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Chapter 4995

The aura in the antidote was minimal, which allowed Charlie to conclude that the person who made theelixir must also be proficient in the aura, but he was unable to guess the other party’s cultivationthrough the elixir. After all, the potency of this antidote was really a bit too low.

Charlie felt that its greatest use was not to be able to suppress the poison in the body of the persontaking it, but seemed to be just to send a signal for the poison in his body to not rush to attack for thetime being.

As he looked at these antidotes, he couldn’t help but speculate in his heart that, if the Warriors Den hadten dead soldier bases around the world, then together with the dead soldiers, the families of the deadsoldiers and the Cavalry guards, there would be at least tens of thousands of people.

In addition, there were also scholars, guides, special envoys and governors scattered around the world.

The company’s staff were also a part of the Uniform Guards, Speedy Transport Company and variousother supporting personnel.

It was roughly estimated that there are at least 100,000 people under his command, or even more.

The vast majority of these 100,000 men had to take one antidote every week, this meant that the dailyoutput of the Warriors Den would be 10,000 to 20,000 or more antidotes.

With such a large demand, it was impossible to let the master of aura in charge of the experts.Otherwise, it was the same as the strongest of the small group of people, pressed in the manufactureof antidote sweatshops, was really big material with small use. Therefore, Charlie estimated that theWarriors Den should have a sizable elixir processing base.

The lord, or whoever under his command, mastered the aura.

After refining the core elixir, would transfer all material to the processing base with a specific recipe fordilution.

At present, Charlie could find clues, basically had strong independence.

It was difficult to find an actual clue in Cyprus, with the organization’s higher levels of connection.

But now it seemed that the only thing that run through all the links of the Warriors Den, was theproduction and transportation of the antidote.

The antidote was a real and actual link that would connect all the external organizational structures to itwith the transportation route of the antidote.novelbin

If he could find the output path of the antidote sent all the way down, he could also find this elixirprocessing base.

This elixir processing base was not an independent existence isolated from the headquarters of theDen or the senior management.

Because the antidote it produced must have an elixir with reiki as the core raw material.

So there must be an input path of reiki elixir upstream of it.

Once he could find this input path, he might be able to follow the vine all the way to the real core of theWarriors Den.

Having made up his mind, Charlie then asked Reverend, “You just said that the time and place for theantidote to arrive in Turkey are random.

Tell me specifically what the process is for you to receive the antidote.”

Reverend said respectfully, “Generally, without any warning, we will receive a coordinate and a six-digitreturn code sent via satellite communication, the coordinate may be anywhere in Turkey and we willrush over to receive it immediately after receiving the address.”

Reverend added, “They usually choose a wilderness ridge to place the safe.

Since the coordinates are accurate to the meter after we arrive at the designated coordinates, we cansoon find the location of the safe as long as we try to dig on the flat ground.”

“Wilderness ridge?” Charlie couldn’t help but frown.

It seemed that this gang’s process was indeed very meticulous.

The kind of place in the wilderness, there was no monitoring equipment and the other party firstrandomly chose the location, so it was impossible to do it in advance to lay control.

When the other party calmly placed the antidote, there was still enough time to clean up all the cluesand then inform them of this coordination.

It was even possible that the other party had multiple safes in Turkey at once, only to announce thecoordinates of one of the safes at intervals down the road.

In this way, it would be even more difficult to trace this line.

Charlie asked, “Every time you guys go over to receive the safe deposit boxes, do you find any tracesleft behind when they placed the safe deposit boxes?”

“No,” Reverend shook his head and said “I also paid special attention to this, but every time I receivedthe antidote, I did not find any traces.

No footprints, nor wheel marks, nor they had special treatment when they left.

Or they had buried the safe long enough that the wind and sun naturally covered the traces they left, ormaybe both.

Charlie could not help but smack his lips and asked him, “What about after finding it? To give themfeedback?”

Reverend answered, “The safe has a password input area, but this area is not used to open the safedoor, but to send a return receipt to the organization.

As long as the correct return code is entered, the organization will be able to confirm that we havereceived it safely.”

Charlie did not know for a while what kind of method he should use to catch this clue of the otherparty’s antidote.

At this time, the ship emitted a very piercing whistle, while the speed of the ship also slowed down a lot,which made him realize that the ship was about to dock.

So, he immediately threw the antidote brought by Reverend back into the closet and wrapped up in oneof the black robes, then he said to Reverend, “I will disguise myself as your deputy and go to thecopper mine with you, the way you handed over the pills to them before, is how you hand over it againthis time.”

Reverend nodded without thinking “Yes, sir!”

After saying that, he also took a black robe, skillfully put on the body and used a large hat to cover hishead completely. Charlie also followed the example of the black robe with the hood.

Now his head was covered.

He found that the black robe’s cap was very wide and the cap part of the fabric was light sand color.

Even if the cap would cover the face, it did not hinder his vision.

Subsequently, Charlie and Reverend came to the door, looked at the martial artist who was standingstill like a wooden board and said in a cold voice “Listen, if anyone other than the two of us dares toenter this room, kill without mercy!”

The other party was immediately controlled by Charlie’s psychological implications and immediatelynodded respectfully and said, “Your subordinate follows orders!”

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