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Chapter 5507

At the base of Greenwood Temple, the situation remained uncertain.

Charlie hadn’t yet committed to abandoning the journey. The thought of simply walking away left him withan overwhelming sense of dissatisfaction. Yet, Maria’s reasoning couldn’t be dismissed.

Sometimes, a person must remind themselves that persisting stubbornly can amount to nothing morethan arrogance.

The word ‘arrogance’ suddenly struck Charlie like a lightning bolt. In the face of the unknown, he had anepiphany about the limits of his current strength.novelbin

After some contemplation, Charlie forced a rueful smile and spoke with composure, “Maria, you are right.I can’t afford to be conceited. My strength is no match for Morgana’s and she seems to have knowledgeof our actions and whereabouts. She’s far from ordinary.”

He turned to Maria, his expression earnest. “You are sharper than I am. Many issues run deeper than Iinitially thought and you possess a greater clarity of vision. Since you’ve also advised me to reconsider,I’d better heed that advice. I suggest we have a meal and return to Aurous Hill.”

Maria, who had been tense, finally breathed a sigh of relief. She had feared that Charlie would dig in hisheels and refuse to budge, no matter what advice was offered. Now, with Charlie showing signs ofyielding, she felt relieved.

In a manner reminiscent of a young bride in ancient times, she focused all her attention on her ‘husband’,Charlie. If he was happy, even the simplest fare would satisfy her. If he was unhappy, the finest cuisinewould taste like wax. Her greatest fear had been that Charlie wouldn’t know how to retreat. Seeing thathe was at least accepting the counsel of ‘the master’s wife’ was a great relief.

Taking Jagoan’s arm, Maria turned and retraced their steps.

Jagoan walked with his head lowered, while Maria brainstormed ways to lift his spirits.

She asked hopefully, “Young Master, do you think the Mother of Pu’er has grown more leaves in the pasttwo days?”

Jagoan replied casually, “It should have grown larger and adding three or five more buds shouldn’t posea problem.”

With a smile, Maria teased, “When we return, I will pluck those fresh leaves, process them and servethem to the Young Master.”

Curious, Jagoan asked, “Isn’t making Pu’er tea a complex process? Doesn’t it require storage andfermentation?”

Maria explained, “In fact, it can be enjoyed after curing without the full fermentation. While it lacks someof the depth of flavor, it retains a fresh and mild taste. Typically, only freshly picked tea leaves can becured immediately. Freshness and timing are crucial. This is why most people rarely get the chance totaste it.”

Jagoan inquired with a grin, “Aren’t you quite protective of the Mother of Pu’er’s leaves? Why sogenerous now?”

Maria replied with a shy smile, “The Mother of Pu’er is remarkably resilient. Picking a few leavesshouldn’t harm her, as the Young Master suggested.”

Jagoan knew that Maria was trying to make him happy. He was touched by her consideration. However,he also wanted to spare her from unnecessary labor.

He chuckled and said, “Let the Mother of Pu’er grow her leaves. Picking too many might keep you up atnight.”

Maria shook her head resolutely and said, “As long as it pleases the Young Master, there’s nothing I can’tendure.”

Jagoan felt a warmth in his heart and nodded approvingly. He recognized Maria’s intentions and wasmoved by them. He thought it might be a bit odd for a grown man to have a seemingly young womanpamper and coax him, but he appreciated her kindness.

Jagoan shifted the conversation. “With you here, Morgana is unlikely to trouble China in the near future.The immediate risk is gone. What are your plans now?”

Maria, sensing the change in topic, smiled and shared, “I intend to return to school, but as a day student.Zilian Villa will tend to the Mother of Pu’er daily. Additionally, I may require occasional trips to ErlangMountain in the southern province to care for the tea garden on weekends.”

Jagoan remarked, “Sounds quite busy.”

Maria nodded solemnly. “I prefer to stay busy. In the past, I was always concerned about Morganacatching up to me, so I dared not venture far. In recent years, I’ve spent most of my time at home,dabbling in porcelain making, writing, painting and even considering raising a small and adorable cow.Now, with Morgana’s threat reduced, I can stay busy and content.”

Jagoan couldn’t help but feel happy for her. He understood that, for a young woman who had lived formore than three centuries, this would be one of the least stressful periods of her life since childhood.Even if she was busy, she would likely find happiness in the busyness. This realization eased his mood abit, making him feel that this trip to the southern province had not been in vain.

As they retraced their steps up the mountain, Maria stopped and turned around halfway. She gazed backat Greenwood Temple in the distance, lost in thought.

Seeing her pause and look back with a contemplative expression, Jagoan inquired, “What’s on yourmind, Miss Jagoan?”

Maria furrowed her brow and whispered, “I’m thinking that the Buddhist nun discussed Morgana, theWarriors Den, hatred, destiny and even an ancient Greek myth with me. But…”

Jagoan asked, “But what?”

Maria bit her lip and continued in a slightly louder voice, sounding somewhat puzzled, “But she didn’tmention Buddhism.”

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