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Chapter 4996

When the two of them stepped out of the room, the people outside had already started to get busy.

Most of the Cavalry guards who were responsible for the guard had returned to the bridge building,after the ship stopped, they would take all the crew into the engine room, so that these crew memberscould not spy on any clues.

The ship, at this time, was only a kilometer or two away from the pier.

Charlie and Reverend walked directly out of the bridge building and came on top of the deck.

On the deck, two crew members and two Cavalry guards were standing on the port side of the ship,waiting for the cable to be thrown to finish docking.

Charlie had been able to see ahead of this modest dock, and at this time it was brightly lit and multipletrucks, loading and unloading were on standby.

In addition, Charlie also saw several small cars, waiting for Reverend as convoy.

The cargo ship was about to dock when it started to reverse thrust and then the sailing speed quicklydropped and leaned sideways to the pier.

After the ship stopped, Reverend took the lead and went all the way down from the inner deck spiralladder, while the hatch below had been opened by two crew members.

At the same time, the crane next to the cargo ship had begun to move slowly, it seemed to be startingthe unloading of the cargo.

As Charlie let Reverend follow the previous handover in the normal way, so at this time, Reverend wascompletely into his usual rhythm of docking.

When he stepped out of the hatch, there were already a number of men waiting outside and when theysaw Reverend and Charlie walking down, the man at the head immediately said to Reverendrespectfully, “Lord Envoy, you… You have worked hard all the way!”

Charlie could hear that this person’s tone carried nervousness and apprehension.

Looking at the other people around him, each one was also nervous.

Charlie surmised that he should be apprehensive because of that failure in Bergen a few days ago.After all, Maria was the person that Lord personally named and as a result, their people failed tocomplete this arduous task.

Now it happened to be the time to deliver the antidote.

They were afraid that the Lord would repeat the tactics he used twenty years ago and put everyone inthis base of theirs, to death.

In the face of several people’s respect and apprehension, Reverend just gave a faint nasal hmm, didnot even look at that person and walked straight toward the three small cars.

The head of the men hurriedly ran a few steps, rushed to the middle of the Mercedes-Benz car, helpedReverend open the door and then helped Charlie to open the passenger door.

A black-robed Reverend took the lead in the back row of the car and Charlie also followed in thepassenger seat.

Afterward, the greeting people quickly got into the front and back cars and the convoy quickly left thepier and drove to the copper mine, which was only about a kilometer away from the pier.novelbin

The convoy went around the dock and in the blink of an eye drove to the main gate of the copper mine.

The automatic gate opened in advance, allowing the three cars to drive straight in without slowingdown.

This copper mine, from the outside perspective, looked somewhat similar to the base of the DragonTemple, but on a much smaller scale. Although the interior of the mine looked like nothing unusual,Charlie still found many hidden secret posts and fire points.

It was clear that the place was very well-guarded.

The cars drove directly to an office style building to stop and at this time, and in its downstairs therewere more than one person waiting there.

There was a middle-aged man at the head in well-dressed, quite a big businessman’s style.

Next to the middle-aged man, stood a young man wearing glasses.

The young man was thin and tall, looks bookish and very thick.

At a glance, giving the first impression, it was like the young man was the middle-aged man’s assistantor secretary.

However, Charlie found that the middle-aged man actually has little cultivation.

Not even a martial artist, but this bookish young man was a dark realm expert, and his level wasrelatively low, only the dark realm two heavens.

In combination with the previous confession of Reverend, it was estimated that this middle-aged manshould be the ostensible manager of this copper mine.

While the assistant young man beside him was probably the real controller of this place, the festivalambassador in the mouth of the Cavalry guards.

Behind this young man, there were several other martial arts experts, but the strongest of theseremaining people was only an old man of the realm of great perfection. However, the expressions ofthese people right now, all with a few moments of trepidation, were also on edge for the last failure.

After the car was parked, the assistant-like young man took the lead and respectfully pulled open thecar door for Charlie and Reverend.

As soon as Reverend got out of the car, the well-dressed man came forward and said respectfully,“Lord Special Envoy, you have worked hard!”

The young man in the first level of the Dark Realm also bowed slightly and said reverently,

“Lord Envoy, you have worked hard!”

The people behind him bowed in unison and shouted, “Lord Envoy has worked hard!”

Reverend just raised his hand and said indifferently, “Let’s go in and talk.”

“Okay! This way, please!” The young man hurriedly made a respectful gesture of invitation, then took afew quick steps to lead the way.

Reverend followed closely behind, while the middle-aged man followed him and said, “Lord Envoy, ouroperation report for the recent period has been written, please take the time to look over it later.”

Reverend gave a hint and didn’t say much, this cold attitude made the middle-aged man even morenervous.

Charlie followed behind Reverend and took in the performance of these people, seeing the fearfulappearance of these people, his heart relaxed instead.

“This is the perfect time to turn them around!” Charlie thought.

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