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Chapter 5506

Maria seemed to have deciphered the old nun’s cryptic words. She asked, “Are you suggesting thatMarvel’s rebirth depends entirely on Mr. Wade?”

The old nun replied noncommittally, “The humble nun has already alluded to that. Some questions arebest contemplated by Miss Clark herself. However, it’s imperative that Mr. Wade remains unaware ofthese matters.”

Maria, sensing the old nun’s reluctance to reveal more, pressed on. “Is there any other guidance fromyou?”

“None,” the old nun clasped her hands together respectfully. “I’ve heard Miss Clark’s name for a longtime. Seeing you today fulfills the humble nun’s wish. Mr. Wade is waiting at the mountain’s base. MissClark should descend soon and persuade him to return to Aurous Hill.”

Maria could tell that the old nun intended to bid her farewell, but she was not ready to give up. Shehurriedly asked, “Master, what should Master Wade do next? If we can’t proceed today, I fear MasterWade will face danger. Please, Master, guide us on our future path!”

The old nun’s expression revealed a struggle, and after a long pause, she finally spoke, “Miss Clark,please instruct Mr. Wade to open his Soul Palace as soon as possible. Only by unlocking the SoulPalace can we have a fighting chance against Morgana.”

Maria grew increasingly perplexed about the old nun’s identity. She couldn’t fathom why Charlie wasmaintaining such a low profile and concealing his true self. The old nun appeared to know him well, evenbeing aware that Charlie had yet to unlock the Soul Palace.

Maria wanted to pose more questions, but the old nun had already opened the main hall’s door andcalled out, “Please escort our guest out.”

The young nun who had led Maria to the old nun now emerged from a side chamber. She respectfullyaddressed Maria, “Miss Clark, please follow me.”

With little choice, Maria nodded, gazed at the old nun, and expressed her gratitude. “Thank you, Master,for your guidance.”

The old nun nodded in acknowledgment and offered a gentle smile. “Amitabha, may you take care ofyourself, Miss Clark.”

Maria bid her farewell to the old nun and followed the other out of the Greenwood Nunnery’s gate.

The nun informed her, “Miss Clark, you can retrace your path down the mountain. I won’t accompany youfurther.”

Maria nodded and said, “Master, please take care.”

She bowed to Maria and then slowly closed the door behind her.

Maria, looking at Jagoan in the distance at the mountain’s base, a mere speck in her vision, waved tohim. Seeing Jagoan appear to wave back, she hurriedly descended the mountain.

At the mountain’s base, Jagoan had been waiting patiently.

Spotting Maria’s descent, he moved closer and inquired with concern, “Miss Clark, what’s that nun up to?What did she advise you to do?”

Maria pursed her lips and replied, “Sir, they cautioned us about forthcoming dangers and urged us toreconsider.”

Jagoan looked surprised and asked, “Does she know where we’re headed?”

Maria nodded gently and clarified, “It seems that the teacher is not malevolent. They anticipate risks onthe path ahead…”

She looked at Jagoan earnestly and pleaded, “Sir, why don’t we turn back to Aurous Hill? I fear you maybe in peril if we proceed.”novelbin

“Return to Aurous Hill?” Jagoan frowned and spoke seriously. “We’re possibly just a few dozen milesfrom where Morvel practiced. My parents might have been here, and from the items I found, like the‘Preface to the Apocalyptic Book,’ I might uncover more about their lives by journeying these miles. Ican’t quit halfway…”

Jagoan turned to Maria and suggested, “Miss Clark, why don’t you return to town and wait for me? I’ll goon alone.”

“Absolutely not!” Maria instinctively grasped Jagoan’s hand and implored, “Sir, since we now know thatthis is the place where Master passed away, whether it’s near or far, we can’t afford to give up. You canreturn to Aurous Hill to make further preparations and come back when you’ve grown stronger.”

Jagoan hesitated as Maria continued, “We haven’t determined the other party’s identity. We can’tabandon everything based on just a few words.”

Maria added anxiously, “Someone knows we’re coming here, calculated our route in advance, and iswaiting for us. This indicates that they are well-acquainted with both of us. Whether they have illintentions or not, we must acknowledge that our identities have been exposed. If we push forward in thissituation, regardless of friend or foe, the circumstances will likely turn unfavorable.”

Jagoan was taken aback, reevaluating the situation.

Maria’s words prompted him to reconsider.

As Maria pointed out, whether the nun was a friend or a foe, their exposure was a fact. If one knew,others might too. If he insisted on advancing, not only was he risking danger, but also exposing hisidentity to potential scrutiny.

Maria added, “Sir, no matter how near or far, Morgana also fears this place. If she’s afraid, why shouldwe force the issue?”

Jagoan found himself torn.

He understood the wisdom in Maria’s words. However, as he drew nearer to uncovering his parents’secrets, he was reluctant to abandon the quest.

Meanwhile, in the main hall of Greenwood Temple.

Sister Carey returned to the main hall and respectfully reported to the old nun, “Lady Turk, Maria hasdeparted.”

Without turning, the old nun inquired, “Have they gone back?”

“Not yet,” Sister Carey replied. “They seem to be conversing near the intersection at the mountain’s foot.It’s uncertain whether they’ll change their minds.”

The woman inside the room smiled, her voice a blend of charm and authority. “There should be noissue.”

She added, “Please, promptly organize everyone to prepare for departure. Maria is exceptionally astute,nearly a wily fox. She might have overlooked some details due to excessive worry. I don’t believe she’llreturn anytime soon. Keep us informed and ensure no traces are left behind.”

The old nun acknowledged with respect, “Certainly, madam!”

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