve never been to Sicily. Today, I have the chance to experience ‘Sicilianhospitality’ in New York. It’d be a shame to miss it.”

As he approached the manor, Jagoan couldn’t resist commenting, “Honestly, your estate isn’t all thatimpressive. Though it’s near Long Island, it’s more like the gateway to Long Island. The true elites ofNew York are those who reside in Long Island. What business do you have living here? Are you guardingthe entrance for the wealthy on Long Island? Oh, right, I nearly forgot your actual occupation, theunderworld. You’re nothing more than a reaper for the poor, a guard dog for the rich and a lackey for thepowerful. Living on the fringe of Long Island, where the rich and powerful thrive, you play both protectorand servant. It’s quite the balancing act.”

“Damn it!” Antonio erupted, his rage uncontainable. He seized Jagoan’s collar, threatening, “You trulydon’t understand the word ‘death.’ When you set foot in my territory today, you won’t leave alive.Remember your arrogance now, for you’ll soon discover how you can beg for mercy!”

Jagoan remained unperturbed, offering no resistance or irritation as Antonio gripped his collar. He simplymet Antonio’s gaze with a smile and remarked, “I forgot to mention, while you can grasp my collar,there’s a price to pay, the hand that touches will have to part ways with your arm. Your daughter may belovely, but this is non-negotiable.”

As Jagoan goaded Antonio, the latter lost control of his temper. His fist rose, poised to strike Jagoan inthe face.

In that tense moment, a whistle pierced the air behind Antonio. He turned to find a convoy of fourCadillacs and a Rolls-Royce Phantom advancing around the corner. His countenance abruptlybrightened, the fury forgotten. He pushed Jagoan aside and hurried to the Rolls-Royce Phantom. There,he respectfully opened the rear door.

Seated inside was a middle-aged man. Antonio, who had been domineering moments ago, now bowedlike a humble servant. He welcomed the man, saying, “Dear Mr. Aman Ramovich, welcome to NewYork!”

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